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Jul 11th 2022
Something magic happened in July 2020.

Since then, you can predict the future. With 95% accuracy.

It's worked perfectly for over 2 years.

The 1% who know have made billions betting on it.

But nobody else is paying attention.

Here's how you can use this too 👇
You've heard of the #Fed's Balance Sheet, the #FedFundsRate, and how they've been the central driver of markets for decades.

But the truth is, the size of the Fed's balance sheet doesn't matter.

And the FFR matters even less.

Don't believe me?
The Fed's Bal Sheet size and FFR used to matter. A lot.

They *were* the central driver of markets for a long time.

But the world changed in 2020.

The system was rebuilt. And the rules were completely rewritten.
Read 21 tweets
Oct 21st 2020
I am humbled and privilleged to note that my #Research paper; "Sources of #Unemployment in #Lesotho" is now available and can be accessed via the People's Republic of #China's National #Science and #Technology #Library - #NSTL. I give thanks 😎 Image
So far this year, I have successfully published three #Research articles in #Macroeconomics & #Finance, with another two in press. I am currently hammering away at a handful of working papers which will most certainly find a home in reputable #Journals, come 2021 🙏🏽🙂 Image
Im currently internalising the very insightful reviewer comments on my latest #Research paper titled; "Investigating Determinants of Commercial Bank Spreads in #Lesotho", from the good folks over at the globally reputable #International #Journal of #Finance & #Economics #IJFE 😊 ImageImage
Read 52 tweets

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