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May 13th 2022
1/ Legislators - Collaboration with WEF / WHO is TREASON.
Any & all actions to advance the creation, amendments, submission and/or passing of agreements or treaties, that attempt to circumvent, undermine &/or interfere with the United States’ sovereignty
#TulsiGabbard #blinken
2/ & exclusive authority to self govern, as set forth in the Constitution & Federal & State laws, &/or transfer this authority, in full or in part, to any foreign country or other entity, are a violation of United States Federal and State Laws.
#WEF #WHO #Clinton #Newsom
3/ Involvement in such actions is considered treasonous & persons found guilty of violations may be subject to fines, imprisonment &/or death in accordance with U. S. law.
#WHO #WEF #gallego #Pelosi #POTUS #buttigleg #vanjones
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May 7th 2022
Van 22 tot 28 mei 2022 wordt in Genève de 75e World Health Assembly (WHA) gehouden. De WHA is een grote internationale bijeenkomst van alle lidstaten van de World Health Organization die fungeert als besluitvormingsorgaan.
Tijdens de WHA wordt over zaken rondom de wereldwijde volksgezondheid vergaderd, met Covid-19 als hoofdonderwerp deze keer.

Waar wij op nationaal niveau langzaam uit het hele Covid-verhaal lijken te stappen is de WHO op internationaal niveau bezig ons aan hen te onderwerpen.
Op de agenda van deze bijeenkomst staan namelijk tal van akelige spreekpunten zoals: "Behavioural science for better health initiative", waar openlijk gesproken wordt over hoe overheden wereldwijd gedragsverandering op hun bevolking hebben toegepast en hoe die te verbeteren.
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Dec 3rd 2021
The late Phillip Russell, former president of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, was a big deal. That's why I encourage everyone to read carefully the email he sent in April 2020. 1/11…
"The flimsiness of the epidemiology pointing to the wet market, the absence of bats in the market, the failure to identify an intermediate animal host, the extraordinary measures taken by the Chinese gov't, including persecution & probable killing of two brave physicians... 2/11
... to cover up the outbreak, the steps taken to silence the laboratory personnel,. the change in leadership of the lab, all point to the lab as the source of the outbreak.” 3/11
Read 11 tweets
Jun 14th 2021
Although I welcome the @G7 statement yesterday calling for a "timely, transparent, expert-led, & science-based @WHO-convened Phase 2 #COVID19 Origins study including… in China,” this will only be meaningful if it leads to a comprehensive investigation into what went wrong.
Fully investigating & understanding pandemic origins isn’t about politics, it’s about identifying our biggest failures so we can fix them. Unfortunately, #China has been engaged in a massive coverup since the very beginning. You can learn more here.…
.@DrTedros was 100% correct telling @G7 leaders that "the respect” the families of people who’ve died from #COVID19 “deserve is knowing what the origin of this virus is, so we can prevent it from happening again." The safety of everyone & future generations depends on this.
Read 20 tweets
May 20th 2020
☞ ❏'Magnanimous offering', or
☛ ❏ 'Hush money'
As 116 nations unite behind call for independent int' investigation (i.e. not by #WHO),it doesn't hurt to refresh our memories.

☑︎ Coverup by #China during initial stages #CoronavirusPandemic…
☑︎ Chinese companies 🇨🇳produced faulty testing kits, defective ventilators & substandard medical masks;
☑︎ #China #CCP using disinformation blaming USA 🇺🇸suggesting somehow US Army responsible for #COVID19🦠,and deflecting blame onto other countries (even suggesting Italy 🇮🇹)
☑︎ #China 🇨🇳 efforts to bolster exclusion #Taiwan🇹🇼 from #WHO & #WorldHealthAssembly - in spite of fact that it's recognized as the 'Poster-Child Example' of how to combat #COVID19 🦠 with only 440 cases and 17 deaths.

Any wonder relationships with #China are at a low point?
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