GPD is growth pretty healthy (4.1%)
But official government data released late last week show, over the last year, real wages have gone DOWN
What gives?
He and his advisers said the average family would see their wages increase $4,000 to $9,000 per year
That hasn't happened
Trump's policies are mostly making things worse
Wages have been stagnant for American workers for the last 40 YEARS
Something is seriously screwed up
Corporations are reluctant to give wage increases, fearful of future health care costs
Workers are afraid to leave their jobs, fearful of losing insurance
Unions have been decimated. This has cost non-union workers a lot of money.
(You don't have to be in a union to benefit from collective bargaining. Unions raise wages across the entire sector.)
The economy has become less competitive. There are fewer new firms and less competition.
This means less reason to invest.
The stock market ticker is at the bottom of cable news every day.
How often does cable news talk about wages?