First of all, lots of (marketing) folks took umbrage at me saying I'd consider an engineer who was interested in a career change.
But I wasn't doing that. I was just saying, I can't *find* a product marketing person to do the job, so I'm open to growing one.
I've been trying in one direction, I'm open to trying the other direction. That's all.
In short: startups, and yes absolutely.…
And strong technical chops are the currency of power in this industry, second only to literal bags of money. Amass as much of it as you can.
As an engineer, the world is your oyster.
Join one. Start one. Volunteer your service. You have one half of the skill set you need to be good at it, now you need practice with the other half.
Pick something you care about, and start marketing it. That would be my advice.
Good luck. (Anyone have any better advice?)