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Apr 23rd 2021
WHO joins @GYMobilization to engage youth πŸ™Œ around the world 🌏🌍🌍 find youth-led solutions to address the negative impacts of #COVID19 on young people. #youthmobilize

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The #COVID19 pandemic is disproportionately affecting millions of young people worldwide.

We are calling on governments and policymakers to help youth tackle health-related challenges resulting from the pandemic.

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The global response to the pandemic is underutilizing the power of youth, missing key opportunities to engage youth in innovative solutions.

Join @GYMobilization, get involved and make a difference:

Read 5 tweets
Apr 21st 2021
Apr 20 2021 Johns Hopkins: "#VACCINE DISINFORMATION - the Virality Project & started by #experts from multiple US #academic institutions, is using strategies [] to help #socialmedia platforms counter vaccine mis- & disinformation."

#TeamHalo is partnered w/ #Facebook & #TikTok.
Virality Project Weekly Briefing 13-Mar 23 2021:

"Anti-vax websites, including @ChildrensHD
reprinted the art. on Mar. 16. Various
anti-vax articles covering this have received 1.1K FB interactions combined & have been
shared across anti-vax Telegram groups w/ [] 82.6K users."
Those serving #people are framed as "conspiracy theorists", "anti-vaccine activists", & "anti-vaxx influencers". Those serving #capital, advocating experimental vaccines be tested on whole populations & children are "health & wellness influencers."
Read 7 tweets
Apr 20th 2021
Jan 25 2019. Davos. The #4IR panel w/ Jane Goodall, Bono, Greta Thunberg, Christiana Figueres, Kengo Sakurada, &

Led by CEO/founder, Marc Benioff, #Salesforce, TIME. WEF Board of Trustees; inaugural chair Centre for #4IR

Who is this person in orange? ImageImage
Hint 2. ImageImageImageImage
Hint 3. You have most likely seen him before. Without realizing it. Perhaps dozens of times.

Hint 4. 24.7 trillion in market cap.

Hint 5. #TheyMeanBusiness
Read 5 tweets
Apr 19th 2021
Media briefing on #COVID19 and climate change with @DrTedros and @GretaThunberg…
"Last week, new cases of #COVID19 increased for the eighth week in a row, with more than 5.2 million cases reported - the most in a single week so far.

Deaths rose for the fifth straight week, and more than 3 million deaths have now been reported to WHO"-@DrTedros
"It took 9 months to reach 1 million deaths; 4 months to reach 2 million, and 3 months to reach 3 million.

Big numbers can make us numb. But each one of these deaths is a tragedy for families, communities and nations"-@DrTedros #COVID19

Read 33 tweets

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