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Dec 1st 2019
I hate to make political points of a tragedy like #LondonBridge but since the #Conservative party are lying through their teeth trying to blame #Labour its time to remind people of Tory complicity & responsibility for blow back terrorism. Here’s a brief thread. Pls RT #Marr etc
1. Back in 2011 David Cameron was PM & Theresa May Home Sec: UK Gov was actively seeking to topple Gaddafi using scaremongering like “massacre about to happen”. UK along with usual invaders France & US started illegally bombing #Libya : foreign jihadi fighters were needed
2. Salman Abedi ( #Manchester bomber) & his father were members of a Libyan dissident group – the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) – covertly supported by the UK to assassinate Qadafi in 1996. At this time, the LIFG was an affiliate of Osama Bin Laden’s #alqaeda . #Marr
Read 14 tweets
Dec 1st 2019
So...after a Twitter-free, news-free day, I turn on @NBCNews and after the massive #ClimateCrisis weather and #LondonBridgeAttack stories, now a HUGE story about BIDEN in #Iowa, headlined "Biden's Big Push."
The story, by top @NBCPolitics reporter @KellyO, then cuts to "the other" candidates. @KamalaHarris is also in #Iowa, where O'Donnell reports she is battling damning press, quoting the NYT characterizing an "unravelled campaign, staff infighting, poor messaging and money woes."
In SC, @amyklobuchar is asked not about Biden's endless faltering, but about Harris. Klobuchar refuses to bite the bait, saying "all campaigns have ups and downs" and "I hope she continues and I think she will."
Read 4 tweets
Nov 30th 2019
#LondonBridge debates over prison sentences, parole, are a distraction. Real issue is our laws are unable to cater to new terrorist threat. These are not normal criminals they are traitors and we need new treason laws.

My piece in the @Telegraph 1/8…
MI5 has identified 23K extremists in UK. 3K "persons of interest" involved in some 500 potential terror plots. It takes 20-25 security personal to monitor ONE individual so max they can subject to 24hr watch at any one time is 50!!! (according to MI5). 2/8
Clearly, this situation is not sustainable and many will slip through the cracks. New laws therefore required to recognise this new and extraordinary security challenge. Traditional offences which Britain charges potential terrorists with are not enough. 3/8
Read 8 tweets
Nov 30th 2019
Still waiting for the Daily Mail headline: 'Polish migrants assault man while ALSO misusing fire-extinguisher. FINE THEM!'
Anyone who thinks my tweet is over the top hasn't seen the recent Daily Mail headline about Meghan Markle...
As I was saying...
Read 3 tweets

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