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May 16th 2022
Day 82 of #Russia-#Ukraine - Fight focused on the #Donbas w/both sides exchanged artillery fire

"They [#Russia] did not make significant territorial gains..." per a senior US defense official
NEW: US seeing heavy fighting in #Donetsk w/#Russia making small gains to the west, per a senior US defense official

Could be an attempt to link up with other Russian forces
"No progress" on #Russia|n attempts to cross #Donetsk River, per a senior US defense official

"They have been stymied, just about every effort"
Read 18 tweets
May 4th 2022
#Ukraine's success so far vs #Russia no shock to US forces helping them train since 2015

"They used that time very wisely" per BrigGen Joseph Hilbert, 7th Army Training Command in #Grafenwoehr #Germany

"The worst things the Russians did was gave us eight years to prepare"
#Ukraine-"they took the training to heart" per BrigGen Hilbert, briefing reporters

"We did see over time an investment in a noncommissioned officer corps as an example" he said "All of that investment and in their capabilities & their forces... you just see how it's paid off"
"We see it at the individual level in the soldiers that come here to train in not just their motivation, but then also both their technical, their tactical capabilities & their wherewithal when they come in to go through the training" per BrigGen Hilbert
Read 6 tweets
Mar 16th 2022
Does anyone have any more info to confirm or refute what this American mercenary is saying? If his statements are true, then #Ukraine is a deathtrap for foreign fighters.
This goes along with what he is saying...…
I can't respect Americans like the guy who left behind his wife & kids to go fight Russians in Ukraine "to keep the fight from reaching the homeland (the USA)". People who seek out opportunities to kill for money are as bad as rest of the war industry.
Read 26 tweets
Mar 14th 2022
Happening now: @PentagonPresSec briefs the media from the Pentagon...
#Yavoriv strikes - "This was clearly a Russia|n airstrike"
per @PentagonPresSec, who says the missiles were launched from Russian jets

"We know that several structures were hit..." he says
Airstrikes vs #Yavoriv is 3rd major strikes by #Russia in western #Ukraine - "It certainly appears the Russians are broadening their target set" per @PentagonPresSec
Read 12 tweets
Mar 14th 2022
NEW: "Not a lot of specific changes or progress...almost of #Russia's advances remain stalled" per senior US defense official

Russian forces still about 15km from #Kyiv city center, slowly trying to flow in forces behind advanced elements

Convoy still assessed to be stuck
#Chernihiv "isolated" but #Ukraine putting up stiff defense, stalling #Russia|n advances, per senior US defense official
#Ukraine keeping #Russia's eastern advance at bay - Ukrainians holding town of #Brovary, per senior US defense official
Read 27 tweets
Mar 13th 2022
UPDATE 🧵(1/5): Russia conducted a number of early morning air strikes in western #Ukraine, hitting the #Yavoriv training Center near the border with Poland.
Yavoriv is where US troops, namely from the Florida Army National Guard were training with Ukrainian forces just…
(2/5) before the war. So far, there are no reports of fatalities or injuries as result of the strikes.

Because Yavoriv is such a prominent fixed military target, it is unlikely that Ukraine had many, if any, meaningful military equipment at the training center. Ultimately,
(3/5) further suggesting Russia has exceptionally poor real-time ISTAR capabilities.

Defense officials tell me that the Ukrainian intelligence services have increased monitoring of civil communications, as it is likely that Russia’s primary ISTAR right now is coming from
Read 6 tweets
Mar 13th 2022
British instructors train Ukrainian military to operate NLAW tank killers (Jan 25th 2022)

"The studies began on Jan. 25 at the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ 184th Training Center in Lviv Oblast, under guidance of British personnel, part of Operation ORBITAL"… ImageImage
2015- 2021: JMTG-U in Yavoriv:

“The training here improves the Armed Forces of Ukraine’s capability, readiness & lethality”

“Together, this training group is helping to forge a new kind of NATO-compatible professional fighting force in Ukraine,”…
Early Days (2015)

"US has taken over costs of joint operations
It is important for them that soldiers who fought in Eastern Ukraine participate in the exercises
80 % of the soldiers now here at Yavoriv have served on the front lines in Donetsk & Luhansk"… ImageImageImage
Read 96 tweets
Mar 13th 2022
Day 18 of the #US #Russia war on #Ukraine soil:
In its first direct message to the west and #NATO, Russia hit the NATO-US-Ukraine joint training centre at Yavoriv, around 25 km from borders with #Poland.

The Yavoriv base is called "Peacekeeper Center", near the western city of Lviv. It has been used for training of #Ukraine army by foreign instructors, mainly the #US Florida National Guard, to prepare Ukraine to become a NATO base challenging #Russia.
It has been used as the safest hub between #NATO country members and #Ukraine to transport lethal weapons to be used in the ongoing war because #Russia bombed most Ukrainian airports (only yesterday two airports were neutralised).
Read 19 tweets
Feb 24th 2022
New Thread: War in #Ukraine

#Russia Launched Peace Enforcement Operation In Ukraine!
/1 Image
#Russia #Ukraine #RussiaUkraineConflict
On February 24, 2022, Russian military operation in Ukraine officially was launched.

Russian MRLS systems shelling Ukrainian fortified positions in the direction of #Mariupol.
We missed a full day of reporting on the #UkraineRussiaConflict because Twitter locked our account for no reason! Sad Image
Read 397 tweets

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