Day 484 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama. #fakenews #TrumpLies

Day 271 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injured 546 and Congress has taken NO action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget

North Korea was putting the finishing touches on a missile facility at the exact time Kim was meeting Trump, per new satellite imagery analysis via @DaveSchmerler @ArmsControlWonk…
U.S. has a plan to dismantle North Korea's nuclear program in a year, according to national security adviser John Bolton.
Yeah, 👌
Trump on Whether We Believe Kim Jong Un: 'I Shook Hands With Him, I Really Believe He Means It'.
Yeah, 👌

Trump to Fox News: “I have this country running like a top”
Wait. Don't tops turn around in circles till they run out of momentum, and then fall flat on their faces?
TRUMP on immigration: "You get rid of ICE, you will be afraid to walk out of your house... how about Long Island? They actually liberate towns."
(FACT CHECK: Not a single town in America has been liberated from MS-13.)
“The only thing my Mom ever did was work,” he had written. “She loved me so much. I can’t live without my Mom. I don’t have anybody but her. I have been crying every day. I can’t sleep.”…
“It’s been four months since I saw my son. He’s three years old.”
“I’m desperate.”
“I’m destroyed."
“We are all in the same pain. We are all tormented.”…
U.S. immigration authorities have separated a 2-year-old Hungarian child, Levente, from his parents, who stand accused of entering the U.S. unlawfully from Canada last month, according to BuzzFeed News.…
Immigrant families are being charged thousands of dollars in airfare to get children out of federally contracted migrant shelters. One family was asked to pay $4,000.
The Trump administration insisted that people who sought asylum at a designated port of entry were not separated from their children.
That was a lie.…
Immigrant families could spend months or even years in detention under a Trump admin interpretation of a court ruling requiring the government to reunify families separated at the border.
Former ICE lawyer switches sides: I want to protect immigrant children, not prosecute them.
108 House Democrats have written to Kirstjen Nielsen and Alex Azar demanding to know how many tax dollars have been and are currently being used on Trump's family separation policy.

@TomFitton: Mueller’s operation is one of the most secretive I’ve dealt with – it’s difficult to get basic information about what he’s been up to.
That's how federal investigations are supposed to work.
The United Nations says that 18,500,000 Americans are in "extreme poverty." Trump's team claims just 250,000 are.
Canada slaps tariffs on $13 billion in US goods in retaliation for Trump tariffs

Axios has obtained a leaked draft of a Trump bill that would abandon key World Trade Organization rules.
"The bill essentially provides Trump a license to raise U.S. tariffs at will, without congressional consent and international rules be damned."…
Trump on Fox News, talking about farming and tariffs: ”The farmers trust me. Don’t forget, the farmers, that I won all the farmers. I won that whole – you look at a map, it’s a got a little blue on the outside, everything else is red, and it’s a beautiful color, red.”
Trump's nominee to run the IRS failed to disclose that he owns units in a Trump hotel, according to The Hill.…
One staffer mocked senators who criticized Trump.
Another accused Clinton of having a campaign aide killed & employing pedophiles.
A third wrote the 'shameful' press was trying to deny Trump his victories.
These are all Trump HHS officials.…
The White House and EPA, fearing a "public relations nightmare," apparently tried to suppress a report that showed U.S. troops and their families were potentially drinking contaminated water at 126 U.S. military bases, New Republic reports.…
Since April, 7 top EPA staff members have resigned, 4 of whom were friends of Scott Pruitt's from Oklahoma or worked with him previously, according to Mother Jones.…
China and Russia, emboldened by Trump, are quietly seeking to scale back programs in U.N. peacekeeping missions around the world that protect civilians from violence and sexual exploitation, Foreign Policy reports.…
Black GOP senator: Discussing race with Trump was "painful" and "uncomfortable"

"Some may think to save the party of Lincoln you have to destroy the party of trump. That may be true": Mark Salter talks to @FaceTheNation about the impasse many Republicans find themselves at
In case you missed yesterday's thread:
Trump’s bill to blow up the WTO is called the FART Act. #IdiocracyIsADocumentary…