In reality, the trademark should be property of those that created the brand. Namely, We Mean Business in partnership with the #UN & partner, World Economic Forum.
Callum Grieve: We Mean Business architect. Thunberg handler. #Branding expert.…

Aside from how ridiculous it is to feign disapproval that a #brand created by/serving the most powerful institutions/ corporations on the planet is being misused, I want to touch upon a couple of things.

Sep 25 2019, GT: " clothes, my behaviour and my differences. They come up with every thinkable lie and conspiracy theory."
1) behavior
2) behaviour

#ProBono legal help for the rich - while #FridaysForFuture activists in #Cameroon LOSE THEIR HOMES:
#UKSCN: "To pay this enormous sum, both of their families had to sell their houses..."

"Thank you for contacting us" - Christiana Figueres (founder), Callum Grieve, Generation Investment (Blood & Gore), etc.:

"That is what our on-site forest engineers & the scientists at the Crowther Lab, ETH Zürich, who monitor our project, stand for. Become #ClimateNeutral Now!"
#Together, utilizing youth, we can create new markets to save #capitalism



All roads lead to the #NewDealForNature.

Listen/follow NGOs / "leaders" that serve/protect capital & corporate power?
Empower a "movement" orchestrated by the worlds most powerful institutions & corporate entities?