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Apr 19th 2022
What is CI/CD?

Continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) are two approaches to software development that are designed to improve code quality and enable rapid delivery and deployment of code.

#DevOps #CICD #Cloud #Agile #Testing #Cloud #Linux #Security #ITjobs Image
A modern CI/CD pipeline in DevOps has build, test, and deploy stages-and aims to automate as many of the processes within these stages as possible.

1. Source Code: Changes to source code can trigger CI/CD tools to initiate the pipeline, or the CI/CD pipeline may be triggered Image
by automated scheduled work sessions or user-initiated workflows.
2. Build: The new code changes to applications are created and compiled to be prepared for the testing phase.

3. Testing: Testing automation via CI can save developers tremendous time and effort.

#Testing Image
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Jun 27th 2019
my slides for #DevOpsDays amsterdam,… 🌈 and the talk i said you should watch is: by @lyddonb. going to get the stickers from my room, brb ☺️ 🌷 #devopsams
the stickers I brought with me to #DevOpsDays -- grab me if you want some ☺️🌈... or a @honeycombio demo 🐝!
I am outside with stickers, come get some before they blow away ☺️🌈 #DevOpsDays #devopsams
Read 3 tweets
Feb 22nd 2019
The last speaker of #DevOpsDays Geneva is @RonYishai, talking about bottlenecks in serverless applications.
I love @RonYishai’s shirt. :) #DevOpsDays It says “I see dead functions”
What is serverless? Can be seen as part of an ongoing evolution of tech: more focus on business logic, less concern about stack implementation (also less control over it). #devopsdays @RonYishai
Read 16 tweets
Feb 22nd 2019
Jihai Zhou is going to tell us about implementing DevSecOps in large banks. #DevOpsDays
In Jihai’s experience in London, a strong concept of DevOps has developed over the last 3-4 years. He just moved to HSBC’s Technology China office and finds the awareness of DevOps is less developed there (so far!). #DevOpsDays
Now he’s started to introduce DevSecOps there too. 💪 DevOps means better, faster cooperation between teams to deliver software... but rapid development conflicts with security. So let’s remove the barrier with security too! #DevOpsDays
Read 25 tweets
Feb 22nd 2019
The next talk: @rmedranollamas, Google SRE, talking about Service Levels and Error Budgets. #DevOpsDays
First info: there’s a Google SRE book from O’Reilly now, available at #DevOpsDays Slide: info about the book
How good is your service? A Service Level Indicator is a quantitative measure of how good one attribute of the service is. This should be a property that users care about! #DevOpsDays @rmedranollamas
Read 17 tweets
Feb 22nd 2019
Arun Kumar Singh is now talking about a journey to self-healing infrastructure. #DevOpsDays He’s an SRE at Adobe, where each product has ~30k servers. If each server alerts once per week, that’s 30k alerts a week for the poor SRE! 😱 What to do?
Auto-remediation (self healing) is a workflow triggered by an alert or event, which fixes the problem. Simplest example: the server is off, turn it on again. #DevOpsDays Slide: general auto-remediation workflow
Arun’s team used to use SaltStack for auto-remediation. Pros: already used within Adobe; easy access management with LDAP; easy secret management; based on Python and yaml, so easy to extend. #DevOpsDays
Read 19 tweets
Feb 22nd 2019
.@roidelapluie is talking about Monitoring as an entry point for collaboration. Here’s the CAMS principles of DevOps: we’re going to talk about all of them. #DevOpsDays Culture, Automation, Measurement, Sharing
Okay, you have your dashboard with green and red lights. And green, red, yellow, red, green? What does that all mean? It doesn’t tell us much about what’s really going on. Maybe the light is green but there’s a traffic jam... In-between states of working/not-working in the real world
Observability is about the ability to ‘be’ inside the system, with high-quality data, delivered rapidly. #devopsdays
Read 14 tweets
Feb 22nd 2019
Twitter was based on the idea of getting your friends together for a pizza or beer, and it ended up a platform for bad political ideas and harassing people.—@aspleenic #DevOpsDays
I got here a bit late today and just arrived in @aspleenic’s talk on reactive programming. A good point to jump in. :) #DevOpsDays
Problem with reactive programming: if you’re relying on following user feedback for building features, you find yourself always playing catchup. The users’ needs always outstrip your ability to add to your product. #DevOpsDays
Read 16 tweets
Feb 21st 2019
Now @siruslan is going to talk about automatic scaling of the Java heap in the Elastic JVM. #DevopsDays We hear a lot about horizontal scaling, but people underestimate the use of vertical scaling.
Java can be greedy... so much memory consumption! Before founding Jelastic, @siruslan found there was no good hosting for Java apps (vs. lots for PHP) because of that. #DevOpsDays
Problem with horizontal scaling: sometimes you’re just scaling an inefficient process. Java is hard to vertically scale (despite the popularity of containers now) because you can’t resize it on the fly. #DevopsDays
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Feb 21st 2019
The next #DevopsDays Geneva speaker is @nat_remez: Fail fast, Fail often - make safety a prerequisite for your team…
When I skimmed over the title originally, I assumed this was about safety as in security, but actually it’s psychological safety—much more interesting, I think!
Looking for a story to link Switzerland with her country, Sweden, the first thing @nat_remez found was the NYSE hanging a Swiss flag to celebrate Swedish company Spotify. Great for a talk on mistakes! Slide: Spotify banner on the NY stock exchange, with USA and Swiss flags.
Read 16 tweets
Feb 21st 2019
.@gsaslis and @mikz say that any project needs CI, but OSS projects need it more!
#DevopsDays Slide: any project needs CI, but OSS ones need it more!
I think @DRMacIver and @alexwlchan would probably agree with this. #hypothesis #isThereAnOfficialHypothesisHashtagYet
CI is supposed to run in the background, whenever you push changes—but if you’re stuck waiting for the tests to run, it’s not in the background, is it? @gsaslis #DevopsDays
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Jul 24th 2018
.@editingemily kicking off the keynote at #DevOpsDays Indy!
Her talk is titled Everything Is On Fire, and we just had a fire alarm. Seriously. It doesn’t get better than this! #DevOpsDays
Emily says we can learn a lot from other, older industries - including, of course, fire fighters. #DevOpsDays
Read 20 tweets
Sep 7th 2017
For #devopsdaysLDN - Manda’s 5 top tips on inclusive Open Space discussions. [Thread] #Openspaces #inclusivity #devopsdays #unconferences
1. Do the math. A group of 20 people with a 40 min session = 2 mins each. If you talk for 10 mins, which 8 people don’t get to speak?
2. Some folk can interject quickly, others need more time. Allow breathing space for more nervous or considered speakers to find the words
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