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#ACAB Daily Digest (May 5, 2023)🧵:

This is the face of US fascism (and the neck of an ostrich or giraffe, apparently?)

Along with two as-yet-unnamed accomplices, Daniel J. Penny is one of three police-like ghouls who lynched Jordan Neely in NYC, NY this week. ImageImageImageImage
[img. description(s): a pasty fascist with dirty blond hair and an improbably long neck in four profile-style face photos.]
Read 17 tweets
Copaganda machine running on all cylinders for their boy
There are a lot of moving parts to this and there's a lot of work to be done (the identification of the other two murderers, first and foremost), but I will probably stay on the #copaganda front because that is my strength. ID'ing isn't.

If you are good at that, plz do that!
I feel like I am trying to do too much and I know that usually means I am not trusting other people to do what they are absolutely capable of doing. And that's pure ego. I am good at exposing copaganda, so I should stick to how I can best contribute.
Read 5 tweets
An absolute scandal; the most servile, complicit and egregious act of media *participation* in a lynching I have seen in some time. #copaganda doesn't even suffice to describe it.
If this isn't a part of the narrative - obviously subordinate TO THE SUMMARY, PUBLIC EXECUTION/LYNCHING of JORDAN NEELY by Daniel Penny and his TWO, ACTIVE police-like ACCOMPLICES - we are letting the media get away with it.

I'm literally #copaganda guy. I am telling you this is fucking *beyond*. Not because it's exceptional, but because we caught them. While they were doing it. Unmistakably colluding. Undeniably editing their reports to please power. None were doing journalism. All were doing PR.
Read 5 tweets
So many people hid this name: Daniel Penny.

So many complicit. In city and state government. In media. So many. Even writing up his military honors *without naming him*. Both sidesing a lynching.

Slandering the victim with their "no angel" bullshit.

Absolutely scandalous. ImageImageImageImage
Credit to @SxarletRed and people power for coming through where police and their media partners instead actively conspired to protect a murderer and aid and abet him as he tried to scrub his socials.
When I say "police and their media partners," I am not exaggerating in the slightest. This is exactly how the #copaganda sausage gets made.

We'll learn more in the coming days, but I promise the police and their media partners are only going to look worse when we do.
Read 8 tweets
They are now scrubbing the bad scrub job. Amazing.
Editing on the fly without comment. If we are wrong, it is on them. Just no care or concern for anything or anyone.
I am ashamed that big journalists aren't on this already. Speaks volumes about their inability to talk without police permission, tbh. If we are wrong, and I doubt we are, they are absolutely at fault. In fact, we are only here AT ALL because of journalistic malpractice.
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Why are you protecting the identity of the subway murderer while writing paeans to his military service, @rparascandola?
Why are you protecting the identity of the subway murderer while writing paeans to his military service, @teakve?
Same question, @lmcshanenydn: why are you protecting the identity of the subway murderer while writing paeaens to his military service?
Read 17 tweets
Wir nutzen den internationalen Tag gegen #Polizeigewalt für einen Blick auf die Spitze des Eisbergs des #Polizeiproblem der Polizei #Dortmund. Eine unvollständige Chronik von Vorfällen aus 2022. 🧵1/ Zwei Zivilpolizisten der Polizei Dortmund mit einer Maschine
Januar 2022: Die Polizei #Dortmund erhält nach einjähriger Pilotphase flächendeckend #Taser. Die Einführung dieser "Wunderwaffe" wird flankiert von massiven Einsätzen des "DEIG" und sehr viel Polizei-PR. 2/ #Polizeigewalt #copaganda_do… Screenshot Pressemitteilung Polizei Dortmund: "Lichtbog
Februar 2022: 2 Frauen werden auf der Wache Nord in #Dortmund von Polizisten sexistisch beleidigt & geschlagen. In beiden Fällen erstattet die Polizei Anzeige gegen die beiden Betroffenen. Konsequenzen für die Beamten sind nicht bekannt. 3/ #Polizeigewalt…
Read 15 tweets
#ACAB Daily Digest (March 14, 2023)🧵:


Marielle Franco (July 27, 1979 - March 14, 2018). Assasinated by the state and its police forces in Brazil. photo of marielle franco gazing skyward, hopeful, determinedin the streets, fist up (black and white)with other Black women, one who holds a sign reading "mwith a microphone speaking at a rally
Brazil | They murdered Anderson Gomes as well.
Read 52 tweets
#ACAB Daily Digest (March 13, 2023)🧵:

🎶I believe the children are our future... 🎶 four frame meme. 1st frame:...
One of my favorite things ever in the history of things.
"staffing shortage" stories have been part of the copaganda corpus since 2020 (wonder why? maybe because PEOPLE ARE DEAD from a once-in-a-century PANDEMIC??? Nah... must be the tone of police critics!) Anyway, keep your eyes on this narrative formation.
Read 26 tweets
Die #Polizei #Dortmund hat die polizeiliche Kriminalstatistik 2022 [#PKS] veröffentlicht. Warum diese mit großer Vorsicht zu genießen ist, sich schon gar nicht als neutrale/privilegierte Quelle gebrauchen lässt, wohl aber als #Copaganda-Beispiel. Ein🧵1/ #Dortmund #copaganda_DO
Die #Polizei #Dortmund hat ein Problem: Gestiegene Fallzahlen trotz neuer Befugnisse (Videoüberwachung, strategische Fahndung, Verbotszonen) und Jubel-PR. Deshalb setzt man auf einen Taschenspielertrick: Die Referenzpunktverschiebung.
2/ #pks #Dortmund #copaganda_DO
Anstatt die aktuellen Zahlen mit dem Vorjahr zu vergleichen, sucht man sich bei der #Polizei #Dortmund immer das Jahr, das als Referenz am besten für die eigene Darstellung passt.
3/ #pks #Dortmund #copaganda_DO
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Die Pressemitteilung der #Polizei #Dortmund zur Anklage gegen 5 Polizist:innen wegen der Tötung von Mouhamed Lamine Dramé ist wieder ein Musterbeispiel für #Copaganda. Ein🧵… 1/ #justice4mouhamed #copaganda_DO
Die #Copaganda beginnt damit, dass Mouhamed Lamine Dramé an keiner Stelle namentlich genannt wird. So wird er als Opfer tödlicher #Polizeigewalt anonymisiert und ein Stück weit entmenschlicht. 2/ #justice4mouhamed #copaganda_DO Screenshot aus der Pressemitteilung der Polizei Dortmund
Die Tötung von Mouhamed Lamine Dramé wird nicht als bewusste Tat der #Polizei #Dortmund, sondern als ein tragischer Unfall dargestellt. Die tödlichen Kugeln sind aber nicht vom Himmel gefallen, sondern kamen aus einer Polizeiwaffe. 3/ #justice4mouhamed #copaganda_DO Screenshot aus der Pressemitteilung der Polizei Dortmund
Read 17 tweets
Fuck it. I'm on one, so let's fucking go...
This particular twitter account (OLAASM) came out of Occupy Los Angeles (That's the "OLA" in my screenname.) That may not have been my first organizing experience, but it was a pretty formative one for me and I'm proud of some of the shit I stirred there.
Apologies to the few hundred followers who already know all of this and have heard me explain this time and again before. But I'm going to connect it to something I've been obsessing over recently and hope it makes that obsession make more sense to you.
Read 24 tweets
#ACAB Daily Digest (February 6, 2023)🧵:

[art by @nobonzo] Artistic representation of "Tort," (1996-2023) wit
An article, implicitly about the absolute failure of existing "duty to intervene" policies, itself becomes a call for *more cops.*

"the police department has a supervisor shortage and called the lack of a supervisor at the incident “a major problem.”…
The sophistication of #copaganda is breathtaking. Even an article about how "duty to intervene" policies have existed since Rodney King and existed in both Minneapolis and Memphis before high-profile police killings ends with a call for more cops. It's amazing.
Read 33 tweets
#copaganda Ας δούμε τα στοιχεία προπαγανδιστικής γραφής σε αυτό τον τίτλο. Καταρχήν έχουμε παθητική σύνταξη η οποία απομακρύνει από το κάδρο τον δολοφόνο αστυνομικό.
Δεν πυροβόλησε ο αστυνομικός. Απλώς τραυματίστηκε ο 16χρονος κατά τη διάρκεια καταδίωξης, (την οποία ο ίδιος προκάλεσε). Το θύμα πρέπει πάντα να έχει προκαλέσει την εναντίον του βία.
Επίσης το θύμα δεν πέθανε (δολοφονήθηκε κτλ) αλλά έφυγε από τη ζωή. Δευτερεύων σε σχέση με όλα τα άλλα αλλά απαλύνει τη σκληρότητα της πράξης.
Read 8 tweets
“Despite police, county executives and national pundits falsely labeling bail reform a disaster, in the few places like New York state that have tried it, bail reform has been a win for freedom.”

My latest with @ScottHech for @NBCNews.

#FactsNotFear 🧵…
82% of Manhattan voters voted for Kathy Hochul over Lee Zeldin & his fear mongering. The idea that crime was on the ballot is absurd. In fact, NYC is safest of the 6 larger US cities. Bail reform has been a success with rearrest rates the same now as prior to its implementation. Image
Crime wasn’t even the #1 issue for Zeldin voters in NY. 65% told the AP that the economy was their biggest concern. It shouldn’t be understated the degree to which the media worked to manufacture consent around crime as the #1 issue & even GOP voters to rejected it. Image
Read 15 tweets
This happened in #HarborCity at an event put on by the city. The kid that got slammed to the ground was there to help the event. He saw his friend being harassed and started filming. #OurEnemiesInBlue
And what you see is the community members present try and defend those children. You can see Black and Brown adults furious. It feels so helpless when one is witnessing this type of brutality while cops threaten you w their weapons of war bc youre tryna help the vulnerable.
The #LAPD was part of the hosting for this event. The Harbor City NC announced this event. They were screening the Little Rascals, unironically. These are the long-standing “community-engagement” efforts by departments that happen especially in summers. Image
Read 5 tweets
#ACAB Daily Digest (September 2, 2022)🧵:

"They need more training."

The training:
Read 70 tweets
#ACAB Daily Digest (August 3, 2022)🧵:

Brianna Grier, a 28-year-old mother of two with schizophrenia, was killed by police in Sparta, GA in July when police *claim* to have accidentally left the cruiser she was being transported in completely open and she "fell" out. Briana Grier smiling broadly, happy and alive before she was
Read more about the extremely-suspicious, in-custody "death" of Brianna Grier here:…
Policing, particularly in a fascist police state, is more than just "the police." |
Read 21 tweets
goddamn, that trevor noah set about marikana was some fucked up shit...
i'm listening to it in the background and it's shockingly fascist. "teargas doesn't work anymore. what strike was ever ended with teargas?" what a sick, pig-serving fuck.
Every penny this scumfuck ever made should go directly to the Lonmin miners and their families and anything short of that is a gross injustice.
Read 8 tweets
#ACAB Daily Digest (August 2, 2022)🧵:

The Simpsons are always relevant...
San Diego, CA | "deputies arrested Gilbert Gil twice in a span of three days in February of this year for being under the influence when in fact he suffered from dementia and was diabetic... [After the 2nd arrest,] Gil [was killed in jail by] asphyxiation"…
Look at all that "reform!" Chicago, IL |
Read 35 tweets
#ACAB Daily Digest (Black August 1, 2022)🧵:

This is the one and only correct way to film a demonstration. Not only was the technique (film cops, not protesters) perfect, the result allows us to enjoy the footage of petrified pigs pelted with debris guilt-free for years to come.
If you're wondering why the top of the thread says "Black August" and not just "August," but are too shy to ask...
Read 39 tweets
10 years ago, "on the afternoon of July 21, 2012, two Anaheim cops and a civilian on a ride-along rolled up on an Anna Drive alley in a gang-suppression police car." When 25-year-old, unarmed Manuel Diaz ran, Anaheim pig Nick "Buckshot" Bannallack shot him twice, killing him. Manuel Diaz, killed by Anaheim police on July 21, 2012
When the community immediately gathered to discover what police had done - and as Diaz's body laid handcuffed and lifeless in the sweltering, summer sun nearby - Anaheim police then unleashed rubber bullets and a vicious K9 on the neighbors, including a child in a stroller.
CN: death, victim, police, shooting, dead body

“it appeared as if he had removed the object that I believed to be a firearm from his waistband,” Bennallack said... [but] there was no gun. A cell phone and a glass pipe were said to have been recovered..."… Manuel Diaz, 25, unarmed and publicly executed by serial kil
Read 41 tweets
If the world had shaken out a little differently, you could have scholars writing about "copologism" (incessant media apology for police abuse) instead of "copaganda."

It was still up in the air which portmanteau I was going to push harder back in 2012. lol 🤣😉
I'm glad this tweet exists. It jives with my recollection of having heard the word first from Bilal (while at the militant, Home Foreclosure Defense called "Fort (later 'Fuerza') Hernandez" in LA (Van Nuys, specifically) around this exact time.
As I recall, we were sitting around behind the barricades, maybe drinking beer (hey, that's what you do when you're behind actual barricades waiting on an imminent LAPD raid) and Bilal sneered something about #copaganda. Maybe I misheard him. Maybe his speech was slurred.
Read 14 tweets
still so fucking weird to see #copaganda in scholarly research, as whole-ass books, as entire college courses, as in-depth media studies and as specialties for whole ass experts. man... this world is a trip.
there were like 10 of us talking about this in 2014. lol
our little baby is all grown up now. lol
Read 12 tweets

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