My last year's detailed take in @frontline_india on

Read this and sink in that, no macro-economist will suggest you to take away 86% of your currency & throw your economy to ICU

Look at the disproportionate printing cost & how the surplus was tanked!

If you still have doubts look at CIC?
We will soon back to pre-demon CIC/GDP ratio…
Some still trust the propaganda that DeMon created miracles!
No one asks Govt why they plunder RBI after record tax collections?…
But you cannot cover a lie with another big lie!
So it's easy to expose them!…
Read this and understand what is really happening on the ground rather than swallowing what Bureau Chief voimts…
So I put these facts at public domain for better understanding…
With his master oratory, he can mesmerise you
With his networking skilla he can make the Lyuten's cohorts to wag their tales according to the biscuits thrown at them..…
Thank you all for pushing me for converting my thread to blogs & articles…

I told you then that all those narratives of lakhs of crores currency was just a figment of imagination & dont have any scientific evidence…
I done a final analysis on the greatest chicanery done on the nation.
Who written that script?
A nation was at awe!

Chicanery employed as an effective weapon to manipulate an entire nation...
Never ever forget #DemonetisationDisaster & the poor sacrificial lambs

Now they want to plunder the RBI reserves for their crony sponsors!!
Their audacity is damn frightening!!
Mega revenue of lakhs of crores from Telecom and Coal Mine auctions
Great Indian Petrol loot of lakhs of crores from the heaviest duties
All bogus companies were wiped out and big jump in corporate tax too!
But still they want to loot RBI?
Why? Dont search for logic or reasoning in their actions!
When they divide the country on the basis of religion and language, we are finding new meanings for unity in diversity!
No idea!
It is our choice that whether we should remain in this coma or wake up from this deep slumber and see that they are plundering us for their cronies
There are no courts or media to hold them accountable when they waste our tax money in statues instead of food, health and education!
I think there is a ray of hope as people of Karnataka spoken emphatically rejecting the divisive policies of this regime! It is for the rest of us to follow the line.
END of rants!