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Today @WHO issued 6️⃣ #COVID19 policy briefs outlining essential actions national policy makers can implement to end the COVID-19 emergency worldwide.

“We have never been in a better position to end the pandemic” - @DrTedros

More on each brief👇🧵…
1️⃣ Testing: It remains critical to continue to test for #COVID19 to reduce morbidity and mortality through linkage to prompt care and treatment, reduce onward transmission and track the evolution of the epidemic and the virus itself.…
2️⃣Clinical care: Establish & sustain clear pathways to clinical care for #COVID19. Integrate COVID into primary care systems. Provide access and follow up care for #LongCOVID. Utilizetherapeutics for those at risk. Plan for surges.…
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LIVE: Media briefing on #COVID19 and other global health issues with @DrTedros…
@DrTedros "Last week, the number of weekly reported deaths from #COVID19 was the lowest since March 2020. We have never been in a better position to end the pandemic. We are not there yet, but the end is in sight"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros "A marathon runner does not stop when the finish line comes into view. She runs harder, with all the energy she has left. So must we. We can see the finish line. We’re in a winning position. But now is the worst time to stop running"-@DrTedros #COVID19
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LIVE: Media briefing on #Ukraine, #monkeypox, #COVID19 and other global health issues with @DrTedros…
@DrTedros "Yesterday marked six months since the Russian Federation’s invasion, which has had a devastating impact on the health and lives of #Ukraine’s people. Although shaken, the health system has not collapsed"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros "WHO continues to support @MoH_Ukraine to restore disrupted services, displaced #healthworkers and destroyed infrastructure, which is essential not only for the health of #Ukraine’s people, but for the country’s resilience and recovery"-@DrTedros
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LIVE NOW: @DrTedros' address at the @WHOAFRO Regional Committee #RC72AFRO ⬇️
"The liberation of #Togo from Dracunculiasis, Human African Trypanosomiasis, lymphatic filariasis and trachoma is a stunning achievement that will free many people from the threat of these devastating diseases"-@DrTedros #BeatNTDs #RC72AFRO
@DrTedros "It is very pleasing to see that reported #COVID19 cases and deaths in the @WHOAFRO region are now at their lowest levels since the pandemic began"-@DrTedros #RC72AFRO Image
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Millions have died from #COVID19 since the start of this pandemic and 15000 are still dying each week.

15000 mothers, daughters, fathers, sons, brothers, sisters, friends… people we love.

I know we are tired, but when did this become acceptable?

A short thread…
Globally, over the last 4 weeks, 26,722,228 new cases and 62,892 new deaths were reported to @WHO. That’s a 15% ⬆️ in new cases & a +35% ⬆️ in new deaths over the reporting period.
We expect cases to continue to occur given the limited use of public health and social measures🌎, but #COVID19 hospitalisations, deaths & #LongCovid can be minimised.

Efforts need to be made to strengthen the use of life saving interventions. We can do this AND live our lives.
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LIVE: Media briefing on #monkeypox, #COVID19 and other global health issues with @DrTedros…
"On Saturday I declared a public health emergency of international concern over the global #monkeypox outbreak. More than 18,000 cases have now been reported to WHO from 78 countries, with more than 70% of cases reported from @WHO_Europe, and 25% from @pahowho"-@DrTedros
@WHO_Europe @pahowho @DrTedros "So far, five deaths have been reported, and about 10% of #monkeypox cases are admitted to hospital to manage the pain caused by the disease"-@DrTedros
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LIVE: Media briefing on World report on the health of refugees & migrants, & other global health issues with @DrTedros…
"Today, WHO is proud to launch the first World Report on the health of refugees and migrants. 1 in every 8 people on our planet is a refugee or migrant, and the numbers are growing"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros "With conflicts, #ClimateChange, growing inequality, and global emergencies such as the #COVID19 pandemic, more and more people will be on the move. Like anyone else, refugees and migrants have the right to the highest attainable standard of health"-@DrTedros
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1⃣8⃣ million children did not receive a single vaccine in 2021 - the largest ↘️ in 29 years, due to:

🔸 #COVID19-related disruptions
🔸 emergencies
🔸 misinformation undermining vaccine acceptance & demand

WHO & @UNICEF sound the alarm 🚨

🆕 data on global vaccine coverage ⬇️
Zero-dose children, those who haven’t received a single dose of the vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis, more than doubled in 🔟 countries between 2019 and 2021.

This puts more lives at risk than ever before:
Inadequate immunization coverage leads to:
🚨 outbreaks
🚨 children dying from preventable illnesses
🚨 collapse of the global health system

We cannot let children needlessly suffer from preventable illnesses.

#VaccinesWork to save lives!

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LIVE: Media briefing on #COVID19 and other global health issues with @DrTedros.…
"I am concerned that cases of #COVID19 continue to rise - putting further pressure on stretched health systems and health workers - and deaths are unacceptably high"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros "The Emergency Committee on #COVID19 met on Friday last week and concluded that the virus remains a Public Health emergency of International Concern"-@DrTedros
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Reality check👇

#COVID19 deaths globally are at a similar level to March 2020. While deaths are now much lower than they have been at their peaks over the last 2.5 yrs, we must remember that in 3/20, we knew very little about this virus & we had no treatments & no vaccines
Now in July 2022, we have several life saving interventions that we are not utilising effectively nor consistently globally & deaths should be far lower at this point in the pandemic

It’s not over & are playing with fire by letting this virus circulate at such intense levels
Among #Omicron lineages, #BA5 & #BA4 continue to rise globally.

BA.5 has been detected in 83 countries, with prevalence ⬆️ from 37% to 52% from 19 to 25 June. The rate of BA4 ⬆️ is not as high as BA5.

3/ @WHO
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1 year ago, as the 🌐’s richest countries rolled out #COVID19 vaccines while the poorest countries watched on, WHO set an ambitious but attainable 🎯 to vaccinate 7⃣0⃣% of the population of every country by the mid-2022.

The deadline is upon us, have we achieved #VaccinEquity?
#COVID19 vaccination has saved almost 2⃣0⃣ million
lives in 2021 alone, according to a new study in @TheLancetInfDis

Hundreds of thousands of deaths could have been averted if the 🌎🌍🌏 had reached WHO's target to vaccinate 40% of the population of every country against #COVID19 by the end of 2021. Most of these lives could have been saved in low income countries:
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LIVE: media briefing on #COVID19 and other global health issues with @DrTedros…
@DrTedros "#COVID19, driven by BA.4 and BA.5 in many places, cases are on the rise in 110 countries, causing overall global cases to increase by 20% and deaths have risen in 3 of the 6 WHO regions even as the global figure remains relatively stable"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros "This pandemic is changing but it’s not over. Our ability to track the #COVID19 virus is under threat as reporting and genomic sequences are declining meaning it is becoming harder to track Omicron and analyse future emerging variants"-@DrTedros
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We are not yet living with #COVID19 responsibly. Not even close.


↗️People are dying unnecessarily
↗️Millions infected each week
↗️Billions not fully vaccinated
↗️Lives & livelihoods suffering
↘️Dismantling systems needed to end the global emergency & fight the next one
While some countries have managed to significantly reduce hospitalisations and deaths, many have not. Too many vulnerable people continue to be missed with vaccination, clinical care, tests, accurate & reliable information…

#VaccinEquity remains a significant problem globally
… Far too many countries have abandoned public health measures (masks indoors, distance), not invested (ventilation, PPE, HCW), continue to politicize #COVID19 undermining the effectiveness of tools that work… all of which allows the virus to continue to circulate intensely…
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LIVE: Media briefing on #COVID19 & other global health issues with @DrTedros…
"Globally, the number of reported #COVID19 cases and deaths continues to decline. This is clearly a very encouraging trend – increasing vaccination rates are saving lives – but WHO continues to urge caution. There is not enough testing, and not enough vaccination"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros "On average, about 3/4 of #healthworkers and people aged over 60 globally have been vaccinated. But these rates are much lower in low-income countries. Almost 18 months since the first vaccine was administered, 68 countries have still not achieved 40% coverage"-@DrTedros
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LIVE: Opening of the 75th World Health Assembly with @DrTedros. #WHA75…
"It’s good to see you. It’s been a while. For more than two years, technology has allowed us to continue meeting, and to continue our work together. But there is no substitute for meeting face-to-face"-@DrTedros #WHA75
"The #COVID19 pandemic has turned our world upside down. Our world has endured great suffering – and endures it still. I know how difficult the last two years have been for you and the people we serve together"-@DrTedros #WHA75
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LIVE: media briefing on #COVID19, #Ukraine and other global health issues with @DrTedros…
"On #COVID19, there’s good news. Last week, the lowest number of COVID-19 deaths was recorded since the early days of the pandemic. However, some countries are still witnessing serious spikes in cases, which is putting pressure on hospitals"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros "This week, the #COVID19 IHR Emergency Committee met and unanimously agreed that the pandemic remains a public health emergency. I appreciated their advice and agree that far from being the time to drop our guard, this is the moment to work even harder to save lives"-@DrTedros
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LIVE: Media briefing on #Ukraine, #COVID19 and other global health issues with @DrTedros…
@DrTedros "The global increase in #COVID19 cases continues, driven by large outbreaks in Asia and a fresh wave in Europe. Several countries are now seeing their highest death rates since the beginning of the pandemic"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros "This reflects the speed with which Omicron spreads, and the heightened risk of death for those who are not vaccinated, especially older people"-@DrTedros #COVID19

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We @WHO recognise the tremendous desire to move on from #COVID19, the difficulties to keep fighting & the enormous toll this has taken on our lives.

However, the pandemic will end with our actions & we have the power to take the death and devastation out of COVID.

There are alot of questions about what’s going on with #COVID19 so let’s break it down…

First, #Omicron is still spreading at a very intense level and we are starting to see an increase in cases after a few weeks of decline (this is despite big reductions in testing)
Increasing cases will occur where measures are lifted even in the context of high vaccination coverage—this shouldn’t be a surprise as vaccines are incredibly effective at reducing severe disease and death, but not infections

Note the significant regional differences in trends👇
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Over 2 years ago...

"On 30 January [2020], we were telling the 🌍 there's going to be a flood"-@DrMikeRyan

WHO raised its highest alarm🚨 then, by declaring the #COVID19 outbreak a Public Health Emergency of Intl. Concern.

6 weeks later, the outbreak had become a pandemic.
@DrMikeRyan 2 years after WHO described #COVID19 as a pandemic,
Over 4⃣3⃣3⃣ million confirmed cases almost 6⃣ million deaths have been reported globally.The cases and deaths are declining overall, some countries are lifting measures, but the pandemic is far from over.
To help countries respond the #COVID19 pandemic effectively, WHO published over 280 guidance documents, covering various topics:

📃Infection prevention & control
📃Laboratory testing
📃Travel advice
📃Clinical management
📃Home care
and many more 👇
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LIVE: Media briefing on expanding local pharmaceutical manufacturing with Dr Tedros…
"Vaccines are among the most powerful inventions in human history. Thanks to vaccines, smallpox is no more, polio is on the brink of eradication, and once-feared diseases like diphtheria, tetanus, measles and meningitis can now be easily prevented"-@DrTedros #VaccinesWork
@DrTedros "And of course, vaccines have helped to change the course of the #COVID19 pandemic. But this scientific triumph has been undermined by vast inequities in access to these life-saving tools"-@DrTedros #VaccinEquity
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@DrTedros "This week marks 1 year since #COVAX made its 1st delivery in Africa, to 🇬🇭. Unfortunately, 💉 nationalism & manufacturers prioritizing high-income countries in the 1st half of last year severely limited the number of 💉 COVAX was able to supply in the 1st half of 2021"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros "As a result, 83% of the population of Africa is yet to receive a single dose. This is not only a moral failure, it is also an epidemiological failure, which is creating the ideal conditions for new variants to emerge"-@DrTedros #PortsToArms
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LIVE with @DrTedros: Media briefing on the mRNA vaccine technology transfer hub in #SouthAfrica. #VaccinEquity…
"Two years ago, as the 🌎 was still coming to grips with the spread of a new coronavirus, WHO did what only WHO can do – we convened hundreds of scientists from around the world to identify the most urgent priorities in R&D. Among them was the development of vaccines."-@DrTedros
"Tomorrow marks the second anniversary of that first meeting.
It’s incredible to think that within a year of that meeting, the first vaccines were approved, and just two years later, more than 10 billion doses have been administered globally."-@DrTedros
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Short 🧵 on #omicron (filmed yesterday)

The global situation with #COVID19 is dynamic. @WHO Global COVID-19 epi situation available here…

2/5 What is #Omicron? And what about BA.2?
3/5 What is the risk of severe disease with #Omicron?
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5️⃣ factors that continue to drive #COVID19 transmission globally:

1️⃣ Continued evolution of SARS-CoV-2 resulting in more transmissible variants & variants with immune evasion

2️⃣ Unequal access to life saving tools incl PPE, diagnostics, therapeutics & vaccines (#VaccinEquity)…
3️⃣ Increased social mobility & social mixing combined with 4️⃣Inappropriate and inconsistent use of proven Public Health & Social Measures (masks, distancing, ventilation, hand hygiene…)
5️⃣Misinformation, disinformation, conflicting messaging, politicization & false narratives
We have tools to tackle these major challenges now.

We can significantly ⬇️ the risk of #LongCOVID, severe disease and death now.

We can ⬇️ the spread to reduce risk of further variants now.

We can invest in the public health systems we need now & for the future now.

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