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Mar 11th 2020
Shills for "The Future We Choose" - round up #2.

Not a coincidence. The majority of those promoting this book are both white & wealthy. #Ecological crisis will never be resolved by the ruling classes. It cannot be resolved within the same economic system that created it.
The Guardian rolls out the red carpet for "The Future We Choose". Par for the capitalist course.

As the former CEO of #WeMeanBusiness, recently appointed by the UK Govt as the High Level Climate Action Champion for UN climate talks, #COP26, of course Nigel Topping is excited.
"It's about human lives"

This anthropocentric ideology appears to be an infectious disease amongst the "enlightened eco-capitalists". It demonstrates that they are absolutely disconnected from the natural world.

#TheFutureTheyChoose will reboot the system destroying Earth.
Read 24 tweets
Feb 19th 2020
"The Green New Deal" is going to take movement tactics. Bullshit. It's global - sitting in the wings. Your consent is being engineered. Spending billions to have you demand & "fight" for it. They play with you like a cat plays with a mouse before it decapitates it. For fun.
Who else is tasked with building the social license required to implement the Global Green New Deal?

Let's start with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, & May Boeve, Executive Director of 350-DOT-org.

The #NonProfitIndustrialComplex: an extension of the ruling class.

January 23, 2020, World Economic Forum: "Striking a Green New Deal"

Note again, that the UN partnered with WEF on June 13, 2020.

#C40Cities (founded by #Bloomberg & #Clinton)
Read 29 tweets
Jan 30th 2020

In reality, the trademark should be property of those that created the brand. Namely, We Mean Business in partnership with the #UN & partner, World Economic Forum.

Callum Grieve: We Mean Business architect. Thunberg handler. #Branding expert.…
We Mean Business: 1,176 corporations rep. 24.8 trillion market cap.

Aside from how ridiculous it is to feign disapproval that a #brand created by/serving the most powerful institutions/ corporations on the planet is being misused, I want to touch upon a couple of things.
Jan 29 2020, GT: "I apologize to anyone who has been contacted - and even misled - by this kind of behavior."

Sep 25 2019, GT: " clothes, my behaviour and my differences. They come up with every thinkable lie and conspiracy theory."

1) behavior
2) behaviour

Read 13 tweets
Oct 31st 2019
Just like clockwork. World Economic Forum - the movie.

On October 28, 2019, the documentary The Forum, opened the 62nd edition of German documentary festival (DOK Leipzig).

Because "to change everything, we need everyone".

Director Marcus Vetter: "Eventually we have to overcome some of our preconceptions. The elite may not appear as evil as we think they are. There are good and bad people..."
con't: "The film is asking the question, 'Is there not maybe still a middle way, one in which everyone comes together instead of separating from one another?'"
Read 30 tweets
Sep 20th 2019
And now a word from those behind the climate strikes. The We Mean Business co-founders et al. They thank you, for without you, there is no saving the ruling classes & the suicidal system killing us.

Let's take a look.

1st up-The co-founder of We Mean Business liked this one
If you are not caught up with We Mean Business, you may find Volume II ACT V worth your time:…

Here is another that Grieve appears to like.

Greta: "We don't want to be heard."

I wonder what adult taught @GretaThunberg to hate democracy? Wall Street wants to heard - as does We Mean Business et al. (And today sadly they were).
Read 21 tweets
Sep 3rd 2019
New Deal For Nature picks up speed. Here we have Global Deal for Nature. All language/marketing leads to Global Deal For Billionaires.

"© Copyright Global Deal for Nature, a project of Sustainable Markets Foundation"
All aboard the Global New Deals for Nature train. #NewDealForNature, Voice for the Planet, Global Deal For Nature. Here we have science is being used as a tool and even a weapon to privatize the commons under the guise of protecting nature, climate & biodiversity.
We are subjected to the branding "United Behind the Science" with a heavy emphasis from the face of the campaign (exploited Thunberg) to "listen to the science". Unite Behind the Science is not meant to protect Earth. It is meant to unleash a new era of privatization & plunder.
Read 37 tweets
Aug 29th 2019
The creation of the Social Good Summit (launched in 2012) is attributed to Jeremy Heimans ( Avaaz/Purpose co-founder) & and Henry Timms (92nd Street Y) - the authors of "New Power".
It was created in partnership with the United Nations Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Ericsson, the United Nations Development Programme, & Mashable.…
Following the Social Good Summit was the launch of the "SocialGood community". The founding partners include the Gates Foundation, the Case Foundation, Caterpillar, Cisco, Enactus, Mashable, Rockefeller Foundation, UNDP, the United Nations Foundation, & the 92Y.
Read 12 tweets
Jul 15th 2019
Today we are going to play a game. The game is called "Which is more valuable". This is not a parody. This was published as an interactive game on BBC in 2015. It's demonstrating how markets can (& will) value the natural world.

Let's play.

If you said "acre of oyster reef" - you were right.

Next question...

Which is more valuable?
Read 39 tweets
May 10th 2019
As we peel back the layers of an orchestrated movement that serves to protect the ruling classes & the suicidal capitalist system itself, we need to look at Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy. This will be a long & important thread. #FridaysForFinance
The Compact of Mayors officially merged w/ the Covenant of Mayors in 2016. The Global Covenant of Mayors [for Climate and Energy] unites more than 9209 cities (already committed) in 132 countries across 6 continents. This represents the world's largest coalition.
The Board is co-chaired by European Commission Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič and former New York City Mayor and U.N. Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Climate Action Michael Bloomberg. Former UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres serves as Vice-Chair.
Read 25 tweets

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