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Apr 15th 2023
For apologists, #SVB's #bailout was mere prudence: innocent bystanders stood in harm's way - rank-and-file startup employees, elite private school scholarship kids -so regulators improvised measures to make everyone whole without costing the public a dime. What's not to like?

1/ A glass-and-steel, high-tec...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…

But that account doesn't hold up to even the most cursory scrutiny. Everything about it is untrue. Take the idea that this wasn't a "bailout" because it was the depositors who got rescued, not the shareholders.

Read 41 tweets
Mar 18th 2023
Supposedly, the #SiliconValleyBank #bailout wasn't a bailout: in a bailout, the *investors* get public money; but with #SVB, it was the depositors. But, of course, SVB's owners were also depositors in their bank. All in all, SVB's owners are entitled to $2B in public money. 1/ An old fashioned corner bank. Its sign has been replaced wit
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
When #Biden said, "investors in the banks will not be protected. They knowingly took a risk and when the risk didn’t pay off, investors lose their money. That’s how capitalism works," he was ignoring the fact that this isn't how *the law* works. 3/
Read 25 tweets
Mar 17th 2023

All da banks is locking arms to stop dis ...

Da Fed committed to a $2T infusion dat is currently pumping markets ...

Da dolla is done ...

Say hello to hyper inflation ...

Digital currency this year.
All da stimmy monies from 2020 hit da banks and per #BCBS regs they have to keep a certain % of da deposits in reserves.

Long-dated are typically da "Gold Standard" fer dis. They are usually a "Risk-Free" investment with enuff return to offset inflation.

It's a win-win fer all
Except last year, da @FedralReserve started hiking interest rates at a retarded rate.

Dis (1) Depressed Risk Appetite (2) Increased Demand fer Cash and (3) Cranked up Return on Short-term Gubment Debt

Da first 2 killed equities but da last one is da real killer.
Read 5 tweets
Mar 13th 2023
1/4: The Federal Reserve just announced a new lending program to prevent banks from running out of cash and causing problems for the economy.

2/4: The program is like what central banks have done for many years: lending money to banks so that customers can always access their accounts.
3/4: This new program will let banks borrow money from the Fed instead of having to sell off assets like Treasuries to pay their customers.
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Dec 17th 2021
1/ It wasn't a conspiracy theory, it was a #CrimeAgainstHumanity...and it came from Florida. 🧵

The GOP started lying about COVID when Trump called it a "hoax". THAT lie has cost hundreds of thousands of American🇺🇲 lives. It also made them and their friends billions $$.

2/ Trump said it was a hoax on Feb 27, 2020. Community transmission was being confirmed in multiple cities in the US. Around the world, case numbers were increasing exponentially everywhere one was found, and economic disruptions began roiling global financial markets.

3/ Four Republican Senators on the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee who knew how bad the virus was, sold their stocks ahead of a market collapse which saw equity valuations plunge up to 40% worldwide in a matter of weeks.

Read 26 tweets
Dec 17th 2020
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 12/17/2020…
Are the elites worse than you think? - Marginal REVOLUTION…

#elites #DecisionMaking
Congress to Pass $17 Billion Bailout of Airline Shareholders & Bondholders, to Top Off Prior Bailout. Industry Applauds, Airline Stocks Jump | Wolf Street…

Read 8 tweets
Aug 27th 2020
#Apar Industries is one among the best established companies in India, operating in the diverse fields of #electrical and #metallurgical #engineering.
@Raunak_Bits @Sachsharma12 @srslysaurabh @Agarwal_Ishu @Random_Gyan @drprashantmish6
Raw materials:
Crude #oil & #Steel
There are 3 segments: #Conductors, Transformer and speciality #oils & Power/Telecom #Cable. The revenue breakup is in the screenshot attached
Domestic revenues decline 52% YoY with lockdown in April, lower scale of operations in May-June; #Exports up 11% YoY. Management focus is on improving revenue generation from high value products. Long time consolidation in financial parameters
Read 15 tweets
Jun 30th 2020
With #Covid19 as the ultimate catalyst, the push is on to implement the financialization of nature.

The Natural Capital Coalition is made up of approx. 300 orgs/corps while working w/ thousands. Partners include #CocaCola, #Shell, #Walmart.

Those with money will own #nature.
Those w/ $ will own #nature.

The very corporations that have brought us to the precipice of #ecological #collapse - will now be appointed as the new stewards of nature. This has been dubbed (#XR Business - Elkington/Volans) as the new biosphere economy.

Let's take a look at how #Covid19 has been successfully leveraged (both fear & distraction) in order to aid the largest transformation of the global economic system in modern history. Assigning monetary value to nature ("natural capital") will replace #GDP.

Read 33 tweets
May 27th 2020
Include the true value of nature when rebuilding economies after coronavirus…

#value #rebuild  #nature #coronavirus
Cold War nuke tests changed rainfall: study…

#rain #rainfall  #ClimateChange #ColdWar
Read 8 tweets
May 25th 2020
🚨 #Lufthansa receives a 9 billion euro #bailout package from Germany.

There are no concrete declarations on climate conditions in return for the tax money.

Read our statement with @ambodenbleiben (German language) on the deal:……
Read 3 tweets
Apr 23rd 2020
#BeyondHeadlines: There are not-so-obvious global reasons why the #OilMarketCrash is NOT good for #India.

Heavy #QE/ currency pressure + Intense #geopolitical tension

= #India, importer & friend to all oil producers, in the crosshairs.

Thread on these impacts of #OilPrice 👇 Image
US #oilprice crashed negative for the 1st time in history. West Texas Intermediate (a US crude) traded as low as -$40.32 a barrel. So far the bulk of the losses are in US crude, -200 to -1000%! Global (Brent) crude has not gone down as much because global storage still exists.
#COVID19 #lockdown has sharply cut all travel & thus demand for oil. Excess supply of oil resulted in a shortage of #storage space, esp in North America. As they & slowly the rest of the world run out of storage, the demand for future oil contracts (futures) goes down sharply
Read 11 tweets
Apr 15th 2020
SPECIAL REPORT:Despite leaving nearly every other sector of the economy in ruins, the #COVID19 pandemic has been a windfall for the for-profit #healthcare industry, which is expecting to make dazzling profits off of the crisis.
By: @AlanRMacLeod
United #healthcare the country’s largest insurer, controlling over 50,000 #Doctors will announce yearly profits of over $21 billion. Former healthcare industry director @wendellpotter, has accused the conglomerate of unethical practices.
"Patients are getting crushed financially because of UnitedHealth’s actions. And, some doctors may as well,” Potter says, concluding that, “As ER docs & other #Physicians risk their lives treating #COVID19 patients, @UnitedHealth is playing games to rake in profits.
#TrumpVirus Image
Read 6 tweets
Apr 15th 2020
#RichardBranson be like: Image
Richard Branson's airline Virgin Atlantic has asked its employees to take eight weeks unpaid leave over the next three months, but is calling for a €8.5 billion bailout package for its industry.
Branson has not paid income tax since moving to the tax-free British Virgin Islands 14 years ago. Also dividends sent to Branson’s residence Necker Island are not taxed at all.

Read 4 tweets
Apr 10th 2020
@mboudry @GeertenWaling #jortcall Italië die zijn zaakjes niet op orde heeft en een blanco cheque wil. vergelijkbaar met de ondernemer, zzp-er die nu ook uit de brand moet geholpen vanwege #CoronaPandemie omdat net als Italie macro, zij micro ook hun zaakjes niet op orde hebben.
Vergeet niet, #bailout #zzp+ondernemer door #coronavirus noodzakelijk vanwege regeringsbeleid van ongebreidelde marktwerking, flexibilisering en promoten (schijn)zelfstandigheid)+beeld van bomen groeien tot in hemel.Ondernemen op krediet,en oprengst naar privé,niet voor buffers
Read 3 tweets
Apr 2nd 2020
We need BETTER OVERSIGHT of a #bailout for the #COVID19 crisis. It's worth $5 trillion - a quarter of GDP. We need to use Phase 4 legislation to improve oversight. Let's not play small ball. (Hat tip: @kyledcheney+@mzanona) THREAD 1/12
.@RepKatiePorter, mindful that the public remembers the #bailout of #WallStreet all too well, hits the right notes: “In the wake of the financial crisis 10 years ago, there are going to be a lot of suspicions. Can we trust the Fed and the Treasury?” 2/12…
.@ChuckGrassley is adding a bipartisan tone to the discussions. “Now, more than ever, it’s critical that we ensure that this money is used as intended,” Grassley said. He’s a longtime fan of good oversight. 3/12…
Read 13 tweets
Mar 23rd 2020
#WallStreet sees a public health crisis as an opportunity to profit, and it shows in the McConnell #bailout plan, a multi-trillion-dollar giveaway to corporate America that @GoldmanSachs may actually run! Check it out and fight back: THREAD 1/10…
The plan envisions two pots of money for the bailout, $75 billion pot and a $425 billion pot. The smaller pot (for airlines and industries deemed important for national security) has some restrictions on it, but they are minimal 2/10
Executives couldn’t earn more than what they did the previous year (a record year for airline bosses) the restrictions last only 2 years, even though the loans from the $75 billion pot would last 5 years. No requirement to give taxpayers equity. Minimal buyback limitations 3/10
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Mar 19th 2020
#bailout Here's how America could kill two crises with one piece of legislation. Give all the companies asking for bailouts all the money they're asking for. Every penny. Instead of issuing more debt however, buy equity. Purchase ownership in them.
Take that aggregate equity and create a sovereign corporation that issues shares directly to every American citizen and sets up trusts for our children. Require the payment of quarterly dividends to be distributed directly via direct deposit to shareholders.
This way we wouldn't be working for "the man". We'd be the man. Encourage every business enterprise out there to come eat at the trough. Suck on the govt teat and bring the corporate socialism out into the open where we can see it and benefit from it.
Read 5 tweets
Feb 10th 2020
Lets talk about #Argentina and the #IMF. Specifically, lets talk about the biggest IMF #Bailout in #History...
Before we start talking about #Argentina & how the #IMF has extended to them a #Bailout that is by far the biggest in the organisation's history, let us first appreciate what the functions of the IMF are...
The #IMF’s main goal is to ensure #stability of the #international #monetary & #financial #system. It helps resolve crises, and works with its 189 member countries to promote #growth & alleviate #poverty...
Read 12 tweets
Jul 15th 2019
1/ The Senate Banking Comm staff reached out last week regarding @Facebook @Libra pursuant to my @ForbesCrypto article. During a conf call they indicated interest in receiving formal testimony from me. Here it is + summary follows 👇:… @DoWithCare
2/ Big takeaway--politicians that weaponize the US banking system (blocking access to disfavored industries/countries) are modern-day Herbert Hoovers bc these barriers block both unlawful & LAWFUL commerce, & these barriers caused the invention of #stablecoins in the first place.
3/ (OK, I didn't actually call them modern-day Herbert Hoovers the testimony, but I digress...) If Congress isn't happy about @facebook @Libra, it can immediately make #stablecoins irrelevant by letting #banks bank the #crypto industry (& I give v specific recommendations here:
Read 19 tweets

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