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Jun 22nd 2020
We are #pleased to #conclude our marathon of 4 consecutive #IMF #TechnicalAssistance #missions with productive outcomes for #IslamicFinance, despite the very challenging constraints and limitations.
The first six months of the year under #COVID19, a #NewNormal", have been fantastic intellectually and fulfilling.
The support of colleagues from the #IMF and Central Bank of #Djibouti; Central Bank of #Yemen; Central Bank of #Iraq, and Central Bank of #Libya have been excellent for #Islamicfinance IMF missions through #Cisco #webmex.

Now it is time to have a little break!!
Read 5 tweets
Feb 10th 2020
Lets talk about #Argentina and the #IMF. Specifically, lets talk about the biggest IMF #Bailout in #History...
Before we start talking about #Argentina & how the #IMF has extended to them a #Bailout that is by far the biggest in the organisation's history, let us first appreciate what the functions of the IMF are...
The #IMF’s main goal is to ensure #stability of the #international #monetary & #financial #system. It helps resolve crises, and works with its 189 member countries to promote #growth & alleviate #poverty...
Read 12 tweets

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