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May 19th 2023
1/10 Breaking: A new study released today proposes a morally grounded methodological approach for quantifying and attributing climate reparations to major carbon producers.

Here are some takeaways👇…
2/10 The study finds the global fossil fuel industry is responsible for $23.2 trillion in expected GDP losses from climate change impacts over 2025-2050.…
3/10 The burden to pay should be on those contributing and profiting the most while undermining climate action! #MakePollutersPay
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Nov 11th 2022
US: Seattle, WA. @SRTurtleIsland, @XRSeattle and @guardianrebel1 have shut down the entrance of the Signature Jets private jet terminal at Boeing Field for 4 hours. The wealthiest need to be held accountable. #MakePollutersPay for #LossAndDamage. 📷 credits: Mike Quinlan. (1/4) ImageImageImage
Matthew Wheeler, biohealth scientist previously wildland firefighter and member of @SRTurtleIsland ⬇️ "The wealthy chose ecocide. This is their fault. They need to be held accountable, we need to #BanPrivateJets immediately." #MakeThemPay (2/4)
Will Livernois, a bioelectronics researcher and member of @SRTurtleIsland: "Taking a private jet while the planet is on fire is utter insanity. The science has been clear for half a century and we have not changed trajectory." #ClimateEmergency (3/4)
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Nov 10th 2022
Today, people in several countries are protesting at private jet facilities. Why are they doing this?

5⃣ reasons why we need to #BanPrivateJets. 🧵🔽
1⃣ Private jets are the most polluting option. They emit huge amounts of climate-damaging emissions compared to already highly polluting commercial flights - and especially to low-emissions alternatives like trains.
#BanPrivateJets #TaxFrequentFlyers #MakePollutersPay Why taking private jets is ...
2⃣ One flight on a private jet causes much more pollution than most people in the world produce in a whole year for meeting all their needs like housing, daily mobility and food.
#BanPrivateJets #TaxFrequentFlyers #MakePollutersPay In just 1 hour a private je...
Read 6 tweets
Nov 10th 2022
Today, scientists and citizens are taking action at airports around the world. The economical, climate and social injustice generated by the aviation industry must stop. Here at Berlin's airport, blocking the private jet gate ⬇️ #ClimateEmergency (1/n) Image
@SciReb_Germany @DebtforClimate @xr_germany @LossandDamage @LDCChairUNFCCC @StayGroundedNet They demand that governments #BanPrivateJets and #TaxFrequentFlyers. A single 4-hour flight in a private jet emits more than the average European in a year. The Global North must listen to the countries being hit the most by climate chaos at #COP27 and #MakePollutersPay. (2/n) ImageImage
@SciReb_Germany @DebtforClimate @xr_germany @LossandDamage @LDCChairUNFCCC @StayGroundedNet @ExtinctionR UK: Farnborough airport main gate blocked! This airport describes itself as "a full-service private airport". Not today! Scientists and youth climate campaigners have barricaded the gates. (3/n) ImageImage
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Oct 17th 2022
Climate disasters like Hurricanes Ian are making insurance unaffordable for communities exposed to climate risks. 🌪️ @chiaraarena2030 and I just proposed a way how insurers can make carbon polluters rather than their customers pay for such disasters. 🧵… Image
As climate change spirals out of control, (un)natural disasters are becoming more frequent and expensive. 📈 Munich Re reports that they caused losses of $280 bn last year, up from $166 bn in 2019 and $210 bn in 2020. Insurers’ business models are now stretching at the seams.
AXA’s former CEO warned in 2015: “We know that if average temperatures increase by 2°C the world may still be insurable. But it’s very clear that at +4°C it would not.” 🌡️ Even at today’s +1.2°C, insurance is becoming unaffordable for growing areas from Florida to California.
Read 13 tweets
Sep 21st 2022
Dear @ClimateEnvoy @JohnKerry,

Here's my 10-point response to your intervention at the @nytimes Climate Forward conference at #UNGA

1. Thank you for acknowledging that #LossAndDamageFinance requires trillions of US$, as experts estimated.

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2. You now agree "in all honesty" that the most important thing to do is to mitigate to prevent #LossAndDamage, and the next most important thing is to help people adapt.

3. But, the graph clearly shows that the US failed to reduce its CO2 emissions, since @UNFCCC in 1992.

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4. US gave 1 of US$3b of #ClimateFinance committed to @theGCF for #mitigation & #adaptation - nowhere close to its fair share.

5. Since 2013, I've seen the US blocking every single discussion on #LossAndDamageFinance, by arm-twisting and threatening developing nations.

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Sep 9th 2020
Charleston, South Carolina just became the first city in the US South to take fossil fuel companies to court for their role in climate change. #MakePollutersPay…
Under current trajectory, over 1,600 homes in Charleston are at risk for chronic flooding in the next 25 years and over 7,000 are at risk by the end of the century. Residents shouldn’t be on the hook for the costs of climate change while Big Oil profits.…
Charleston is a clear example of how BIPOC communities are hurt first and worst by climate change – with a proportion of Black residents 3x the national average, Charleston needs protection from the harms of fossil fuel pollution. #MakePollutersPay
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