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May 23rd 2022
#Finland @NATO membership-"#Turkey's objection...we are still in the assessment phase, trying to figure out how serious the demands & objections are" @FINambUS Mikko Hautala tells @BrookingsInst

"We intend to discuss w/the Turks...This process is going on right now"
"This is a discussion we are having w/the Turkish gvt right now" per @SWEambUSA Karin Olofsdotter tells @BrookingsInst re: #Tukrey's objection to @NATO membership

"#Sweden of course is a very strong ally in all issues that deals w/terrorism & anti-terrorism" she adds
"The #EuropeanUnion has had #PKK on its terrorist list since 2002, so we have always been there for that" per @SWEambUSA

"We have been operating w/some of these organizations in #Syria, as the #UnitedStates has done, as many other Europeans have done"
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