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Jan 4th 2021
The massacre of 11 miners in #Balochistan is more of a 'strategic act' than sectarianism. Terrorism in Balochistan cannot be completely controlled without addressing the wider roles of #India & #Iran in #Afghanistan. /1


Many analysts see #hazaragenocide & #Shiagenocide in #Balochistan as part of a local sectarianism problem inside #Pakistan or regionally linked to #Iran & #KSA tussle. But it could have more to do with #Afghanistan than Pakistan or the #Gulf. /2
To understand why #Balochistan incident (incl #Hazara/#Shia attacks) may not necessarily be sectarianism and more an offshoot of a bigger strategic problem, consider this #Ashura attack in #Karachi, which was not sectarian: /3… &…
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