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May 26th 2023
#CBN Governor, Mr. Godwin #Emefiele, launched the Financial Literacy eLearning Platform, #SabiMONI, with the declaration that the Bank is determined to meet the target of 95% financial inclusion by 2024. 1/5 ImageImage
#SabiMONI portal will serve as a repository of information not only for learners and trainers but also for researchers in the most effective manner. 2/5 ImageImage
#SabiMONI portal will help the Bank reach more people, make them aware of the benefits of financial products/services, increase the use of financial services, make better financial decisions and further drive Financial Inclusion’’ - Deputy Governor, FSS, Mrs. Aishah Ahmad. 3/5 ImageImage
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May 18th 2023
@amazonIN @JeffBezos i returned a pair of headphones I ordered from amazon and now I’m being told that the product is different from the one you guys sent. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON??
I contacted your team and I was told that they have investigated into it and are processing my ImageImage
refund. A few minutes later I’m told that my refund is cancelled and that I’ll need to send mail to some other team to continue to get help in regard to this…
Since I have returned this item why is my refund not being processed. YOUR LOGISTICS TEAM CAME AND TOOK MY PRODUCT And
Read 8 tweets
Feb 13th 2023
Stablecoins are not securities in the EU 🇪🇺 🇺🇸. The EU has established clear regulations in its law on Markets in Crypto Assets (MiCA) which classify payment stablecoins as electronic money on open, public blockchains. #PaymentStablecoins #MiCA
The EU's regulations on payment stablecoins simply stop the discussion of stablecoins being securities before it gets started. Payment stablecoins are explicitly defined as electronic money, providing clarity and certainty for both issuers and users. #NotASecurity
The EU's regulations on E-Money Tokens ensure that payment stablecoins are subject to similar rules as traditional electronic money, such as consumer protection and anti-money laundering measures. #ConsumerProtection #AML
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Nov 15th 2022
1/ Talk about #proofofreserves /liabilities/solvency as the solution to @FTX_Official misses the surrounding parts which could make crypto a viable alternative to the fiat system. Join as we journey through:

☑️ Quality of reserves
💸 Capital &💧liquidity
💰 Collateral

🧾 Transaction histories and 💳 Credit scores
% Fractional banking
🪙 New money creation

with a little bit of:

🆔 @w3c Verifiable Credentials #W3C

to build consumer protection and stop this happening again🛑. It's going to be a long one, strap in!

3/ Let's start with ☑️ Quality of Reserves. This is covered excellently by the @FT below so pulling out the key pieces from FTX 👇

#cryptosignals #ftxbankruptcy #ftxwithdrawal
Read 32 tweets
Jul 20th 2022
In June, @WorldBank published their #GlobalFindex Report '21.

The report highlights the need for strong #consumerprotection frameworks to ensure equitable access to #DigitalFinance.

🧵Our key takeaways:
Digital banking is on the rise globally.

▶️76% have an account with a bank or mobile money provider, up from 51% a decade ago

▶️In developing countries, this % rose from 42% to 71%

▶️ For the 1st time the gender gap between women and men who hold accounts has narrowed to 4%.
#InclusiveFinance is critical to meeting the SDGs.

▶️ Digitalisation increases transparency & reduces corruption

▶️ It increases women's financial independence and empowerment

▶️Households are better able to withstand financial shocks and prepare for emergencies.
Read 7 tweets
May 25th 2022
Glad to share a new behavioural study from @EU_Commission on #darkpatterns from the #consumerprotection perspective. Main takeaway: dark patterns are highly prevalent and unfairly distort the decisions of EU consumers.…
🧵A thread on the key findings: (1/4) Image
97% of the most popular websites and apps used by EU consumers deployed at least one #darkpattern. Most common ones include hiding information, creating false hierarchies in choice architectures, repeatedly making the same request and difficult cancellations. (2/4)
Behavioural experiments demonstrated that #darkpatterns impacted consumer decisions. Vulnerable consumers were more likely to make inconsistent choices (50.89%) than average consumers (47.24%). Older consumers and those with lower education levels were more impacted. (3/4)
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May 17th 2022
On April 23, 2022, I registered with Florida Department of Corporations
Entity Name: 1equal1, 1=1, #1=1, One Equal One, 1e1, 1ae1, ONE EQUAL ONE, One_Equal_One, ONE_EQUAL_ONE, Inc.
@threadreaderapp unroll
(as proof of Payment; undeterred by delays. happy to comply with #consumerprotection #law #regulation)

[Mirror] (…)

Today, May 17, 2022 I had the courage. I applied for a #Grant @OpenSea.
My submission for #grant

1equal1 is……
with the Power of #NFTCommunity
@threadreaderapp unroll

1equal1, the project is a personal commitment and movement to advance civil rights and social justice by inspiring, advocating, and mobilizing via digital art in the blockchain.
Read 18 tweets
Jan 26th 2022
🎮 We’ve secured improvements for #Xbox online players, following concerns about #Microsoft’s use of auto-renewing subscriptions for online gaming services.

A thread [1/5] 👇

#OnlineGaming #ConsumerProtection
We've investigated certain features of these auto-renewing subscriptions.

Specifically, how easy it was to turn off auto-renewal, whether it was clear upfront that contracts would auto-renew, and if people hadn't realised they were still paying for services they no longer used.
#Microsoft has now agreed to:

📝 provide more transparent, upfront information to help customers understand their #Xbox membership

💷 contact existing customers on recurring 12-month contracts and give them the option to end their contract and claim a pro-rata refund

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Dec 24th 2021
Ever seen a bottle of packaged mineral water costing more in cinemas, railway stations, airports, etc, than at a roadside shop?
Ever wondered whether Dual MRP is legal or not?

Lets understand in this thread! 👇


#law #DidYouKnow #consumerprotection Image
What is Dual MRP?

It is the practice of setting different prices in different markets for the same product or service.

Did you know that in 2018 the govt decided to ban this 'dual' MRP Policy & co's were not allowed to charge a different price for water, soft drinks/snacks at premium locations.

But exemptions have been given to service providers like restaurants & hotels.

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Dec 19th 2021
“Some kits are being resold online. They appear to be Rapid Response antigen tests, the same brand being handed out by the province. Posters on Craigslist and TikTok were asking anywhere between $80 and $100 per box of five tests.”🤔 #COVID19 #ConsumerProtection
“In March 2020, Ontario announced fines of up to $500,000 for those who raise prices significantly for ‘necessary goods’ which at the time included PPE, non-prescription medications to treat #COVID19 symptoms, personal hygiene products and disinfectants.”🤔 #ConsumerProtection
Read 4 tweets
Sep 8th 2021
[Media Release]

The FSCA fines Viceroy Research (#Viceroy) and its partners R50 million for publishing false and misleading statements about Capitec Bank Holdings Ltd.

Read the full statement here:…

#FSCAEnforcements #TCF #ConsumerProtection
"The penalty imposed is jointly and severally payable by the Respondents within 30 days from the date of the order."

"The FSCA found that the Respondents had contravened Section 81(1) of the Financial Markets Act 19 of 2012 (FMA) in that during January 2018 they published false, misleading or deceptive statements, promises or forecasts regarding material facts about Capitec"

Read 4 tweets
Jun 11th 2021
To help countries engage in more informed discussions on #digitaltrade, including in the context of the @WTO JSI on #ecommerce, we developed this #DigitalTradeInventory.

Read the full @OECDtrade report:
Follow🧵for quick download
1/The rules affecting #digitaltrade are complex and spread across a diverse set of issues and fora.

Did you know that there are over 52 instruments that are directly relevant to digital trade in 24 different fora? 🧐
2/ Currently, due to progress at WTO, there is strong consensus on
👉#telecommunications; and
👉market access for ICT goods
But also
👉#ElectronicTransactionFrameworks, with UNCITRAL instruments having substantial influence
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Sep 9th 2020
I’ve spent the summer mostly offline w/ my newborn, but I’ve still been immersed in & moved by the momentous challenges our country has been confronting. So, as I come back online, I want to share some thoughts & questions about the @FTC’s role & how we can be #antiracist. 1/14
I’ve advocated for stronger #enforcement of our #ConsumerProtection laws to address racial inequities affecting Black communities— some examples include predatory lending and sales practices; 2/14…
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Jan 7th 2020
🛒De nouvelles règles européennes renforçant & modernisant les droits des consommateurs entrent aujourd'hui en application.

Voici plusieurs façons dont vos droits seront renforcés lorsque vous achetez en ligne ↓

1️⃣ Vous devrez être informés de la nature du vendeur des biens ou services : professionnel, ou particulier.

Vous devrez également savoir à qui il incombe de livrer ou de retourner les produits. Cette information devra être clairement établie.

2️⃣ Si vous utilisez des services de "cloud" ou des réseaux sociaux "gratuits", les prestataires de services devront donner des informations claires sur:
🔹Les caractéristiques du service
🔹La durée du contrat qui vous lie à eux
🔹Les conditions de résiliation
Read 10 tweets
Dec 22nd 2019
A Thread
In a bid to encourage financial inclusion and to reduce the burden of bank charges on consumers of financial service
#CBN has issued a revised Guide to Charges by Banks, Other Financial and Non-Bank Financial institutions in response to the evolution in the financial industry over the last few years.
#CBN new guide includes, amongst others; downward review of charges for electronic banking transactions.
Review of other bank charges to align with market developments
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May 20th 2019
For many years, @DanaAir, a domestic airline operator in Nigeria, raised millions of naira through inflight donations to Sri Sai Vandana Foundation, an illegal organisation that was not registered until Oct 2018 after #TheICIR started its investigations into the airline’s charity
ABOUT halfway through the Lagos-Abuja @DanaAir flight, after serving snacks and beverage, a plea comes for passengers to donate to charity & a member of the cabin crew thereafter goes through the aisle, handing down envelopes to passengers that indicate interest
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Mar 4th 2019
It's National Consumer Protection Week—did you know that OAG can help you if you've been:

*Treated unfairly by a business
*Victimized by a scam
*Forced by a landlord to live in unsafe conditions

Submit a complaint: #NCPW2019
In 2017, more than 16 million US consumers were victims of #identitytheft where fraudsters stole nearly $17 billion.

Learn 4 easy steps you can take to protect your personal information and guard against identity theft online: #NCPW2019 Image
#DC residents have the highest student debts in the nation and more than 1 in 7 are past due on their federal loans.

Here are 5 tips to help borrowers get back on track and manage their student loans: #NCPW2019
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Aug 14th 2018
This thread explores #consumerprotection aspects in the new broadcasting licensing regime. When in full force it will have hallmarks of what is happening else where in the region. Currently, all broadcasting are in advanced stages of signing agreements
There are three fundamental reasons why we regulate:
1. For effective and robust competition (avoid market failure)
2. Protect #consumers (ensure #consumer interests are protected)
3. Ensure widespread access to networks and services (preventing anti-competitive practices
#Consumerprotection in the new PUBLIC SERVICE PROVIDER LICENCE has a pricing condition requiring the Licensee (broadcaster) to within fourteen (14) days after signing the Licence Agreement, to provide @UCC_Official with a copy of its charges for all licensed services.
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Jun 11th 2018
Today, #NetNeutrality protections officially expired after months of #Republican inaction on the Hill. The fight is not over. I will remain committed to policies protecting net neutrality if elected #Governor.
These include: (1) Strengthening #transparency requirements (2) Expanding #broadband access (3) Updating #ConsumerProtection rules and (4) Taking action against #antitrust violations
#Internet access and skills are a major concern for many businesses and communities in #Maryland. We need effective #leadership on these topics to keep our state at the cutting edge of modern #technology.
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Nov 28th 2017
Just a reminder: the European Parliament has so far commissioned from experts dozens of impact assessments or studies on #Brexit in 14 broad fields. They don't necessarily constitute the EP's official position but are all free & available here:… Thread 1/6
They include studies on the areas in which the European Parliament has set red lines for its approval of any Article 50 deal, such as #citizensrights… & the effect of #Brexit on the #peaceprocess in Northern Ireland… 2/6
The studies on #Brexit also cover other critical topics such as the internal market and #consumerprotection… and #financialservices… 3/6
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