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#Pain is nuanced
The difficulty with articles such as below example, is nuances not recognized.
For example, I could identify as someone with #chronicPain I have a few conditions that are accompanied by #pain.
My #pain is NOT unrelenting, it’s there ‘hovering’ in the 1 Image
background. I do #yoga 🧘‍♂️ & #meditation & for ME, for the #pain I experience, it provides benefit.
However, take my kids; NASH, kidney disease, gastroperisis, T3, scar tissue neuropathy etc. #mindfullness #meditation is not going even touch it. Not in anyway
2 example of 2
#pain experiences.
It’s understandable that many in nation that are not in #medical profession struggle w the #nuances
What I struggle w & what I believe #harms those w #ChronicPain is the generalization of #pain by #medicalprofessionals & lack of individualizing care based 3
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Le Dalaï-Lama n'est pas un ange.
Le Dalaï-Lama a passé sa vie à défendre des dictateurs et des gourous.
Quand vous voyez que le Dalaï-Lama promeut un truc, fuyez. #Mindfullness #MédittionPleineConscience
1/ Heinrich Harrer, son précepteur. Oui, je sais, vous avez vu "Sept ans au Tibet", et vous vous dites que le gars n’était nazi que par obligation, qu'il a eu un chemin de rédemption grâce à la montagne, toussa.
Bullshit. Image
Il faut lire ce livre extrêmement documenté qui retrace non seulement la constante adhésion de Harrer aux idées nazies, mais raconte aussi la terrifiante expérimentation à laquelle lui et le Dalaï-Lama se sont adonnés sur 174 enfants tibétains dans les années 60. Image
Read 31 tweets

#Ingratitude gives birth to different problems.

You must ever be #grateful to the Lord and your spouse for the gift of #marriage. Learn to be appreciative of whatever your spouse does or gives, no matter how little. /1

#Xmas #Christmas #MotivationalQuotes #family
Sometimes, as a woman, your husband does not have enough means to take care of everything in the home. Learn to still be grateful for the little.

Be understanding. Life is truly in phases. What you can't afford today, will surely come tomorrow.

I know that there are some men
...that shirk their #responsibilities. Such #men are mere boys. But in a situation where the case is genuine, please bear with your #husband. Assist him where possible.

The #God of heaven is your Rewarder.

When your husband tells you that he's facing a #financial challenge,

Read 7 tweets
1/ Poetry for mental health? We have the evidence! In this #CAMHthreaducation🧵 celebrating #PoetryMonth, #CAMHLibrary📚 shares research resources that shows the poetic side of #mentalhealth support.
#NPM2019 #MentalHealthIsHealth
2/ Sarah Bonato, CAMH librarian 👩🏻‍💻: April is #NationalPoetryMonth, the largest literary celebration in the world! Reading and writing poetry has a role in mental health as it can help with coping, growth, healing, mindfulness, recovery & transformation.
3/ SB 👩🏻‍💻: Both clinicians and mental health consumers/survivors have written poetry to capture lived experience. (See Poetry and Peer Support, from @cbcradio… & Prize Winning Poet Turns Psychiatry into Art from @APA_Publishing…)
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