Water level today
6AM - 136.10 ft
8AM - 136.20 ft
10AM - 136.40 ft
12Noon - 136.60 ft
1 PM - 136.80ft
It has 6 reservoirs viz. Kundala, Madupetty, Anayirankal, Ponmudi, Sengulam, Kallarkutty.
To get a perspective, please understand that live storages of other reservoirs in the Periyar
Idukki -1460 MCM
Idamalayar-1018 MCM
Mullaperiyar- 271 MCM
Water level today
6AM - 136.10 ft
8AM - 136.20 ft
10AM - 136.40 ft
12Noon - 136.60 ft
1 PM - 136.80ft
2 PM - 137.00 ft
1.6 ft rise in last 13 hours.
0.6 ft rise in last 4 hours.
People are requested to fully co-operate with District/Disaster Management Authorities, as the chances of spill from the reservoir is imminent, if inflow is not reduced

Water level 138.10 ft.
No respite in the inflow.
So be alert
Water level 138.30 ft.
Inflow getting further increased.
So be alert
Water level 138.50 ft.
Inflow is heavy, at this rate expect opening of spillway gates any time in next 8 hours.
So be alert
Water level 138.70 ft.
Inflow is heavy, at this rate expect opening of spillway gates any time in next 7-8 hours.
Water level 138.85 ft.
Mullaperiyar - 624 sqkm
Idukki- 625 sqkm
Mullaperiyar storage is just 20% Idukki storage, so Mullaperiyar will swell much faster. This reservoir is not having the flexibility!
But when emotions are in play, no one want to listen to the facts.
We need flexibility of operation, we cant release water irrationally.This is one reason, we started operating Idukki at 2400 ft before it's FRL of 2403 ft while Dam top is 2415 ft.
@12:00 PM
Lake level : 139.15 ft
This is to clarify to the media that TN is taking water at it's full capacity of tunnel at 2200 cusecs and there was no reduction in intake. Water level increase is due to heavy rainfall in the catchment.
Kallar, Idukki's augmentation started spilling. Lower Nirar Dam, TN is spilling to Idamalayar
Idukki inflow getting reduced to 43,600 cusecs from 64,000 cusecs!
Meanwhile Mullaperiyar inflow increased to 30200 cusecs from 23,000 cusecs.
#Mullaperiyar at 1am is 139.50 ft
See message from a DC
"Announcement is going on. Tahsildars and vos are already in the field . Police is also alerting people."
Mullaperiyar @2:30Am
Lake level : 140.00 ft
Inflow: 23200 cusecs
Storage: 12218.0 Mcft
Discharge: 2200 cusecs
Now all 13 shutters of MPD is going to be opened for 1ft and going to release 4500 cusecs

11 shutters raised upto 1 feet and releasing 4500 CFS water.
FRL 42m.
At 3.00AM
Water level becomes 41.44m..
Now Opened shutters are 1,2,3,4& 5 are 1.5m each
Mostly this is matching 1961 flood of 2.5 lakh cusecs there then
Lake level : 140.10 ft
Inflow: 21690 cusecs
Storage: 12245.0 Mcft
Discharge: 2200 cusecs
Surplus 4490 cusecs
No messages from there. Some communication problem inside the forests ..
Heavy rain is reported from Moozhiyar too
Lake level : 140.15 ft
Inflow: 14190 cusecs
Discharge: 2200 cusecs
Surplus 4490 cusecs
Glad to see inflow is getting halved from 30200 cusecs here
Lake level : 140.25 ft
Inflow: 21690 cusecs
Discharge: 2200 cusecs
Surplus 4490 cusecs
Inflow again increasing..:(
Lake level : 140.30 ft
Inflow: 13180cusecs
Discharge: 2200 cusecs
Surplus 3480 cusecs
Out of the 13 shutters, 3 are closed now and reduced spill to 3480 cusecs from 4490 cusecs
Lake level : 140.50 ft
Inflow: 35680cusecs
Discharge: 2200 cusecs
Surplus 3480 cusecs
Hope TN will increase Out flow.. space for manoeuvre is getting reduced!
Inflow jumps from 13.2K to 35.7K
Lake level : 140.55 ft
Inflow: 13180 cusecs
Discharge: 2200 cusecs
Surplus: 3480 cusecs
Inflow is oscillating..We are keeping our fingers crossed. TN now promising to increase spillway release
5 Gates opened
Spill discharge 8264 cusecs
At 6 AM
Water level 169.15 ft
Spill 24720 cusecs to Periyar
PH 2325 cusecs to Periyar
Discharging 40,000 cusecs to Chalakudy River. Avoid trips to Athirappilly, river is dangerous!
Please remember it's still nowhere close to what we had in 1924.
Lake level : 141ft
Inflow: 29878c/s
Discharge: 2178c/s
Surplus: 5200c/s

Lake level : 141.2ft
Inflow: 26291c/s
Discharge: 2178c/s
Surplus: 9113c/s
Another late opening pushing Mullaperiyar to brim:(
Idamalayar also getting huge inflow and KSEBL sought permission to increase spill from this dam
Our Engineers from Kakkad Project reports. #Pamba swells to danger levels .
Lake level : 141.3ft
Inflow: 18893c/s
Discharge: 2178c/s
Surplus: 9215c/s
My field team reports that heavy rain and wind is blowing at Dam site
Nedumbassery airport stopped it's operations till 2pm
Periyar also swelling
Stay safe Periyar people
More water to Periyar
Lake level : 141.5ft
Inflow: 27537c/s
Discharge: 2178c/s
Surplus: 10359c/s
Spill to downstream is increased considering the fast filling of MPD
Kochi airport operations temporarily suspended till 18th Saturday 2 PM since the inflow of water is still on a raising trend. We are working hard to drain out the storm water. All are requested to co-operate. Control room number: 0484 3053500, 2610094
Now all 13 shutters are back to 1.5 feet height
Pamba is not safe, please stay away
at 1.00 pm
Spill: 157. 5 cumecs
Water level 707. 65m
FRL: 707. 75m
at 1.00pm
Spill : 37. 5 cumecs
Water level: 1599. 55m
FRL : 1599. 59 m
Also expect more spill from Idamalayar as heavy inflow is there.
Madupetty & Ponmudi dams are already spilling
Aluva and further downstream should be very careful.
spill status at 1.00 pm on 15.08.2018.
Water level : 2663.30 ft
Discharge rate -
304 cumecs (10735 cusecs)
Inflow : 1675cumecs
PH discharge : 116 cumecs
Spill : 1100 cumecs (38,846 cusecs)
15.08.2018 @ 1 PM
Lake level : 142ft
Inflow: 30056 c/s
Discharge: 2178c/s
Surplus: 12878 c/s
As WL reaches 142ft,
All 13 Shutters are now raised by 2ft.
WL at 4.00pm 2399. 28ft
Inflow : 1784cumecs
PH discharge : 117 cumecs
Spill : 1300 cumecs
Idukki inflow further rises to 1784 cumecs (63000 cusecs) and spill is now 1300 cumecs (45900 cusecs)
This is said to be release from #Mullaperiyar flowing into Idukki.
Flash releases from MPD could have been avoided, if they released earlier
WL at 6.00pm 2399.36ft
Inflow : 1799cumecs
PH discharge : 115 cumecs
Spill : 1500 cumecs
Pamba is getting worse!
WL at 8.00pm 2399.56ft
Inflow : 1867cumecs
PH discharge : 116 cumecs
Spill : 1500 cumecs
Inflow is getting upward as it's getting Mullaperiyar Spill
seeking help for their rescue from Ranni south section. No food and water. Staying in the top floor.
Lake level : 142ft
Inflow: 25671 cusec
Discharge: 2178 cusec
Surplus: 23493 cusec
12 shutters raised as 6ft by 7.30 PM
WL at 9.00pm 2399.60ft
Inflow : 1801cumecs
PH discharge : 117 cumecs
Spill : 1500 cumecs
Water level-169.15M
FRL-169 m
Dam Spill-1000 cumecs
Chalakudy River
A dangerous games by TN
#Kochi #KeralaFloods
WL at 11.00pm 2399. 86ft
Inflow : 1893cumecs
PH discharge : 118 cumecs
Spill : 1500 cumecs
It's a record inflow!
There is no flooding in Kalamassery SS.
But there is flooding in the 110kV SS, Kaloor, Which is switched off at 22.25hrs.
All other SS in City area are in Safe condition.
Poringal Power house tripped . Porungal Dam water raised upto top of dam. Officers dam safety staff moved to inspection bungalow at top and safe
Water is rising #KeralaFloods
Poringalkuthu LB Extn
Lower Periyar
Take this warning very seriously
Please don't call me this time, I am part of the Emergency Response Team of Kerala, whatever possible I am posting here when I get time.
No time to explain to you over phone now. Please understand that.
FRL. .2284 ft
Present water level . 2279 ft
Inflow 65000 cusecs
Out flow .. 70000 cusecs
It’s almost perfect/ safe in Ranni area (except some issues of food)
In Aranmula/ Kozhenchery - Our full available team of 5 Fishing boats and 15 NDRF boats are deployed and doing maximum possible operations
We expect increase of water in Thiruvalla area and 4 fishing boats reached almost Thiruvalla and will start operation by noon.
Air lift option may be looked into in all possible manners
Bench directed to mention the matter before the bench headed by CJI Dipak Misra @ 2 PM.
at 11.00am
FRL +2487 ft
W/L +2487 ft
Gate opening- 3 feet
Spill 105 cumecs
WL at 11.00am 2401.64ft
F R L : 2403 ft
Gross inflow : 1726 cumecs
PH discharge : 114 cumecs
Spill : 1225cumecs
Spill is reduced to manage Aluva situation for the time being.
My colleague message
12.00.pm Level 1048.70/1050.00 Storage 3773.29/ 3864.00 mcft. Inflow.9218 cusecs.
From 12noon spillway discharge 10213 cusecs.
More water to Chittoorpuzha, tributary of Bharatapuzha
Be safe Palakkad
Heavy earth slip including heavy boulders near intake of kakki dam and two more slips. Electrc line broken at earth slip of kakki. Road to Anathodu and Vallakkadav also block no stock of food materials even in kochu pampa canteen
Periyar Basin
Saying District Collector
Present 79.56 FRL 79.25
4 Shutters opened 56 inches
Be safe
We lack a culture to respond in a crisis, it's not the time to have discussions at prime time with semi-informed "experts". Just report & do some help to alert the official machinery.
Not participating any debate till this is over