Missing: Disclaimer: The [job] market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent. The Thomas theorem may apply.
Nikola Tesla, Walter Pitts, Vincent van Gogh, Alan Turing, Socrates, HP Lovecraft,…
You may not be that clever.
Be useful, get rewarded, participate in economy, but freely, not as a salaryperson w/o freedom or purpose.
"Earn with your mind".
I mean a direct contribution (no matter how small) to a greater present or future well-being of humankind
* More communicated → more value created
* Less value captured →less revenue
"It's just a job" is a great way to waste hundreds of hours per year. There is not a single hour to waste in a lifetime
When value is captured it gets centralized, making technology more fragile. It is bad for technology, knowledge, and markets → arguably economy
⇓ options → ⇓ competence → ⇓ freedom → ⇓ progress
Furthermore, the connection between actual inventors (creation) and patent holders (capture) may not be straightforward.
Volunteers may create great value w/ limited revenue or economic compensation. There's crowdfunding, donations,… but there's no business model w/o value capture.
For companies, greed = survival instinct. The selfish gene/meme/business model prevails & propagates
Survival & value capture/creation work in opposite ways for companies & people.
[End of value capture digression]
Easier said than done, I know.
You may think your job is important. It is
But your career, skills, value created, ability to reach agreements & collaborate, & many other things are *more* important
Here are two references I may never find again:
Markets are dangerous beasts, until I write about that, have this: diigo.com/0ba10w
There are valid options: retirement, death, when I'm fired,… and there are bad options: "later, I don't know"
The question is: What scares you most, leaving or staying?
If you're comfortable in a gilded cage, feel free to stay. If you're your own boss, you set your own terms w/ reality. Otherwise, reconsider
I write this reminder for myself anyway
BTW: switching speed decreases productivity, we have a system w/ bad incentives here
A stable job market is more productive/efficient:
1 leaving them jobless
2 training/learning
3 unfinished tasks
4 …
Again related w/ value creation/capture, interest: capturing in assets the most value from brains
Creating value in brains or out of assets? Bad ROI…
Many jobs are seeing knowledge half-life diminishing. Others face automation & extinction. The interests of your employer may not be aligned w/ yours wrt this
Thread & replies:
The default option society & companies have planned for you is to be an obedient employee. Is that what you want?
A: It depends on you
Do you trust you employer more than yourself? Do they appreciate you more than yourself?
@danthemanlok explains in #FUMoney 👌
Find it in PDF/MP3 (free): fumoney.com/ebook
Or printed: amzn.to/2MYSlyK
For yourself: freelance/consultant For others: business
- I don't want to get rich
- Then you may work foro them, and pay for an uncomfortable comfort & the delusion of security
- I don't know / cannot do better
- Not now, but can you become better?
Listen to reality more than you listen to people, learn from it, improve through both success and failure. Find your path.
This is now a tree. Separate thread on this topic here:
You devaluate yourself in the market, be aware of your worth, or capability to create value, make it count
There are exceptions, who either made that hard choice earlier, or [not of anyone's business:] are waiting to retire or be disrupted, whatever happens earlier
Choose YOUR path
If you are going to learn before/after that, you may as well learn from people/methodologies that can break out the lessons in a few points. I will keep a thread with those here:
Sorry for all the typos. But this is Twitter, they'll stay forever ⚗