A #cirrhosis #tweetorial all about the platelet
- Identify cirrhosis based on blood tests-
- Understand why platelets are low in #cirrhosis
- Describe the plt’s role in the #cirrhotic #coagulopathy
identify patients with cirrhosis before complications like HCC and variceal bleeding.
Enter the platelet count
Shout out to JAMA's Rational Clin Exam Series & Udell et al's big beautiful systematic review ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22357834

We can use this to our advantage - even sparing biopsies.
Easy to do. E.g. Google: FIB-4
(ref aasldpubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.100…)
There are many platelet-based scores to help ID cirrhosis.
(review: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2883446

Even in their guidelines for the evaluation of elevated ALT, the brits make a plea for looking at platelet-based scores the minute you realize ALT abnormal (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P…)

So why are platelets low in #cirrhosis?
At least 3 reasons:
- Splenic pooling
- Increased destruction
- Low production
- Sir William Osler (personal correspondence)
Portal hypertension ▶️splenomegaly ▶️platelet pooling
(Osler was one of the first to link cirrhosis and low plts)
Temporarily: super cool 1966 study from Aster (Fig 1)
-Radiolabel platelets
-inject epi(!)
-radiotracer shifts spleen to blood
Permanently: Splenic Embolization (Fig 2)

So what does this have to do with the cirrhotic coagulopathy?

Despite all this coagulopathy talk, some parting words.
None of this should stop you from:
Fig1: Doing that para
Fig2: Banding that varix
Fig3: Placing that central line