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Apr 24th 2023
#lymeDisease is being #imprisoned in a life of brutal symptoms for YEARS! It IS a sentence of #imprisonment. The corruption of #lyme medicine=innocent people convicted & unjustly punished for crimes committed by federal “health” agencies & #bigPharma representatives.For profit 2/
The CDC & #vaccine makers KNOWINGLY made #lymeDisease testing fail & reversed #lyme medicine science (began lying about all its impacts) in the 90s & then for the next 30 years told doctors not to test for Lyme & if they do, to use the test they made fail for their #vax trials.3/
For 30 YEARS, fed agency & #bigPharma representatives have continued to corrupt #lymeDisease medicine so their past remains hidden & can continue to make money off all the medicines sold to those suffering from illnesses CAUSED by the #lyme those reps caused to go undiagnosed 4/
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Mar 16th 2022
"What we know is that violence has drivers. And one of the drivers is the inability to meet one's economic needs--poverty…” 1/
- Jamila Hodge, @EJUSA

#blackfortunelentenseries #race #raceinAmerica #racialjustice #reparations #truthseeker #truthteller…
“And so it is not surprising that Black people, who have had life, land, and labor stolen for generations disproportionately make up those who are impacted by violence.” 2/
- Jamila Hodge, @EJUSA

#blackfortunelentenseries #raceinAmerica #racialjustice #reparations #truthteller
“And in thinking about the issue of safety, what we know is that safety is more than the absence of violence. It's the presence of community wellbeing; it is thriving communities." 3/ - Jamila Hodge, @EJUSA

#Lent2022 #blackfortunelentenseries #race #reparations #truthteller
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Jun 28th 2021
The amendment to the Polish Code of Administrative Procedure: an explanatory thread. With some historical background and – this time – in English. #WW2 #Restitution #Holocaust ⬇️

Imagine a house in Warsaw. Burnt out and abandoned in 1945. Before the German occupation six families had lived in this place. One of them was Jewish. Some tenants perished, some were deported to concentration camps, some others fled the persecution.

Shortly after the war the house was nationalised by communists. Two new families moved in. Then three more. Some of them had lost their own property in eastern Poland, now part of the Soviet Union. And never received compensation.

Read 12 tweets
Mar 28th 2021
Eine ereignisreiche Woche in Sachen #HumboldtForum, #BeninBronzen, Umgang mit #kolonialer #Raubkunst im Speziellen und @coloniallegacy im Allgemeinen liegt hinter uns. Am Ende steht die Erkenntnis, dass sich kaum etwas bewegt hat, in den letzten Jahren. 1/13
Es begann mit der überraschenden Meldung, das #HumboldtForum werde keine #BeninBronzen zeigen, da diese eindeutig Raubkunst seien, sondern sich für #Restitution einsetzen. 2/13
Dies würde vor allem international sehr freudig aufgenommen, und Deutschland wurde für wenige Stunden eine positive Vorreiterrolle zugewiesen. Für wenige Tage, denn dann korrigierte zuerst das #HumboldtForum und dann die "Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz" ihre Position 3/13
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Mar 25th 2021
Also wenn man Fans hat bei der @faznet, dann hat man Fans!🙏
Aber das ist der Ehre wirklich zuviel🥰

So kann man das Engagement von zivilgesellschaftlichen AktivistInnen und WissenschaftlerInnen auch herunterspielen. Alles nur EINE pressure group!…
@faznet Auch @perlentaucher00 scheint der Hinweis auf die #postkolonialeInternetblabe fast wichtiger als die Frage des Umgangs mit #BeninBronzen.
Da geht schon verloren, dass #Kilb seinen Artikel nur aus 2.Hand bespielt.
1. @SZ
2. Twitter
3: PM der #SPK
Investigativjournalismus am Limit
@faznet @perlentaucher00 @SZ Genau mein Humor,🤡 die Reaktion auf die Dorgerloh-Ankündigung zur #Restitution #BeninBronzen als pressure group (von mir) diffamieren&dann präsidiale Verlautbarungen abdrucken, die auf einer ganzen (!) Seite sagt, es gäbe nichts Neues.😇
Kritischer Journalismus am Limit.🤔
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Jan 29th 2021
After joining the wonderful conference #sfbmeetspublichistory yesterday and today in the morning, tonight we end the #IBLS International Blended Learning Seminar on #Europes #colonial #past. It is great to see all the teachers and students from Poland, France, Switzerland ...1/x
2/x Germany and the Netherlands on zoom once moreand looking on all the projects that were developed in the seminar. #InternationalPublicHistory #teachingpublichistory
See more on…, we will add more interviews and work examples in the next weeks...
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Jan 27th 2021
Today at the #IBLS , we "visit" the @africamuseumbe to discuss the practices of exhibiting #Europe 's #colonial #past. Now, @brunoverbergt introduces the history of the museum.
And @brunoverbergt explains the change of concept the @africalmuseumbe implemented in the last 6 years.
Discussion point: can a new architecture help to enforce a change of concept (decolonization) within the @africamuseumbe ? We take a look at a new pavillion with a framed "vista" to focus on the meaning on the old museum buildings...
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Oct 10th 2020
"You Hide Me Still: 50 Years On"- An iconic film shot in 1970 in #BritishMuseum by Nii Kwate Owoo which exposed the theft and concealment of African artefacts in the basement of the British Museum. In 2020 the spirit of #restitution beckons.… @EventbriteUK
The seminar Lost Heritage was held at Africa Centre London in 1981. A #UNESCO spokesman noted that it was ironic that the conference was being held in UK, a “country which has given a great deal to the world and to other peoples but which has also taken a great deal from them”
The film "You Hide Me" is the filmmaker's recording of a very important segment of African history: the pillage and the plunder of African cultural artefacts by Europeans by reference to what he uncovered in the #BritishMuseum, much of which is stored out of public view.
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Oct 8th 2020
In #Moabit entdecken viele Passant*innen derzeit die neue "Friedensstatue", die an Frauen & Mädchen erinnert, die im 2 Weltkrieg #vergewaltigt & sexuell versklavt worden sind. Auf Druck @BotschaftJapan fordert das Bezirksamt #Berlin jetzt, d Statue bis 14.10. abzubauen. Thread ⬇️
Die Bronze des südkoreanischen Künstler*paars Seo-Kyong & Un-Seong Kim gedenkt Zehntausender, die während des Asien-Pazifik-Kriegs (1931-1945) von japanischen Militärs & Kollaborateur*innen unter falschen Versprechungen rekrutiert & entführt wurden. #Kriegsvergewaltigung
#Trostfrauen nannte man sie - ein Euphemismus: Die Armeeführer bedienten sich ihrer, um Soldaten Trost & Befriedigung zu verschaffen & so ihre Kampfkraft zu erhöhen. Für die Frauen aber bedeutete d Zugriff Versklavung & #Vergewaltigung, körperliche & seelische Verletzungen
Read 19 tweets
Jun 17th 2020
#EU should come out of the state of denial on structural racism & police brutality against minorities.

Condemnations are only meaningful when they are coupled with real action to completely change racial biases in our institutions. #BlakeLivesMatter
@EU_Commission @JuliePascoet
Structural & institutional racism as well as police brutality against minorities are a national security threat to all EU member states.

Our future depends on building a union for all without structural and institutional racism. #blacklivesmatter @vonderleyen @EU_Commission Image
Failing to acknowledge police brutality in the EU a single time by @vonderleyen shows the EU continues its state of denial.

Let's ask the difficult questions on why the EU is structurally and institutionally racist. #BlackLivesMattters EU needs real change and no...
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Jun 6th 2020
The Director of the #BritishMuseum Hartwig Fischer has issued a statement that the British Museum "stands in solidarity with the Black community throughout the world." #BlackLivesMatter." That is to be applauded.… via @britishmuseum 1/4 Image
However, the #BritishMuseum has never apologised for its shameful part in the British Army's brutal conquest and looting of rare Ethiopian artefacts at the Battle of Maqdala in 1868, in a clear case of officially sanctioned plunder and murder 2/4 Image
Or its part in acquiring the looted #BeninBronzes, some of Africa’s greatest treasures, after a British punitive military expedition in 1897, and maintaining to this day that they were lawfully 'purchased' and will not be returned. 3/4 Image
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Nov 3rd 2019
In the Neues Museum in Berlin. It strikes me that German museums would not exist w/o #restitution. Museums were gutted in WWII & thereafter had to be remade. So this stela was taken from the Neues during the war, bought by @kelseymuseum in 1945, then returned to Berlin in 2017. Image
@kelseymuseum This Persian prayer niche was installed in the Neues in 1927 and removed to Russia during the war. It was returned to the Neues in 1957. Image
@kelseymuseum There are many other instances. Berlin's museum economy rests on other institutions' willingness to return objects that were stolen, looted, grabbed, or misappropriated during the war.
Read 3 tweets

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