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Apr 7th 2022
Deputy Speaker’s ruling to reject No Confidence Motion was wrong: #CJP remarks .Chief Justice of #Pakistan says we will announce the verdict today & now AGP and opposition lawyer will assist us what will be the future course in national interest of Pakistan. Security high alert
Chief Justice of Pakistan mentions falling rupee, stock market slump and ongoing economic crisis in #SriLanka
We need a strong government, not a weak one,CJP Remarks during suo motu case on @NAofPakistan Deputy Speaker @QasimKhanSuri dismissed the #NoConfidenceMotion against PMIK
In the name of Allah & Pakistan, please restore assemblies: Opposition leader Shahbaz Sharif to #CJP in #SupremeCourt

You were asking for early elections since months. Why don't you want new elections now? - Chief Justice of #Pakistan to opposition leader #ShehbazSharif.
Read 11 tweets
Mar 5th 2021
A consecutive third 'Night of the Knives' in #Pakistan's capital, #Islamabad. The city truly outdoes itself in ruthless politics as a cornered & paranoid PM Imran Khan fights for political survival, scared of his own shadow & party, #PTI, which he built but can't trust now. /1
A cornered Prime Minister Imran Khan is now so paranoid & suspicious of his own party that he banned his lawmakers from leaving the city, forced them to have breakfast with him first thing today, & warned them in a letter published by opposition leader!/2

So bad is #PTI's ability to defend its prime minister on the eve of a vote of confidence in Parliament that opposition leader Maryam Nawaz Sharif embarrasses the PM by publishing an internal party letter that reeks of paranoia. Better media management could have preempted this./3
Read 9 tweets
Mar 4th 2021
Embattled PM Imran Khan hints he might lose office in a disjointed live address to the nation where he digressed into a long lecture on poverty+corruption & linked a rebellion against him within the ruling #PTI to a heroic struggle for #Pakistan's future/1
Imran Khan appeared incoherent and angry, blamed opposition politicians for a rebellion targeting him personally from within his #PTI party. He offered little details on this conspiracy, vowed to resist whether he remains in power or not. /2
Imran Khan's TV address came as his govt moved a #VoteOfConfidence in Parliament from today to Saturday as chatter increased that he's unsure of the situation, has asked his aides to do the homework to avoid surprises, & likely banned party lawmakers front leaving the capital./3
Read 6 tweets
Mar 4th 2021

In an unexpected electoral setback which is shocking, even by #Pakistan's turbulent standards, cricketer-turned-prime minister #ImranKhan faces a crucial #VoteOfConfidence.

Here's a look at @ImranKhanPTI's political career, spanning over two decades.
Propelled by his celebrity & supported by his (now former) wife @Jemima_Khan, Khan's early political career saw him adopt the role of international activist. Here, in 1997, he's on a tour of South Africa with then-President Nelson Mandela.
Philanthropy would form the basis of his politics. The Shaukat Khanum, Pakistan's first cancer research hospital, would be inspired by his mother's demise & become his showcase for organizational change. Months before her own death in 1997, Princess Diana would help raise funds.
Read 24 tweets

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