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Jul 31st 2022
Os recomiendo mucho más el de @loserjorge, pero yo también me animo a esto... Image
#EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce es de las mejores pelis que he visto en mi vida. No voy a poner mi peli favorita de cada año, pero sí la que creo que podéis haberos perdido y merece la pena... Image
#TheSuicideSquad. Nada que ver con la anterior! Buenísima! Image
Read 38 tweets
Jan 3rd 2021
1) Voy aprovechar el tweet de @arielsbdar para armar un #hilo como complemento de análisis fundamental para entender lo que se viene en #Ethereum cuando pase a #ETH 2.0 " #Serenity " 👉Retweet y Seguir por favor!👈
Así que ahí vamos!
$ETH es la segunda #crypto por valoración...
2) la eterna segundona, ensombrecida por ese fascinante fenómeno llamado #Bitcoin , pero ahora quiere tomar protagonismo propio con su nueva versión, un blockchain renovado, se mejora la eficiencia, la escalabilidad y el número de...
3) transacciones por segundo (para habilitar pagos) y en el que desaparece uno de los encantos con los que nació: se acabó minar $ETH con GPUs.
Y la diferencia que más nos importa a nosotros los #HOLDERS está en...
Read 7 tweets
Dec 1st 2020
So you heard Eth2 is 'launching' today.

But, what does Phase 0 actually mean?

Quick thread on the Beacon Chain and its implications 🔽
For starters, Eth2 marks the transition of Ethereum from Proof-of-Work to Proof-of-Stake.

In layman's terms, the network is being upgraded to be faster and more secure.

Most transactions *should* cost only a few cents and be executed in near real-time.
The upgrade is the most complex Ethereum has seen to date, and therefore broken into different 'Phases'.

Phase 0 is the start of this process, marked by today's finalization of the Beacon Chain.

With Eth2, validators stake $ETH to secure the network.
Read 13 tweets
Dec 29th 2018

#Meditation happens beyond #mind. It involves watching #mind. When the real YOU, the watcher, becomes stronger the mind becomes the #servant.

No #discipline, #mantra or #scientific instrument can lead to meditation. No technique can go beyond mind.
The basis of all misunderstanding in a scientific circle is: when the being of a person is in a state of meditation, it creates certain waves in the mind. These waves can be wavelength from the outside by #technical means. But those waves will not create #meditation
You may go on practising with #scientific instruments for years; it will not change your #character, it will not change your #morality, it will not change your #individuality. You will remain the same.
Read 17 tweets
Oct 31st 2018
0/ Lots of #CryptoNews as always! Below is a look into some of the eye-catching happenings in the #crypto and #blockchain space over the past 24 hours or so...
1/ 📝 @Ethfinex's #0x-powered #EthfinexTrustless hybrid DEX listed @MakerDAO [ $MKR / $DAI ], @SpankChain [ $SPANK ], @AttentionToken [ $BAT ], @AI_Autonio [ $NIO ] and @AugurProject [ $REP ].

Trade instantly vs. a highly liquid, centralized order book:
2/ 🔛 @GetGitcoin unveiled 'Kudos', an easy way to show appreciation and build relationships in open source.

Each Kudos is ltd. edition, sovereign to #Ethereum's #blockchain, with a custom art piece your collaborator can show off on their #Gitcoin profile (or #ERC721 wallet).
Read 25 tweets

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