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Nov 10th 2021
#HumanTrafficking #German NGO #rescue ship with 800 #migrants aboard asks #Italy for safe port | 5g ago
- The 'charity' vessel SEA-EYE 4 Took onboard another 400 people from a wooden boat on Wednesday night in a seventh rescue operation..…
#German rescue boat with 800 #migrants reaches #Sicilian port | Nov 7
- #SeaEye said the vessel #SeaEye4 was assigned to the port of #Trapani
Many of the passengers came from countries in #WestAfrica, #Egypt or #Morocco...…
#Trapani, 847 #migrants of the German «#SeaEye4» landed. Another 308 are pending | 2d ago
- On the same days another charity ship, the #OceanViking, with 308 #migrants on board, was placed awaiting assignment of a port near #Lampedusa.…
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Nov 4th 2021
🔴 In der Nacht zum Donnerstag retteten #SeaEye und @SEENOTRETTUNG über 4️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ Menschen aus einem doppelstöckigen Holzboot. Als die #RISEABOVE bei dem Boot eintraf, war bereits ein Leck im Boot, durch das Wasser eindrang. 1/4
Mehrere Menschen waren ohne Schwimmweste im Wasser und mussten aus dem Meer gerettet werden. Die vollständige Evakuierung des Holzboots auf die #SEAEYE4 war erst nach Mitternacht abgeschlossen. Eine Person konnte noch auf dem Weg zur SEA-EYE 4 erfolgreich reanimiert werden. 2/4
Es befinden sich nun mehr als 8️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ Menschen auf der #SEAEYE4, die inzwischen Kurs auf #Lampedusa genommen hat. 3/4
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Apr 28th 2021
1/3 VIDEO identified by #migrants showing victims who perished during the tragic boat sinking on 22.04.21. This video was made in smuggler's "safe house" and published on his Facebook page prior to departure. The #migrants ask for prayers and safe arrival in Italy. #frontex
2/3 [cont] The notorious smuggler is currently complaining on his Facebook page that he receives more than 150 messages per day and therefore offers a trip discount of 5000 LYD (ca. 1200 USD) per person incl. lodging, food & drink. NOTE the German NGO #SeaEye logo in his profile!
3/3 Cdr. Mustafa Abu Zeid CO of the Libyan Coast Guard ship "Ras Jadar": NGOs communicate and coordinate with human smugglers via social networks! #migrantcrisis #frontex #seenotrettung #COVID19
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Jan 5th 2019
Nei sette mesi di governo Conte, in Italia sono sbarcate in media 46 persone al giorno.
In 16 giorni (la durata a oggi della crisi per i 49 migranti a bordo di #SeaWatch e #SeaEye) in Italia sarebbero sbarcate quasi 750 persone.

La crisi #SeaWatch / #SeaEye dura ormai da 16 giorni.
Prima di oggi, i migranti salvati nel Mediterraneo erano rimasti in mare al massimo 11 giorni prima di sbarcare: fu il caso Diciotti, tra il 15 e il 26 agosto dell’anno scorso.

Dall'inizio della politica dei porti chiusi, gli sbarchi sono diminuiti ma non si sono fermati.
Succede così: se raggiungi da solo le acque italiane, c’è la scappatoia dello “sbarco autonomo”. Se vieni salvato, si tratta caso per caso.

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