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Nov 3rd 2022

Retweet if you’re going to #VoteBlueIn22
A HUGE thank you to everyone involved in this project!

@itsJohnWalsh - For starring as “The Donald”

@EricJRacy - For mixing the song and making it sound AMAZING!

@WampooMedia - For the incredible filming/editing of the video

@taylorswift13 - For the inspiration!
And of course, please give a retweet and tell everyone you know to follow @heathergtv for putting together this incredible song and video!
Read 4 tweets
Oct 17th 2022
🧵1. Early voting started today in Ga.
2. People will say this election is about inflation, it’s about gas prices, etc.

It is not about any of those things.

This election is about our Democracy…
3. The GOP has already told us what they will do if they get the Majority. They will pass a national abortion ban, they will encourage SCOTUS to continue their extremist rulings that strip us of established Rights and what the GOP has already done on the State level…
Read 7 tweets
Aug 31st 2022
"The waiting is the hardest part
Every day you get one more yard"

The Espionage Act investigation into the former traitor-in-chief brings worse news for him and co each day now.

We are having to WAIT for justice, and even for basic national security.

We? Yes we. I'm a New Zealander and like people in every other country outside the US, I can see that these crimes led to a clear (and possibly imminent) threat to national security everywhere.

No one knows how much damage has already been done. We may never know.
This discussion on the day's events is pretty informative and accessible:

The four panelists are among the best of the best.
Read 12 tweets
Aug 27th 2022
“My top-level, expert legal analysis of the [Trump Mar-a-Lago FBI search] affidavit is: Why ain’t this dude in jail? What does this man have to do to go to jail?”

@ElieNYC @DrJasonJohnson @CrossConnection
#TrumpStoleClassifiedDocuments #TrumpESPIONAGE
“Just the classification markings referred to in this [redacted Mar-a-Lago search warrant] affidavit — made the hair on the back of my neck stand up… Literally human lives can be at stake.” @FrankFigliuzzi1

@NicolleDWallace #TrumpStoleClassifiedDocuments
“There is a feeling here that [if] Merrick Garland decides not to prosecute Trump, how do you hold anyone else accountable for violating classification rules going forward in the U.S. government?”@JaxAlemany

@NicolleDWallace #TrumpStoleClassifiedDocuments
Read 200 tweets
Aug 18th 2022
“This was not just extreme carelessness with classified material, which is still totally disqualifying. This is calculated, deliberate, premeditated misconduct — a cover-up [with] false statements and lies to Congress and the American people.” #LockTrumpUp
“Trump’s attorney, Alina Habba, says that Trump wants the Department of Justice to release the names of the witnesses who helped secure the search warrant for Mar-a-Lago.”@therecount

#TrumpIsANationalSecurityRisk #TrumpCrimeSyndicate
CPAC 2022: “We are all domestic terrorists.”

Read 180 tweets
Aug 17th 2022
#EspionageAct [doesn’t] mention classification at all. It talks about a specific type of information: national defense… The real question is, why would Trump WANT to declassify secrets that could harm the U.S.?”
.@AshaRangappa_ @TiffanyDCross @thereidout
“Trump has still not said a word of explanation as to why he took the documents, why he did not return them all, and what he was doing with them for over 18 months.” @AWeissmann_

🎶: #stilloneblackmansopinion…
“[Donald Trump] has betrayed our national security, and he will do so again… You will not change him. You cannot constrain him. He is who he is. Truth matters little to him. What’s right matters even less, and decency matters not at all.” Adam Schiff

Read 177 tweets
Aug 13th 2022
Republicans whine.
Democrats win.

"He promised a new social safety net. He pledged to develop a robust plan to fight global warming. He vowed to reduce the gap between rich and poor by making the wealthy 'pay their fair share.'”…
"And along the way, Joseph R. Biden Jr. often said as he battled Donald J. Trump for the White House in 2020, he would prove that democracy still works in America.
"With final House passage of the Inflation Reduction Act on Friday, President Biden is poised to deliver the latest in a series of legislative victories that will ripple across the country for decades —
Read 4 tweets
Jul 2nd 2022

When a Republican says "The US is a republic, not a democracy" they are just trying to avoid having to answer for their abandonment of the lawful democratic practices that used to be valued and agreed to by both sides.

Here's how the brainwashing works:
Until relatively recently, the Republican party's position was that the US is a democratic country, as opposed to one ruled by a military junta, absolute monarchy, or an actual communist party.

Direct democracy means that all decisions are made by voters. That's unworkable...
Most of the industrialized countries of the world are representative democracies.

That means that voters elect representatives to represent their general views when decisions need to be made.

A version of the democratic process is used to elect those representatives.
Read 32 tweets
Jun 26th 2022

“On the heels of their greatest victory, antiabortion activists are eager to capitalize on their momentum by enshrining constitutional abortion bans, …
“pushing Congress to pass a national prohibition, blocking abortion pills, and limiting people’s ability to get abortions across state lines.”…
… “‘It’s not over,’ said Oklahoma state Rep. Todd Russ (R), who attended the conference. At this point, Russ said, the ideas are like ‘popcorn in a popcorn popper.’
Read 6 tweets
Jun 26th 2022
Folks, the fact is if you vote for Republicans in November, our country will go back to 1950s. Women will be expected to submit to men. Racism, already bad enough, could become even worse. Regulating our sexual behavior, choices will become law #VoteBlueIn22
We have millions who still support a man who wanted to declare himself “president” much like Putin and dictators in other countries. The truth is, this party who SAY they want less regulation, is regulating more of our personal choices #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica
The current Republicans are self-righteous religious fanatics who feel violent toward any who don’t agree with them. This version of the GOP is the most hate-filled, backward thinking group of people I have seen in my lifetime. #VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy
Read 5 tweets
Jun 2nd 2022

It's very important that we do not see these preventable tragedies as "normal," and become complacent about them.

The issue is NOT primarily about guns, but a comprehensive gun control strategy is needed, and I provide more info about that in this thread:
I was one of many who said in the first few months of the pandemic that the already high rates of interpersonal violence and self-harm and indeed terrorism, would skyrocket.

Coupled with that is my longstanding concern about security inside hospital and medical facilities.
It's far too early to know enough about the Tulsa shooting to comment on it.

But mass shootings at healthcare facilities is a topic I wrote about in November 2018, below.

(NOTE: At the time I was a maga adherent. I'm certainly not now! #VoteBlueIn22)

Read 6 tweets
May 3rd 2022
Thread: Who is America's latest national hero?

My answer: Whoever leaked the 98 page "draft" SCOTUS decision intended to overturn Roe v Wade.

I believe he or she supports Roe v Wade and did this to tip us off, knowing the risk of being prosecuted. That is courage.

Initial reactions to this historic event have focused on the shock of such a document being leaked. But I think a far greater shock is that these 5-6 SCOTUS judges would have the temerity to "swing to the fences" in this way. That is what has to be addressed.
It was a poor choice, only drawing more attention to the slow moving neo fascist insurgency of which 1/6 was just one part.

There are many ways that pro-democracy Americans can respond to limit the damage done to the constitutional rights of women (& men, because they're next.)
Read 11 tweets
Apr 29th 2022
📌Been an interesting 24 hours.

📌Went out with a post sticking up for VP Harris. Took issue with the lack of respect she's gotten from Day 1. Opined that a lot of it had to do with her race and misogyny in this country.

📌The hate that post unleashed was chilling.

📌Get this:
📌Last I checked, there were over 13,000 QTs just slamming her and me. It was a feeding frenzy.

📌My feed and DMs were littered with some of the most disgusting stuff I've ever seen -- perverted, threatening ...

📌There was also some polite pushback, but very little of it.
📌I take heart with the 55,000+ out there who supported her and the tweet, and the many thousands more who RT'd.

📌But I had to delete the thing, because I'll be honest, it got scary. So apologies.

📌I also wrote this in real time describing the mayhem:…
Read 6 tweets
Apr 27th 2022
The concerning thing about today’s political climate is there are people in this country who want authoritarianism. They want it so they can “own the libs”, but don’t realize that all these restrictions will apply to them too. No healthcare. No Social Security. No clean air. 1/
No clean water. No teaching authentic history. No accountability for polluters. But guns. Lots of guns. And oil wells and fracking. Higher taxes for the poor and the middle class. More tax cuts for the rich. No #Democracy. This is what #November22 is all about. 2/
No matter how hard they make it, we must find a way to get everyone to the polls. This could very well be our last chance to save the promise of the USA. We are not perfect, but we strive for a more perfect union. It’s up to us. #VoteBlueIn22 #SaveDemocracy. END
Read 3 tweets
Apr 7th 2022
I endorse this msg, although I'm not a liberal. I'm a moderate conservative standing with everyone who is pro-democracy and wants the USA to resume its long path toward freedom for ALL, despite the far right capture of the Republican party.

Proudly #XGOP and #CountryOverParty! Image
The past two years or so in US politics have shown me that it's the right wingers whose feelings are fragile, lol.

What a bunch of crybaby sore losers.

And they are extremely gullible, too.
I just heard today that the next CPAC will be held in Hungary, with authoritarian dictator Viktor Orban as keynote speaker.

They want to undermine NATO from the inside. Too bad, losers. The rest of NATO won't let that happen.
Read 18 tweets
Jan 6th 2022
That's true, the level and type of co-ordination became clearer after the event.

But days prior (see my next tweet) and on 1/6 itself, there was already enough publicly available info to know this was a coup attempt with a terrorist attack involved.

Sickening isn't it?
I gotta provide some context about my 12/27/20 tweet below. I was almost out of the cult & had accepted #TrumpLost. But I kept an open mind about supposed "evidence" GQP Senators promised to reveal on 1/6. That was the last possible legal "remedy."
I had underestimated the level of violence, but plenty of people closer to the subject gave explicit warnings on Twitter, that evidently were ignored by authorities before 1/6.

From early on I wrote about the yawning gaps in routine security planning:

Read 18 tweets
Sep 28th 2021
We're not "transitioning to a decarbonized society" anytime soon. We can't.

Nuclear power for this purpose is far safer and cheaper than fossil fuel and most other sources. Failing that, smart hydroelectric power can provide for the world's aluminum smelting needs.


"[M]assive electrical currents to melt alumina, essentially the same substance that sapphires are made from"

is a ridiculously OTT way to express this information.

Diamonds are made of carbon, and so are humans...
You can tell a story was aimed at your emotion, not intellect, when it includes truly daft phrases like that.

Before speaking about the substances that are made from bauxite ore, folk should learn a bit about it. This is a quick read:…
Read 11 tweets

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