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Scorecard - killers v/s victims:

Read this #thread to know the ground realities of #Hindu's predicament in the secular #India v/s the benefits it offers to the Islamic terrorists/extremists.

1. Swargiya Kamlesh Tiwari was murdered by 2 Islamic terrorists on 18/Oct/2019 in his own house in Khurshidbagh of #Lucknow on the accusation of blasphemy

2. His wife Kiran Tiwari has now received a death threat on 22/Jun/22 in a letter written in Urdu
3. This threat letter also has @myogiadityanath ji's face marked with a cross

4. The promise to run this case in a fast track court was never fulfilled. The pace with which it is moving, it may take well over 50 years to reach the verdict

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How Islamists Dominate through Assassinations

1. The throat-slitting of #KamleshTiwari & death/rape threats against #NupurSharmaBJP isn't new. It is as old as the advent of Iz!@m. Anyone who has just tried to say the truth in most civil words has been killed by true believers.
2. This did not start in modern India, or Denmark where they massacred the cartoonists of #CharlieHebdo. This started in the lifetime of the Prophet himself. Anyone who was even remotely considered as against him in thought was assassinated.
3. Not even women were spared. For a true believer had to complete his duty to ‘defend Iz!@m’ which often meant killing anyone who was opposed to it. Women didn’t matter. Honor didn’t matter. What mattered was silencing of those who oppose Iz!@m.
Read 11 tweets
🇮🇳Wake up #Hindus !The Hijab Battle of Coastal #Karnataka
Government PU College in Kundapura (Udupi Dist) has captured the eyeballs all over social media. The national media is waking up.The usual suspects from Liberal gangs are rushing in with support for the Hijabi girls 🚩1/10
2. Karnataka Govt has refused special permission for the girls to wear Hijab to college. A large number of Hindu boys/girls began wearing "Saffron shawls" to school protesting against Hijabization. This trend began from Bhandarkar College in Kundapura & is spreading across 🚩
3. Why are the Hindus "infringing upon the fundamental rights" of Muslim girls ? What exactly is the ground reality ? It is all about resistance. But the resistance isn't from the Hijabi girls. It's the Hindus who are resisting. Resisting Izzlamisation!
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In my opinion Haridwar’s Conclave only has weakened Hindu Assertion.

I don’t question Intent, given the attack Hindu Community indeed has faced with time but this certainly isn’t the way you win battles.

We must learn from “Gandhi Assassination”.
You can’t be just another Owaisi to fight him.

You can’t threaten certain community only to gain few claps.

Intellectual destruction of Quranic thought is needed. You have no other way out, irrespective of if you like it or not.
The premise is clear. If you think that you can control the menace of Jihad by non-intellectual way, it is a gross mistake.

The brainwashing comes to a level that "Shahadat" is a tenet & they would come forward to fight you out.
Read 9 tweets
#KamleshTiwari is now a devta, a hero, a martyr

He was a Hindu, who used to work for the Hindu cause w/ true faith

He was a braveheart, who fought against an evil enemy

I salute this Hindu martyr

But I feel his strategy ultimately strengthened the enemy & endangered the cause
It may sound counter-intuitive but every abusive attack on their prophet has always strengthened their ideology, increased the hold of their core on the periphery, made them more cohesive.

This is especially the case, when the abuse/criticism is not supported by their texts

The way to weaken the enemy is to:

1. prevent them from availing of any political or administrative power

2. neutralize all means and incidents of psychological & physical intimidation

3. crime lends them an aura of strength over kufr law. Straitjacket their criminal potential
Read 23 tweets
#SadarPranam fake Comrade. Aren’t you son of SQR Ilyas,member of Central Advisory Council of Jamaat-e-Islami_Hind whose motto is Iqaamat-e-Deen?

Do u condemn your father’s affiliation being a communist.

Well u may not but,here I expose lies in ur thread in below thread. 1/n
2/n What was happening at #JNU when you guys represented:

Durga Mata as objectionable imagery
What about continual insult of Bhagwan Rama at #JNU ?

Now when your own act has made you begin to pay, u play victim card?

3/n Utter lie. No Hadith has captured this incidence old woman. Rather Muhammad chose to forcefully convert old man Abu Sufyan when he came to plead him not to wedge war on Meccans (source: Ibn Ishaq 808-9)

Read 19 tweets
Events in #KamleshTiwari case

- UP Home Secratory said it's personal enmity
- A random Telegram group was created - Al Hind Brigade, some unknown terror group claims responsibility for attack
-Then, Gujarat ATS arrested 3 people, said murder was communal but no terror link
- Those 3 arrested apparently claim responsbility. They said #KamleshTiwari was murdered because of his comment abusing Prophet Mohammed.

Sad if true, blasphemy should be tolerated by all religions and non-religions for true freedom of speech in the country
But there's more twists to this story

Kamlesh Tiwari's mother blames BJP Leader Shiv Kumar Gupta for the murder…
Read 5 tweets
Whenever a #KamleshTiwari does blasphemy, some Imams issue prize of lakhs/ crores for his head? Mega rallies start happening from next day? How do they get funds for it?
Fact is that mosques become fronts for terror and crime finance because they are not in govt control. +
Globally, evidence is there how Islamic NGOs, madarsas, mosques - without any state audit and monitoring- become fronts for funding terrorism and radicalisation. They can raise crores and use them freely without any scrutiny. Minorityism = Terrorism. +
Among countries connected with mainland, India has today highest number of mosques in world. Also most mosques in India have ecosystems build around them. And whatever they do, how they raise money, how they use money is invisible to even govt scrutiny due to law.
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#KamleshTiwari shot dead for excercising his free speech in a so called democratic country like ours.
Azam Khan had called RSS leaders homosexual but there was no action against him ,Tiwari responded to that by calling prophet GAY, today he is dead, throat slit
Liberal are mum Image
Charlie Hebdo
Kamlesh Tiwari
This is how Pissfulls create terror & then play victim.
We have a nationalist Govt in d centre and in state yet Hindus are getting brutally massacred every day.
Dara hua Musalman is becomg a big joke on you Sir @AmitShah @myogiadityanath
Media is portraying #KamleshTiwari as a fringe leader justifying his brutal killing
Media shed buckets of tears, glorified Burhan Wani, Yakub Memon, Afzal Guru.
Today it is Kamlesh tom it cd be us for protesting legitimately against d Jihadis
Wake up Hindus
Read 6 tweets

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