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Jan 13th 2021
CPI@ 4.59% in Dec Vs 6.93% in Nov'20;It is for first time in current fiscal that #CPI,below 6%

In Jan2021,CPI may be lower than RBI forecast of 5.8%,which is good news

#CoreCPI in Dec,5.65% Vs 5.84% MoM

Money market rates,lower than #ReverseRepo,implying low rates here to stay
#FoodInflation 3.41% in Dec,Vs 9.43% in Nov

Vegetable Inflation@ -10.41% Vs 15.63%💪

Fuel&Light Inflation@ 2.99% Vs 1.90%

Housing Inflation@3.21% Vs 3.19%

Clothing&Footwear Inflation@ 3.49% Vs 3.30%

Cereal Inflation@0.98% Vs 2.32% (MoM)

Pulses Inflation@15.98% Vs 17.91%
Apart from #Tesla registering with RoC,big news is,IRFC's IPO of 4600Cr;opens on 18th Jan,in price band of 25-26

#IRFC,set up in 1986,is first NBFC in PSU sector,to go public

#IRCTC listed on 14thOct'19 at Rs644,a 101% premium to book price of 320&has been a huge wealth creator
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Dec 7th 2020
RBI credit policy on 4thDec raised GDP forecast for FY21,from minus 9.5% to minus 7.5%;GDP growth will turn +ve in Q3 at 0.1%&0.7% in Q4

Remarkable speed of the turnaround amidst worst pandemic in 102yrs has lots to do with @narendramodi govt's blistering pace of Agri #Reforms💪
CPI in Sep&Oct'20 came in at 7.3%&7.6% and that is precisely why RBI did not lower rates&rightfully so

WPI came at 1.32%&1.48% in Sep&Oct 2020

Supply disruptions&labour shortages,key reasons for high CPI

CPI will fall to 6.8% in Dec&5.8% in Jan2021

Accommodative stance by RBI
Inflation target for 1HFY22 by RBI has been kept@4.6-5.2% range

Core inflation is sticky,feeding into high inflationary expectations but resumption of normality will ease supply bottlenecks&ease #Core

#Accommodative stance leaves window open for rate cuts,albeit not immediately
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May 22nd 2020
#RBI cut by 40bps each of these👇
#Repo rate to 4%
#ReverseRepo to 3.35%
#BankRate to 4.25%

Decision was reached after 5:1 vote,with #ChetanGhate,lone voice calling for 25 bps cut

#MPC meet was held ahead of schedule from 3rd-5th,June

#EMI #moratoroum extended by 3 more months
Moratorium extension till 31st August 2020,is both timely &reflective of @narendramodi govt's alacrity--Big relief to #MiddleClass

Measure to convert #moratorium interest payment into #TermLoan payable in FY21,is helpful

This will reduce #NPAs &stress on banks' balance sheets
#RBI's cut in #Repo will reduce cost of funds&extension of #moratorium will be supportive of financial stability;#Rates across #YieldCurve will move lower from current levels

Fall in #ReverseRepo rate will disincentivise banks from #hoarding #liquidity&coax them to lend

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