Or...she could do(note the suspended account @JoeyKingActress)

1) she may have been doing a sassy meta-play, the suspended account makes this hard to readily analyse
2) as such, that meta-play, would have fooled others into thinking the original gaggers, were not in fact intentional gaggers
But @jack 's "blue ticks" , "making prominent the most liked tweets", etc features ... aren't ones that afford the opportunity of an emergently self regulating system
They've created an artifice that doesn't reflect the rich complexity of humanity & the natural world
This created a Messianic hubris amongst a small few dozen, who now won't give up _any_ control
An extreme zeal that "The Valley" can turn its back on the past few hundred years of human enlightenment
The "Founders" have not in fact achieved consilience of all the knowledge disciplines - yet they steer the ship ?