Eva J. Koulouriotis | إيفا كولوريوتي Profile picture
Middle East Expert | Jihadist groups. Bylines @AFP @AJArabic @AlQudsAlarabi, @The_NewArab, @Syriawise, @Arabnews. For inquiries: contact@evakoulourioti.com

Mar 11, 2022, 6 tweets

As I predicted two days ago, the Russian invasion of #Ukraine would directly affect the course of the negotiations in #Vienna on #Iran's nuclear program, which was declared frozen today.
To understand why, you can read the thread:👇

Signing the agreement would have meant a stab in the back for #Russia by opening the way for Iranian oil and gas to be pumped into the global market, which would turn the most dangerous Russian weapon against the West less severe.
#Iran #USA #EU #UK #NATO

A rejection of the agreement would create to the West anger and disappointment with all the economic and security concessions made by #France, #Germany and the #US, which in one way or another caused tension in western relations with #SaudiArabia and the #UAE.

The Iranian decision to freeze these negotiations is a dirty game to gain more time. The ball is now in the court of Europe and the Biden administration who should realize after all this, that this Iranian regime will always be an enemy to the West.

What is the West's next step? Will the allies move towards a decisive step by declaring the failure of these negotiations, going towards more effective sanctions on #Iran and opening the way for #Israel to move freely?
#IDF #IAF #Bennet #Biden #USA #IRGC

Or will the West move towards another weak decision by waiting for #Tehran to return to negotiations and make more concessions, whether economic or geopolitical in the Middle East, leading to lose more allies there?
#USA #KSA #UAE #Iran #Syria #Iraq #Israel #Russia

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