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Let's start a #Serbian & #Yugoslav map thread.
Here I'll share the best material I compiled over 3 years about the #History of #Serbia & #Yugoslavia.
Let's start with a map of companies implanted in SFR.Yugoslavia.🏭
57 are detailed in the link provided.πŸ‘‡… Image
2. Here comes a #Yugoslav map for foodies.
Unlike for companies, the destruction of #Yugoslavia didn't change the local specialties, which remain the delight of all locals & visitors.
#Meatlovers are like fish in water there, & back in #France I dearly miss Δ‡evap & pljeskavica!πŸ₯Ί Image
3. Here are 2 pseudo #tourism-maps of #Yugoslavia, respectively made by locals & #Americans.
I wish we helped, as requested, to conserve & protect this #beauty.πŸ•―οΈ
As a citizen of a #NATO country, & especially as a #French, I'm sorry we didn't, even if most of this still exists.πŸ™ ImageImage
Read 23 tweets

Our Winter 2019/20 issue is now online!

Read articles by @SheenaGreitens, @ImMyungheeLee, and @emir__yazici, Brendan Rittenhouse Green & Austin Long, @j_r_mcallister, Galen Jackson, and @Andy_J_Payne.

#AcademicTwitter #PolicyTwitter
Articles for Vol. 44, No. 3 include:

"#Counterterrorism and Preventive Repression: #China's Changing Strategy in #Xinjiang" by @SheenaGreitens, @ImMyungheeLee, and @emir__yazici.…

This article is indefinitely *ungated* (free!) thanks to @mitpress!
"Conceal or Reveal? Managing Clandestine #MilitaryCapabilities in Peacetime Competition" by Brendan Rittenhouse Green & Austin Long.…
Read 8 tweets
Around 3000 BCE in eastern #Europe, a Proto-Balto-Slavic #language started to diverge from #ProtoIndoEuropean.

The #Slavic branch of the #IndoEuropean #languages began about 2,000 years later when Proto-Slavic deviated from Proto-Balto-Slavic.

[Image:…] Source: The Indo-European L...
As the #Slavic-speaking area expanded during the first millennium CE (striped area on map), Proto-Slavic transitioned to Common Slavic. The #language underwent minor changes that occurred mostly uniformly across eastern #Europe, thereby maintaining mutual intelligibility. A map of eastern Europe sho...
Around the year 1000 CE #CommonSlavic began to split into the South, West, and East branches to which all modern #Slavic #languages belong.

Roughly 315m people speak a Slavic #language, mostly in Eastern #Europe (including the #Balkan peninsula), #CentralAsia, and #Siberia. A map of Europe highlightin...
Read 359 tweets

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