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Dec 3rd 2022
The #Mashhad Neighborhood Youth issued further instructions for the planned protests on December 5-7. Read today's update from @criticalthreats and @TheStudyofWar:… (1/7) Image
The behavior of the #Mashhad Neighborhood Youth suggests that it may be more coordinated and organized than some other youth groups in the protest movement. (2/7) #IranProtests2022
Anti-regime outlet #IranInternational published an article suggesting that the regime is struggling to shore up the necessary equipment and manpower to continue its protest crackdown. (3/7)
Read 7 tweets
Sep 27th 2022
The regime of #Iran, like virtually all in the #MiddleEast, is vile and we hope one day it’s citizens will be free. But what the international #msm is doing right now with its coverage is essentially trying to aid the US government in another regime change attempt.
1/ #Iran was a democracy in 1953, but unfortunately its Socialist-leaning government nationalized its oil industry which was a no-no for the Imperialist #USA and #UK so the #CIA & #MI6 collaborated as they often do to overthrow its government and install a bloody dictator. #Shah
2/ the US plays lip-service to wanting democracy in the #MiddleEast, but what it demands is FIELTY to the US Empire. Egyptian people bravely and at great cost overthrew a bloody dictator and established the Arab World’s biggest democracy. The new govt wasn’t pro-US and in 2013…
Read 14 tweets

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