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Jun 19th 2018
Today is Alana’s 1st #birthday. Unfortunately, with #ElectionDay just a week away, we had to spend several hours today #fundraising to get our second TV ad on the air. Dialing for dollars to beg for money absolutely sucks.
But for #women candidates it's a necessary evil to compete with candidates who are millionaires or funded by special interests. I need your help! I’m the only woman running against 7 guys for #Governor and big outside #PAC money is flooding into the state.
Every $1 you give helps us reach 113 additional #Maryland voters who are looking for change. Please #donate as much as you possibly can and share this message so that #WethePeople can win back the reins of power!!
Read 4 tweets
Jun 12th 2018
I'm pleased to announce that the #AnneArundel Circuit Court dismissed the politically motivated #lawsuit attacking my #eligibility today in less than 30 minutes! As I've said many times before—and the judge affirmed—I am absolutely eligible to serve as the #Governor of #Maryland. Image
As confirmed by today’s clear ruling, you can be 100% sure that a #vote for me on the ballot will count and that I will be well positioned to defeat Governor #Hogan in November. #mdpolitics #KrishforMD
As women win elections across the country in the #YearOfWomen, it’s no surprise that a frivolous lawsuit was filed against the first all woman of color ticket. #womeninpolitics

Please see our full press release below:…
Read 3 tweets
Jun 11th 2018
Today, #NetNeutrality protections officially expired after months of #Republican inaction on the Hill. The fight is not over. I will remain committed to policies protecting net neutrality if elected #Governor.
These include: (1) Strengthening #transparency requirements (2) Expanding #broadband access (3) Updating #ConsumerProtection rules and (4) Taking action against #antitrust violations
#Internet access and skills are a major concern for many businesses and communities in #Maryland. We need effective #leadership on these topics to keep our state at the cutting edge of modern #technology.
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