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Jun 4th 2023
Ayyyyyy Eyeeeee: The lie that raced around the world before the truth got its boots on…

AI #ArtificialIntelligence #PumpAndDump #CritiHype EvilSorcerersVsOrdinaryMediocrities A portrait of OpenAI founde...
Read 5 tweets
May 14th 2023
#Google's #AIHype Circle: We have to do #Bard because everyone else is doing #AI; everyone else is doing AI because we're doing Bard.…  An anatomical cutaway of a...
Google's plummeting search quality made the company desperate to please its "activist investors"…

#SecurityThroughObscurity #SearchQuality #Enshittification #Google Having to build a search-ra...
Google can improve search, or it can chase stock gains through #AIHype. It chose the latter… So Google finds itself on t...
Read 5 tweets
Jun 24th 2021
JOHN MCAFEE? Quite a Mystery. A 2013 Vid he put out obviously signals he's a loose canon to the DS. Did he murder his neighbor? Did he commit Crypto Crimes? Did he really create "McAfee Antivirus?" Was this Software Actually a VIRUS? (4 Stills from self made 13' vid)
2) A 2020 Clip won't tell you truth. However, smart to investigate McAfee's Interviews.

Ex:? He Talks About His Attraction for Eating Flesh/Accused of Eating Small Children (Joking?)? He Also Claims He Doesn't Know How to Unistall his Own Software? 🧐
3) An Aussie Interview Posted Feb, 2021. Good to Watch. Interesting they show McAfee in early days fiddling through floppy discs of "Viruses." So Many? How would be have access to these?

Navy Seal Personal Security? Plays Piano w/ Gun on Finger?
Read 8 tweets
Sep 25th 2020
So now we have a Cleaned Up Steve selling a reverse 2A hot button revolution shtick that diddles the NRA's demo. How many more terrified 17 year olds will go up on murder charges to fluff grubby Leninist grifters and yellow haired casino greeters?
Lenin Lovin' Steve is pulling it all together. On the bullshit menu: Coup, antifa, hacking, mail fraud etc. Leading to a call to arms from slope pated listeners who live in an alternate MAGA reality. I hope they powerwash him before he gets on the plane…
They clumsily mingle promotion of violence, religious hysteria and persecution in their official campaign. I appears that Trump has officially given up winning by actual voting support. Oh look Brad Parscale still has a job.
Read 21 tweets
Sep 8th 2020
[Thread] Sean's tweets could be misinterpreted

GM gets a $2 billion equity stake in in exchange for in-kind considerations such as intellectual property licenses, engineering services, and access to existing GM part & components

GM puts up $0
2/ Furthermore, Nikola is obligated to exclusively purchase from GM all hydrogen fuel cell propulsion systems, including for Nikola's semi-trucks, on a cost-plus model

What about Nikola's own amazing fuel cell technology?

And the millions of dollars Nikola spent on Bosch R&D?
3/ Plus, Nikola has to reimburse GM for $700 million in capital expenditures

This is a zero-risk, all upside deal for GM. It's even way better than the one Nikola gave to Iveco

Every new partnership deal is getting worse for Nikola and better for partners. #PumpAndDump
Read 4 tweets
Jun 10th 2020
1/ Obviamente que não subscrevo a metodologia, mas considero importante compreender o estudo para que o mesmo possa ser enquadrado em termos de contexto.

Estamos perante um artigo de opinião no @Publico que nada tem de opinião.
2/ O seu autor, Helder Sebastião, limita-se a citar as conclusões do estudo sem nunca revelar a sua opinião de facto.

Fraco, muito fraco e em linha com todas as minhas críticas aos OCS em Portugal. Não apenas no que tem que ver com #Bitcoin , mas também.
3/ Reconheço que o poder instalado assenta numa base de tradicionalismo e conservadorismo, resistentes à mudança, à inovação e ao crescimento.

Não é, porém, descabido lamentar que continuem a insistir em dar voz a quem manifestamente não entende no tema.
Read 27 tweets
May 15th 2020
#Sorrento Therapeutics is claiming that their antibody is 100% effective and will cure the virus.... but didn’t study ACE2 protein coronas and did their study in vitro. You can take a relatively crappy antibody, saturate the virus, and show “100% inhibition.” #PumpandDump
Read 4 tweets
Aug 7th 2019

9/11 Com’n Chair urge new domestic terror focus in wake of mass shootings

10/2/17 Trump prop’d deep cuts to programs that prevent DOMTERR & prep localities to respond -- this in the wake of the deadliest mass shooting (LV - 10/1/17) in modern US history.

(10/27/18) Tree of Life Mass Shooting in Pittsburgh

(10/29/18) Trump Shut Programs to Counter Violent Extremism

📌The Trump adm has hobbled the infrastructure designed to prevent atrocities like Pittsburgh, LV, Parkland, Charlottesville,El Paso, Dayton, etc

7/19: Trump adm gutted programs aimed at detecting weapons of mass destruction

Echoing Russia, China warned Tuesday it would take countermeasures if the US goes ahead w/ plans to deploy ground-based missiles in the Asia-Pacific region.

XI+Putin+Trump vs USA
Read 74 tweets
Aug 4th 2019

At least 20 people died and 26 injured in an El Paso mall shooting.

Suspect is ID’d #MAGA #Radicalized

Shooter drove to the border town of EL Paso to kill immigrants. #HateCrime

All children have been permanently moved from Homestead detention center.

Deutsche Bank Tech Issue Causes Six-Hour Email Outage in U.S.

Danske Bank has outlined plans to quit Russia by January next year after the Danish bank was rocked by allegations its Estonian branch was involved in a mind-boggling $230bn money laundering scandal.

Danske has closed the Estonian branch, which was accused of laundering money for Ukrainian arms traders in NoK & Iran

In Dec 2009, Thai police 
intercepted a flight en route from NK to Iran loaded with 40 tonnes of weaponry, including anti-aircraft rockets.
Read 46 tweets
Jul 26th 2019

Mueller confirmed Trump accepted help from a hostile foreign power & lied & he lied when he claimed exoneration, & was not completely truthful in written answers.

He could be prosecuted after leaving office & that he misled Americans by calling the inv’n a hoax

Mueller’s testimony was full of bombshells.

Rep. Mike Quigley asked Mueller about Pompeo’s description of Wikileaks as a hostile intelligence service [GRU].

Do you think that is accurate?

Absolutely, Mueller replied.

‘And they got indicted, Mueller added’.

Mueller has not publicly indicted Wikileaks the org.

Mueller quickly corrected himself: “Uh – Julian Assange”.

‘But the DOJ didn’t indict JA for being part of a “hostile intel service” at all. It only charged JA for helping Manning hack into Pentagon computers’
Read 55 tweets
Jul 1st 2019
💰💦Trump Tower Projects

Bailed Out By Russia 1987-2014

Trump’s efforts to establish a hotel in Moscow go back at least to 1987, when, according to his book The Art of the Deal, he discussed the possibility with the Soviet ambassador Yuri Dubinin.…
💰Trump Soho - Bayrock Group

Trump SoHo broke ground in 2007, typifies how the Trump Organization benefited from financing coming out of Russia and the former Soviet Union. Much of the project’s financing came from the Bayrock Group.…
📌Investigators are looking at whether Trump associates laundered financial payoffs from Russian officials by channeling them through offshore accounts.…
Read 56 tweets
Jun 20th 2019

Deutsche Bank Faces Criminal Inv’n for Potential Money-Laundering Lapses

In 2016 DB failed to submit SARS to the US treas re transactions by the Kushner Fam COs & in 2017 failed again 2 submit SARS re Trump entities inc’g Trump Foundation re 💰sent to Russians

3 RUs & a Ukrainian have been charged with bringing a missile into the area in eastern Ukraine & w/ murdering 298 passengers & crew.

The most prominent of the 4 is Igor Girkin (also known as Strelkov), who prosecutors say is a former colonel in RU’s FSB intel service.

Consulate recordings reveal Saudi plan for Khashoggi murder

UN expert airs audio of Khashoggi slaying

Credible evidence Saudi prince MbS liable for Khashoggi's murder

Trump adm hasn’t done anything to bring the brutally murdered Khoshoggi’s killers to justice
Read 54 tweets
Jun 5th 2019

Oligarch linked to Kremlin org crime syndicate, earned millions manipulating the price of natural gas, while fighting extradition to U.S.

Dmytro Firtash has been under indictment in Chicago since 2014.

He was also involved in a failed business deal with Manafort.

Deputy Who Stayed Outside During Parkland School Shooting Faces Criminal Charges

Scot Peterson, a former Broward County Sheriff’s deputy, faces charges of neglect of a child, culpable negligence and perjury #Miller #Stone

Top Democrat says 'every name' might be included in contempt package next week: 'This is a huge cover-up'

Hope Hicks has agreed to supply the documents subpoenaed by Congress despite the White House ordering her not to cooperate with the committee
Read 46 tweets
Jun 1st 2019
‼️The Brexit Referendum & the 2016 Trump Campaign are intertwined— the same co-conspirators are involved in both.

Brexit ( was a test run for the Trump 2016 presidential campaign.

This thread will illustrate the big picture. Trump = medium sized fish.
Both campaigns focused on common RW themes: Nationalism, anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, anti-Soros, income disparity, etc.—all issues exacerbated by the actions of TOC.

📌Cambridge Analytica is the focal point through which we can see the relationships in play & reveals the elephant in the room: Britain tying its future to an America that is being remade - in a radical and alarming way - by TeamTrump.…
Read 72 tweets
Jun 1st 2019

DOJ refused to give Judge Sullivan transcripts of Flynn's calls w/ Kislyak. Did Barr just reveal the tapes implicate Trump? If so, O of J confirmed

Did Trump ID US assets in RU, which led to 12 dead RUs in 2016/17, quid pro quo? H/T TC

Mass shooting 11 dead...patterns

Rep Salwell:

“If it’s...

✅ a virtual certainty @realDonaldTrump has cheated on his finances...

✅ a virtual certainty Putin knows this...AND

✅ a virtual certainty that Trump has been blackmailed before...

Would Trump sell America’s secrets to protect his own?”👍🏼

Transcript release of the call between Trump lawyer John Dowd & Flynn's attorney, which was a possible attempt to obstruct justice.

📌Grand jury still interested in Roger Stone and the 2016 GOP convention

Prosecutors refute Stone's claim that Russia didn't hack DNC
Read 57 tweets

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