On October 28, 2019, the documentary The Forum, opened the 62nd edition of German documentary festival (DOK Leipzig).
Because "to change everything, we need everyone".
Obviously a proud moment.
#SavingCapitalism #SaveTheBillionaires
Yet, in the real world, no one should be shocked whatsoever.
#SavingCapitalism #4IR #SmartCities
"To accelerate impact & drive change, the network brings
together governments, business organizations, dynamic start-ups, civil society, academia & international organizations from around the world to collaborate across 6 emerging technology areas"
Headquartered in San Francisco, the Centre for the 4th Indust. Revolution Network launched hubs in China, India & Japan in 2018"
#GlobalGreenNewDeal #NewDealForNature #4IR
institutions, labour unions and new kinds of mission-driven organizations are valuable facilitators, advocates and innovators."
The Manufacturing of Greta Thunberg For Consent: A Design to Win — A Multi-Billion Dollar Investment [VOLUME II, ACT I]
The #NonProfitIndustrialComplex serves #Capital - NOT the natural world.
All roads lead to a #GlobalGreenNewDeal & a Global #NewDealForNature to save capitalism.
#NewDealForNature is the corporate coup of the commons.
"In 2020 a new global deal for nature and people will be adopted."
#ClimateStrike #MarchingForCapital #SavingCapitalism
Response? Silence