“The true value of Twitter—and the similarly mundane Dodgeball, a tool for reporting your real-time location to friends—is cumulative. The power is in (...)” (1/x)

A few things stand out for me in this column:
(1) reminder that Twitter was launched and gained early traction pre-iPhone. 2/x
Today Foursquare is basically a footnote in Internet history, a reminder that we’re suckers for gamification, but eventually get bored and move on. (4/x)
Twitter is no longer about “pinging your posse.” WhatsApp and Snapchat are far better in that role. So is Facebook.
Twitter’s key feature is unidirectional ties 5/x
That eventually becomes Twitter’s bread-and-butter use case. You can curate your media stream with twitter. You can follow reporters, celebrities, comedians, etc. (6/x)
The 2007 column isn’t so much predicting the future as it is revealing and explaining the unstable present.