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Jun 28th 2021
#UttarakhandHighCourt to hear today: #Covid-19 PILs.
Court addresses the data presented to the cabinet and Court.

Court to Dr. Ashish: Why have you used different units throughout the affidavit?

Even for Kedarnath, you have given data for just three months- 6536.

You are not allowed to take the #HighCourt for a ride.
The question is not how many people are visiting, it is how the data is being cleverly presented to the Court.

If we find the litigant is not coming with clean hands, we have to take a very serious view of the situation.

Read 37 tweets
May 13th 2021
Who said #hesitancy was not a prob? My comorbid wife delayed taking shot by a month. Sr citizen neighbour pastered doctor son against vaccine. #Covaxin was not mocked? It was done till early April. Hesitancy was so common that bengal went slow on covax indent 1/n
Why all health staff, Sr xitizen didn't queue up 4 #vaccine in Feb-March? Centres wr idle. Data proves, Thr ws not equal push from all states either. All rushed 4 vax as #SecondWave struck. As in end April 50% on queue for vax wr above 60. This contributed to overcrowding. 2/n
Yes thr is now a #VaccineShortage. But part of it is perceived. Do we have enough manpower & other necessary infra to inoculate 3 USAs (90cr adult) at one go? V got feb-april. Cud USA vaccinate all in 3 months? On April 18, only 50% Americans wr vaccinated. De started ahead. 3/n
Read 12 tweets
May 10th 2021
#BREAKING #UttarakhandHighCourt
This a developing story.
Court proceedings started10.15am sharp. Court yo resume post lunch at 3pm.
#HighCourt tears into affidavit filed by state govt. Calls it misleading and deliberate.
Tells Health Secretary that govt affdavit is hiding information fm court of law. Affidavit isn't worthy consideration even for a Munsif Court and here you are presenting a High Court with rosy lies. You may be doing this to please your political masters but Court is not sarisfied
High Court directions to ramp up Health Infra in the State as far back as 2018 still not complied. State is lucky that it has escaped contempt so far. Please don't test our patience, Court will holdyou accountable now on. You can be tried for contempt.
Read 8 tweets
May 9th 2021
A narrative is being peddled that the #COVID19India crisis is due to these factors

1. Modi & Team claimed victory & did nothing
2. Modi allowed election rallies & #Kumbh which caused the #CoronaSecondWave
3. Now @narendramodi is not giving oxygen, medicines & vaccines to states
Let us see what facts can be ascertained by looking at the numbers.

On Feb 1, daily new cases in India had dropped to 85790. Two third of these new cases from the states of Maharastra & Kerala, blessed with best CM & best health minister in the country.

#CoronaSecondWave Image
By 15th Feb, daily new cases had risen to 15614. Punjab joined Maharastra and Kerala in the top 3 states and they contributed 12,126 new cases. 78% of all new cases in the country

Kerala had seen high cases even in Dec-Jan period when rest of country was witnessing decline Image
Read 30 tweets
May 5th 2021
A thread
India #EAM S Jaishankar's remarks at a webinar 5 May 2021.
As part of his G7 visit, @DrSJaishankar took questions on India's covid epidemic what the Govt was doing about it and other matters. @Manjoladwa was the interviewer. catch it here:
This is just my take on what he said, part opinion, part riposte, part follow on Questions.
General impression: he was typical politician, partly evasive, defensive, deflecting the tough Qs and careful to defend his Govt's record and his boss the PM.
Mr Ladwa was frank and forthright in his lead-in Questions, but far from probing and challenging when his Q was clearly being evaded. It was not, nor was it meant to be, an @maitlis style @BBCNewsnight grilling.
Read 16 tweets
Apr 17th 2021
Over 5,000 people have tested positive for #COVID19 at #KumbhMela
- Till now, 96 #Seers have tested positive, 28 among them on Friday
- Since April 7, 9 #healthcare workers have tested #Covid positive
- On Friday, 7 cops tested positive
- Since April 1, when the Maha #Kumbh began, 5,037 have tested positive and 9 died in #Haridwar
- Niranjani Akhada announced exit from Kumbh Mela, amid the rising Covid cases
Read 3 tweets
Mar 23rd 2019
MODIfied Railway station's

After seeing this thread still u are voting CON party due to Priyanka's nose looks like Indira then
"इसमे आपका घाटा ,मोदीजी का कुछ नहीं जाता ।ठगबंधन वाला आता ,ओ बस लूट के जाता ।"

Manduadih station in Varanasi

Almost 65 railway stations are modified with LED lights, wi-fi, food centres, Kiosks, Exc lounges, lifts Escalators ,ramps

Modified New Delhi's railway station

#Moditransformsbharat 👇
Read 67 tweets
Mar 5th 2019
Not rituals — #Kumbh gave me a window to look at the vastness of India, its people, it’s Oneness.
Not rides — Kumbh gave me eyes to look within, to see the beyond, to become part of the whole, merge into our civilisation.

My discovery:
You are Kumbh.
I am Kumbh.
We are Kumbh.
For me, faith is not going-through-the-motions of habits, rituals, dips, recitals, teekas, ceremonies.
I went to Kumbh as an observer — not tourist, mind you, but an Observer.
I went to see what brings millions of devotees to a single geographical point in 49 days.
I went to seek non-religious answers:
— What is this festival all about?
— What brings 200 million pilgrims to this place?
— What gives them the strength to brave the long walks, the risks?
— What gives them the grit to take dips in winter-waters of the Ganga?
Read 17 tweets
Feb 12th 2019
#KumbhMela2019, the unreported story — part 1

City, blocks, roads
Tents, shops, toilets
Ghats, boats, jetties
Security, fire brigades, policing
Music, exhibitions, performances
Akhadas, enclosures, restaurants
Helicopters, buses, water ATMs

And that’s not a story?
#KumbhMela2019, the unreported story — part 2

22 pontoon bridges
40 fire fighting stations
40 police stations
40 watch towers
63 police outposts
84 parking areas for 500,000 vehicles
116 roads, 300 km in mela area
150 water tankers
200 water ATMs

And that’s not a story?
#KumbhMela2019, the unreported story — part 3

800 km water pipelines
1,000 CCTV cameras
4,200 premium tents
15,000 sanitation workers
20,000 dustbins
40,700 LED lights
122,000 toilets

And that’s not a story?
Read 7 tweets
Jan 27th 2019
Kumbh Calling. Will be at Kumbh for the first time in life, traveling solo so no chance of getting lost, but let's see what I find & what finds me. If you are in #prayagrajkumbh for next 4 days, connect on. #travel #KumbhMela #kumbh
My Kumbh journey begins with Triveni Arti - live music, everyone singing along #travel #kumbhmela #Prayagraj
Baba Munna Giri of Ramanandi Juna Akhara, who lives on a 2.5 X 3 feet asana, even sleeps on that. A dhuni is always next to him. #travel #kumbh #prayagrajkumbh
Read 60 tweets
Jan 21st 2019
The world's largest religious gathering is a $150 billion business…
India’s Kumbh Mela 2019, the world’s largest religious gathering taking place in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh is expected to make the local state government as much as $150 billion in revenue.

#KumbhMela2019 #KumbhMela
Millions of pilgrims both from within the country and around the world visit the festival to take a holy dip at the confluence of three Indian rivers -- the Ganga, Yamuna and the mythical Saraswati.
Read 8 tweets

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