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May 12th 2022
Annastiina Rajala-Vaittinen nimellä julkaisemamme artikkeli "Synnytinelinten #poliittinentalous: Biologisen uusintamisen kustannuksista poliittisen talouden vaginaalisilla rajapinnoilla" ilmestyy pian @poltal_tutkimus lehdessä. Maistiaiseksi 🧵 👇@AnnaIlonaRajala @vaippahanke
Sosiaali- ja terveysjärjestelmämme laiminlyö synnytinelinten #hoiva n ja hoido n tarpeet. Laiminlyönti heikentää julkisen #terveystalous kestävyyttä merkittävästi pitkällä aikavälillä.
Tarkastelemme artikkelissamme synnytinelinten hyvinvoinnin laiminlyömisestä kertyviä, synnyttäjien elämänkaarten aikana kumuloituvia kustannuksia synnyttäjien elämässä sekä julkisessa taloudessa: puhutaan jopa miljardeista euroista vuodessa!
Read 30 tweets
Dec 30th 2021
I wonder whose bright idea it was that if a #vagina managed penetrative #sexual activity, it must be pliable to #insertion of the speculum 😒. Whoever that was definitely disregarded the physiology of sexual #arousal & vaginal changes in the moment that facilitate #penetration.
@vagina_museum shows that everyone's apparatus is different then how can #Gynecology stick to a one size fits all model? #publichealth should strive to develop minimally invasive self administered #screening tests & #gynaecologist must #research on making procedures comfortable.…
This shows that topical #anesthetic agents reduce #pain and #discomfort during speculum manipulation. Why can't the usage of topical #anesthesia be a #standard process in #Gynecology? Why such blatant disregard for #patient #comfort? 😠 #misogyny much?
Read 5 tweets
Sep 14th 2021
A #story of an #afternoon of 1971 #Bengal.
A beautiful,fair glowing skinned,#generalclass, #traditional, #Hinduwoman used to live with her #husband (who used to work in railways) and her 15yrs old #son & 4 years old #Daughter.
She was also a prime worshipper of Maa Durga...
Some years ago, when her #son was of 13 yrs, he started showing his interest in #Politics and started being with #hinduextremists.
He also started going to #akharas,for #gym work and #shastravidya.
Onto which he was #punished by not given #food for a #day by...
his mother, as she wanted him to be an #Engineer and become #rich.
The son left his interest, and started #studying in guidence of his #mother.
It was the time of #Bangladeshliberation #war, when he went to a nearby #Temple with his mother and #sister one #evening ...
Read 22 tweets
Sep 21st 2020
♀️ In Europe, girls & women are constantly exposed to images of what our patriarchal society considers a perfect female body.

This goes beyond thigh gaps or big breasts, and includes standards on how a “desirable” #vagina should look like. (1/7)
To live up to these expectations, some women & girls undergo operations, including of cosmetic genital surgery.

Some examples to achieve this #BarbieLook?
Continue to read our thread! 👇 (2/7)
1⃣ Vaginoplasty➡️an operation that aims to “correct” the vulva’s appearance and makes it "flawless".

2⃣ Labiaplasty➡️an operation to reduce the length of the labias. 2015/2016: In 🇬🇧, more than 200 girls under 18 had labiaplasty. More than 150 were under 15.
Read 7 tweets

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