Bruce thinks it is an "extreme" policy. I think that's a bit of a cop-out.
Without even needing to get into whether or not we caused climate change (spoiler, we did), we need to have comprehensive options to adapt to it.
Novel might be something like feeding seaweed to cows. (Which actually sounds pretty cool, plus we have cows and seaweed here, so industry leader for the win!)…
For these hard problems facing Maine and the whole rest of the world, we should have leaders open to a range of comprehensive solutions.
That's a different problem than NO CARBON TAX FOR YOU.
True, which is why US participation and leadership is so critical in international organizations. Political pressure for other nations to fall into line on global issues is a vital power we have to maintain.
The sooner we apply pressure through varioous mechanisms on the market, the more swiftly we have solutions.
Let's send someone who builds in great incentives into the mix along with the regulatory stick and market nudge of taxes.
Let's not cross the all-pee threshold.