"© Copyright Global Deal for Nature, a project of Sustainable Markets Foundation"

"Greta Sails" - produced by @Bookofoursinfo

1. The single demand of the climate strikes is that states/gov'ts must align with the Paris Agreement. Econ. & Prof. Clive L. Spash explains the Paris Agreement in his 2016 paper "This Changes Nothing". #Marching4Capital


change and has given up on avoiding all of them."



Global goals: #BlendedFinance to unlock public monies. #EmergingMarkets




"placing half of the Earth’s lands under protection" sounds perfect.
Read it again.
Whose protection? By what means?
#Landgrabs #EcosystemServices #PaymentsForEcosystemServices #CarbonCredits #CarbonOffsets #REDD

We already know what this looks like:

Waiting until 2050 to do something that should be done today. #EmptyPromises are employed to sell the most vulgar schemes.
We don't need new technology, "earth information systems" or tools to protect most life on Earth.
We need to stop destroying it.

#IPBES supports the #NewDealForNature

A dream for corporate power and ruling classes – a nightmare for the working class and those in the Global South who do have the luxury to afford such lax dissent.
#Obedience vs. #CriticalThinking

He followed the debate with a lecture.
#EnvironmentalPragmatism #NewDealForNature #NatureForSale
Lecture transcript with slides:

One only has to follow the work of @StephenCorrySvl to quickly see how "conservation" under WWF et al is working out in real time. #Murder #Rape #Landgrabs