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May 9th 2023
Happy #EuropeDay to all our followers! 🇪🇺

But what exactly is it, and why is it celebrated on 9th May?
#EuropeDay celebrates peace and unity in Europe.

The date marks the anniversary of the historic 'Schuman Declaration' that set out his idea for a new form of political cooperation in Europe, which would make war between Europe's nations unthinkable.
So what is the Schuman Declaration?

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May 9th 2023
It's #EuropeDay, so let's read the letter from the EU27 ambassadors in today's Guardian, shall we?…

1/ ImageImage
While not unprecedented, it's unusual for such a letter to be written: treat it as a demonstration of collective intent and openness

For those in the UK unfamiliar with #EuropeDay, it's the main occasion when the EU recalls its roots in the 1950 Schuman Declaration as a peace project, hence the opening of the letter…

Read 10 tweets
May 2nd 2023
In 2019, historian @TimothyDSnyder gave the anticipating Speech to Europe called “Judenplatz 1010”. Its main message was simple yet powerful: “You are more than your myths.”

Almost four years later, his speech is more relevant than ever. Here are some insightful quotes 🧵 [1/22] Image
"You are more than your myths.

For those of us on the outside, you are also a source of hope; perhaps the only source of hope for the future."

"There is one way to remember which leads you back to yourself, to a story about how you were always right, to a story about how you, or people like you were always innocent.

That is a myth. That is a national myth."

Read 22 tweets
May 11th 2022

Excellente interview de Marie-Françoise Bechtel, ancienne présidente de l'ENA sur les questions de souveraineté, traités européens et institutions de la 5ème République [thread]

"L'Europe qui protège" ? Celle qui détruit le code du travail, saccage les services publics et détruit les droits sociaux ?

En effet, ça me donne envie de vomir aussi 🤢😒
Le mépris des libéraux de la classe dirigeante est absurde. Oui la France est un des pays le plus eurosceptique selon l'eurobaromètre et les élections.

Mais ce n'est pas par hystérie ignorante et populiste, il y a derrière des causes bien rationnelles et légitimes.
Read 9 tweets
May 9th 2022
We could think of no more fitting way to mark this special day than with the words of Ursula Hirschmann.

The courage of her convictions helped make Europe what it is today.

#EuropeDay | #TheFutureIsYours
In Europe, the memory of our past has always framed our future.

And that is all the more important at a time when the unthinkable has returned to our Continent.

#EuropeDay | #TheFutureIsYours
The Conference on the Future of Europe has spoken clearly.

Through 49 proposals and more than 300 measures citizens have weaved and crafted a vision of a Europe that delivers on what matters most.

#EuropeDay | #TheFutureIsYours
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May 9th 2022
🚨 Ireland and the EU Poll 2022 [Special #IrelandEU50 edition]

We are now live with the latest findings from our annual survey with @REDCResearch on Irish attitudes towards the EU.

Full results:…

#EMIRedCPoll2022 📊 | #EuropeDay
88% agree that Ireland should remain a member of the EU. The poll findings come almost 50 years to the day when 83% of people in Ireland voted in favour of joining the EEC on 10 May 1972.

Full results:…

#EMIRedCPoll2022 📊 | #IrelandEU50
This year’s 'Ireland and the EU' Poll fieldwork is being carried out in two tranches: the first during 18 – 23 March 2022, and the second tranche will be conducted during the summer and released in autumn 2022.

Press Release:…

#EMIRedCPoll2022 📊
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May 8th 2022
On the eve of Europe Day, Ukrainian colours shine on the EU institutions in Brussels.

Millions of Europeans have mobilised to help their neighbours in need.

Europe stands at the side of Ukraine. 🇺🇦

#EuropeDay #StandWithUkraine

Thank you for the photos, @EUKommWien!

Thank you for the photos, @ECinBulgaria!
Read 22 tweets
May 8th 2022
This #EuropeDay, we celebrate the power of ideas.

A year-long journey that generated over 18k ideas will culminate in Strasbourg.

Presidents @vonderleyen, @EP_President & @EmmanuelMacron will receive the final report of the Conference on the Future of Europe.

@vonderleyen @EP_President @EmmanuelMacron The report includes 49 proposals with more than 300 measures on how to shape the future of the European Union.

Representatives of Citizens' Panels will present tomorrow key aspects of the 49 proposals.


@vonderleyen @EP_President @EmmanuelMacron We invited everyone to submit their ideas about what kind of Europe they want to see.

Many participated and shared their visions for a Union that would respond better to new challenges and to people's needs.

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May 9th 2021
Na ovaj dan #May9 #EuropeDay #VictoryDay mogao bi se podeliti jedan mali thread na temu: kako je Deda razoružao 373. nemačku "Tigar" diviziju 💪 ☺️ Priča sledi:
10.05. ujutro borba je počela malaksavati,
da bi kasnije prestala. Oko 7č. kom. te divizije, zatražio je da se prekine sa vatrom i ponudio pregovore.
Oko 8č., svojim kolima i belom zastavom, u pratnji naših automatičara,
stigao je gen-maj. Fon Grafenštajn, kom. »Tigar«
U pregovorima su učestvovali komandant 9. brigade Veljko Stojaković, komandant
7. krajiške brigade Rade Brkić i komesari obeju brigada.
Oko 9 časova na pregovore je
stigao i pukovnik, španski borac Vojo Todorović, komandant 10. divizije.
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May 9th 2021
To mark #EuropeDay today we researched Glasgow’s European links. Well,to be honest @JWils60 did most of the work!
Now we have 6 walking routes tracing European connections across the city;proving Glasgow is a European City & always has been
#TeamGlasgowLoves at the Necropolis ⤵️
Fascinating visiting Glasgow’s Necropolis today seeing its architecture, sculpture. Interesting to note it is modelled on Père-Lachaise in Paris, it’s estimated 50,000 people are buried there - many with European connections
#WeareEuropean #EuroWalk #EuropeDay2021 @euromovescot
Our #Eurowalk today started at #Glasgow necropolis; here the memorial to Henry Dubs - the german locomotive engineer who played a significant role in Glasgow’s locomotive manufacturing industry, building train engines to be shipped across the world #EuropeDay2021 @srpssteam
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May 9th 2021
🦠🇪🇺 #COVIDー19 e l’UE.

Se mai c’è stato un momento durante la pandemia in cui la creazione di un’UE della salute sia stata più vicina, adesso è ormai lontanissima.

Ma davvero l’UE si è “fatta” sulle crisi? È un caso perfetto di memoria selettiva.


#CoFoE #EuropeDay
Per le istituzioni europee cercare di bruciare le tappe approfittando delle crisi è un po’ un riflesso condizionato.
E di recente le Istituzioni possono puntare a un esempio di successo: la crisi dell’euro.
Allora i rischi per la tenuta finanziaria di piccoli ma anche grandi Paesi europei (inclusa l’Italia) portarono al rafforzamento dell’Unione economica e monetaria: il quantitative easing della Bce, la creazione del Mes, il quasi completamento dell’Unione bancaria.
Read 14 tweets
May 9th 2021
Happy #EuropeDay, celebrating the historic, radical experiment to promote peace through economic and political integration based on democracy and human rights.…

It’s a shame that current EU leaders are undermining our founding principles these days...
The EU & its member states did nothing as a dictatorship emerged in Hungary.

In fact, the largest political group in Europe, the European People's Party, actively supported it for years.

The EU is now no longer a bloc of exclusively democratic states…
EU member Poland is not far behind Hungary, either, sinking ever further into authoritarianism along the Hungarian model...…
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May 9th 2020
O parlamento europeu vai discutir na próxima semana uma resoluçao sobre o orçamento comunitário e o fundo de recuperação para a crise da covid-19. Serei co-proponente dessa resolução em nome do grupo da Esquerda Verde (GUE-NGL). As minhas prioridades para uma resolução conjunta:
- Assegurar um financiamento ao nível da dimensão da crise a que já estamos a assistir.
- Garantir que o financiamento aos Estados se fará a fundo perdido, impedindo que Europa saia desta crise enterrada numa montanha de dívida.
- Usar, para esse efeito, todo o poder de fogo do BCE, nomeadamente a capacidade de emissão monetária.
- Emitir títulos de vida perpétua a juro nulo, para serem adquiridos pelo BCE
- Manter a suspensão do Pacto de Estabilidade e Crescimento até ser possível a sua revogação.
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May 9th 2020
THREAD - #EuropeDay

To celebrate what should be more appropriately called #EUDay I want to pass on the best wishes of some of Europe’s most prominent politicians over the years
I especially dedicate this to all my 🔶🕷🇪🇺🥀🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇮🇪 & #FBPE friends. 👇 /1
A day will come when we shall see the United States of America and the United States of Europe face to face, reaching out for each other across the seas - Victor Hugo 1849 /2
We must create an EEA through common customs treaties. All members will be formally equal but in practice under German leadership and must stabilise Germany’s dominance over central Europe - Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg 9/9/1914 /3
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May 9th 2020
Happy #EuropeDay everyone - though this year is the 70th anniversary, most people have never been told what Europe Day is or what it remembers

To remedy that, here is a thread all about Robert Schuman and the declaration of 9th May 1950 /1
First off, who was Robert Schuman? Well as a founding father of the European Union, you would have struggled to write a more apt background. /2
He was born in Luxembourg in 1886. His mother was from the area and his father was from Lorraine, born French but taking German citizenship after the transfer of Alsace-Lorraine to Germany in 1871. /3
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May 9th 2020
So, #EuropeDay

I don't want to talk so much about the content as the timeline

To make such an offer 5 years after the end of such a vicious and all-consuming war still makes a big impression
And this year we have the handy equivalent time frame: from #GE2015 to now

Yes, a lot has happened in that time, but could you imagine the size of the shift in 1945-50?

Especially if you'd had the period from the start of the Great Recession to that election fighting before?
Time is always slippery, especially now, but the scale of the shifting plates of European history in those early postwar years is easy to dismiss as just numbers on a page

Will you have left behind C19 in 5 years' time?
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Apr 30th 2020
#30APRILE 1945

Intorno alle 15:30, con i sovietici a meno di 400 metri dal suo bunker nel centro di Berlino, Adolf Hitler si suicida con un colpo di pistola alla testa.

La sua guerra per lo "spazio vitale" (Lebensraum) ha causato tra 70 e 85 milioni di morti. Image
#30APRILE 1945

Con la morte di Hitler, il grandammiraglio Karl Dönitz diventa presidente del Reich, o di quel che ne rimane. Tratta la resa finale dell'#8maggio e governa fino al suo arresto da parte dei britannici, il 23. Verrà processato a Norimberga e rilasciato nel 1956. Image
#1MAGGIO 1945

Il Ministro della Propaganda del 3° Reich Joseph #Goebbels e sua moglie Magda fanno mettere il pigiama ai 6 figli (tutti tra i 4 e i 12 anni), li mettono a letto, li stordiscono con la morfina e poi li avvelenano spezzandogli nelle bocche delle capsule di cianuro. Image
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May 9th 2019
#EuropeDay 🇪🇺 marks the anniversary of the 1950 Schuman Declaration.

Determined to prevent another terrible war, European governments concluded that pooling coal and steel production would make war between historic rivals "not merely unthinkable, but materially impossible".
Reconciliation. Solidarity. Peace.

Jean Monnet dedicated himself to the cause of European integration.
He was the inspiration behind the ‘Schuman Plan’, which led to the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community.
#EuropeDay 🇪🇺
The Schuman Declaration. The typed manuscript with handmade annotations.

"World peace cannot be safeguarded without the making of creative efforts proportionate to the dangers which threaten it."

#EuropeDay 🇪🇺
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May 9th 2018
Today is #EuropeDay!
It marks the anniversary of the 1950 Schuman Declaration, paving the way for even greater achievements in the decades that followed. Check out how we communicated about EU milestones through the years…
50 years ago, in 1968, we announced the creation of the #CustomsUnion with the aid of a well sharpened pencil and state-of-the-art technology. #EuropeDay
31 years ago, in 1987, we launched a student exchange programme: #Erasmus
All those years of mobility and cooperation have given Europe an open-minded and entrepreneurial generation of 9 million people. #EuropeDay
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