This is going to be my third viewing of the film.
If you want to avoid spoilers, mute this thread now.
The first character we hear from is Ebony Maw, who gives a chilling opening speech:
Thanos picks Thor up with one hand and walks him over towards Loki while giving making a statement that pretty much defines his character and his motivation:
You thought Loki and Killmonger were great villians. Thanos leaped them all with one speech in the first two minutes of the film.
And now we get into the Hulk - Thanos fight....
That's how long Hulk lasted against Thanos.
Now to break down the fight.
Hulk gets five punches in on Thanos before pushing him up against a wall.
Black dwarf steps in to assist, but Maw stops him, saying, "let him have his fun."
What follows is utterly brutal.
Thanos then delivers a quick jab to Hulk's throat. Hulk stammers back, takes a swing that Thanos blocks and delivers a one-two combo.
Hulk turns away and Thanos hits a kidney shot.
10 punches and one knee. That was all it took to defeat the strongest being in Marvel comics history.
He wasn't a big, slow brute. He fought like a trained boxer who just happens to be 10 feet tall and 800lbs.
He had technique. He had speed. He had power.
He looked like a villain with hardly any flaws.
Also appropriate, since he dies doing what he loved doing - trying to trick someone.
He just picked the wrong guy to trick. Thanos, in addition to being strong, fast and viscious, is also smart as hell.
Oh my god.
There can be only one great villians in the MCU and Thanos just established that's him.
Probably the most brutal 10 minutes in MCU history...until later on in the film.
And y'all wonder why I'm single.
As soon as Hulk crashes through the stairs Strange's cape flies over to him & in the next shot he's in full uniform.
It does beg the question, if Strange can materialize his coat out of nowhere, why couldn't he just materialize a tuna melt for Wong?
The guy who plays Wong is actually named Benedict Wong.
Note - Jon Favreau's character Happy doesn't appear in the movie, but he is in a deleted scene that takes place here.
Gave me flashbacks to the beginning of that Tom Cruise War of the Worlds movie.
Ned is a national treasure.
"What's wrong, haven't you kids seen a space ship before?"
LOL. One of his better cameos.
Banner trying to Hulk out and having performance issues.
"Dude, you're embarrassing me in front of the wizards." - Tony Stark
Ebony Maw and Dr. Strange have a great little wizard fight.
Maw would have been a good main villian in any other MCU film.
"Mr. Stark it smells like a new car in here."
Everything about this updated version of Spiderman is perfect.
Wong leaves, Banner asks where he's going, Wong says:
"The time stone is gone. The sanctum is unguarded. I have to protect it."
From what? Thanos is already here and he got the one thing the sanctum was supposed to be guarding.
Also, Rubber band Man is a nice happy song to intro the most lighthearted part of the MCU.
Starlord: "How the hell is this dude still alive?"
Drax: "This is not a dude. You're a dude. This is a man. A muscular, handsome man."
Starlord: "I'm muscular."
Rocket: "You're one sandwich away from fat."
Starlord: "All right. This is a wakeup call for me. I'm gonna hit the bowflex. I'm gonna get some dumbbells."
Rocket: "You know you can't eat dumbbells, right?"
Thor says Thanos killed his brother & stands up and starts walking towards Gamora.
"Uh oh," Rocket says.
Thor just puts a hand on her shoulder and says "families can be tough."
A lesser movie would have created conflict here.
"It's not a completion, but I've been through a lot. My father killed my mother & then I had to kill my father. That's probably even harder than having to kill a sister."
Drax: "That's a made-up word."
Thor: "All words are made up."
Thor is basically Space Yogi Berra.
You really do feel the emotion between them. Both actors do a great job in this little scene.
And then Corvus Glave almost gives me a heart attack when he stabs Vision through the chest.
This movie has so many great fight scenes you can kinda forget how good this one is.
This was a 5-on-2 fight and the two almost win.
Saving Vision.
You forget that Vision and Captain America were fighting on opposite sides in Civil War.
Cap is just a good guy.
It's so well done. Thanos, through all the chaos and destruction and death actually comes across as tender and loving in this scene.
Gently turning her head away from the execution of hundreds.
Brolin did a fantastic job as Thanos overall, but totally nailed the base level humanity that exists within him.
The fact that a completely CGI character can elicit the same level of understanding and empathy, even though he's a million times more evil than Killmonger, is unreal.
The range of emotion, going from comedy to action to drama when Gamora thinks she killed him...
Then Thanos turning Drax to stone bricks and Many is into paper with the reality stone. Brutal.
Gamora asking Starlord to kill her and Starlord being unable to until the last second.
Then. Bubbles.
"I like you." - Thanos to Starlord.
Bucky is just without an arm now. Apparently they couldn't even get him a simple plastic prosthetic to use for clearing hay or whatever he's been doing for a while.
Tony and Peter make a plan.
Peter: "Ever see that really old movie, Aliens?"
I love how Peter Parker's entire ability to strategize is dependant upon sci fi movies he's watched.
The thing I don't understand, though, is why the vacuum of space was a thing on this ship and not the Asgaardian ship from earlier.
And Gamora smiles.
She's actually happy.
Thanos freezes this scene and shows it to Gamora, who reacts with a combination of shame and denial.
Not sure why this was cut out. It adds so much.
I could watch an entire movie just about Gamora and Thanos.
G: "I was a child when you took me."
T: "I saved you."
G: "No. No. We were happy on my planet."
T: "Going to bed hungry, scrounging for scraps? Your planet was on the brink of collapse. I stopped that..."
G: "Because you murdered half the planet."
T: "A small price to pay for salvation."
G: "You're insane."
G: "You don't know that!"
T: "I'm the only one who knows that. Or at least, I'm the only 1 w/ the will to act on it."
"I alone can fix it."
He tortures her until Gamora tells him where the soul stone is.
The second Gamora told him where the soul stone was he stopped torturing Nebula.
He could have ripped her apart right there, but he didn't.
He actively goes out of his way not to kill anyone he doesn't need to.
This is an absolutely fantastic scene that really shows more depth and vulnerability to Thor than in the previous five movie versions combined.
Hemsworth kills it here.
T: "Well, he's never fought me."
R: "Yeah, he has."
T: "He's never fought me twice. And I'm getting a new hammer."
R: "Well, that better be some hammer."
R: "What if you're wrong?"
Hemsworth is literally on the verge of tears in this scene. It's the most vulnerable we've ever seen Thor and you compare where he is now to where he started in the MCU it's like two completely different characters.
He's a perfect parallel to Thanos, who also loses everything by the end of the film.
These two characters mirror each other so well.
There are four or five top speeches that by all rights are too good to be in a movie about space gods and talking raccoons and witches and robot men.
"Die, blanket of death." - Drax to Dr. Strange's cloak.
"Where is Gamora?"
"I'll do you one better, who is Gamora?"
"I'll do you one better, why is Gamora?"
The Avengers meeting Guardians scene is gold.
Which begs the question, since we know Ant Man and the quantum realm are crucial to the next movie, did Dr. Strange see him and Capt. Marvel?
His job is to, as he says, guide others to what he himself cannot possess.
So...did others come looking for it? Or was Thanos just the first to find it?
Just amazing attention to detail by the special effects team.
It's clear when you watch this film and how every CGI scene was near perfect that they really half-assed the CGI on Black Panther in order to focus on this film.
Facing the full power of a dying star. Thor is basically crazy OP.
You're in a giant metal suit, dude. Step up.
I hate running, but goddamn if I don't enjoy watching other people run really fast.

Just FYI, Wakanda in this movie was actually filmed in Georgia, with photos of Africa used for the far background.
It also touched on something you don't often see in hero-villain conflicts, namely, what the villain plans on doing after.
DS: "Then what?"
T: "I rest. Watch the sun rise on a grateful universe. The hardest choices require the greatest wills."
He just wants balance. One could even say he wants peace and prosperity for all (who are left).
That's, kinda deep for a big purple alien.
Starlord gets a lot of shit for screwing up and knocking Mantis' hands off Thanos, but you can understand why.
Tony didn't even know Gamora, of course he was going to just focus on the mission.
Drax and Mantis were too busy holding down Thanos for it to sink in.
"Oh, I'll get that arm." - Rocket to Bucky.
Damn, how they turned a talking raccoon into a top-5 Marvel character is some magic shit all it's own.
Maybe lead with those things instead of waiting until your army is already on the battlefield in front of them.
I know they were just foot soldiers and expendable, but still. Bad strategy there.
She might be second to Thor in terms of super powers.
Not the best fight in the movie, but it was good to see most of the secondary female cast get some screen time in a fight scene.
He basically destroyed vision and came within seconds of beating Captain America until he got stabbed in the back.
And his staff literally cut through vibranium like it was tin.
Dr. Strange put up a good fight using all his magic tricks, but the reality stone kinda nullified most of it.
Iron Man surprised the hell out of me w/ the fight he put up.
And then...
"You have my respect, Stark. When I'm done half of humanity will still be alive. I hope they remember you."
Thanos is just a fascinating character.
Even though he's the sorcerer supreme, he still doesn't use magic to fix his hands.
All the remaining Avengers take on Thanos, who just brushes them aside like nothing.
Truly one of the most emotional scenes in the film.
The last line of defense is, of course, Captain America, who grabs the Gauntlet and holds it back as Thanos...
The look on Thanos' face right before he knocks out Cap is really interesting. It's like a mixture of surprise, respect and a little bit of awe that this human can even put up a bit of a fight.
"I love you."
Goddamn it. I have to stop cutting onions while reviewing movies.
T: "I understand, my child. Better than anyone."
SW: "You could never."
T: "Today I lost more than you could know. But now is no time to mourn."
But Brolin played it straight, and it made what Thanos does next absolutely shocking and horrifying.
Vision goes limp. His body turns gray and Thanos dumps his lifeless corpse like a newspaper on a front stoop.
God. Damn.
Forget what Thanos does next, just that move alone catapults him into being one if the best villians, not just in the MCU, but of all movie history.
I don't think anyone has ever been killed twice, once by their lover and again by their enemy.
Yeah, Quicksilver died in AoU, but Ultron was eventually defeated.
Here we have Thor flying in with his new weapon, the one made specifically to kill Thanos....
In any other Marvel movie, or any other movie period, this would be where the hero saves the day at the last minute.
Alas, as Thanos says...
He sees a figure off in the distance. It's child Gamora.
T: "Daughter?"
G: "Did you do it?"
T: "Yes."
G: "What did it cost?"
T: "Everything."
And then the scene that launched a thousand internet memes begins.
Black Panther disintegrates.
Groot disintegrates.
Scarlet Witch disintegrates.
Falcon disintegrates.
On Titan...
Mantis disintegrates.
Drax disintegrates.
Peter Quill disintegrates.
Dr. Strange disintegrates.
God, this scene killed me. Peter Parker is 16.
He was the last to go bc his super powers were fighting it for as long as they could.
His last lines are crushing:
Jesus Christ. This guy can act his ass off.
Black Widow looks like she's about to throw up.
Cap looks completely defeated.
Banner is crying in the Hulkbuster suit.
Rhodey doesn't get what happened.
And Rocket is just sitting on a log with his head down.
He sits down and watches the sun rise, just like he said he was going to.
The bad guy won.
An amazing ending to an amazing film.
The Empire didn't win in ESB.
Thanos won. He beat all the Avengers. He killed half of all life in the universe.
Perfectly balanced. As all things should be.
This is the best MCU film. By a lot.