I do still care what happens in rUK because I have family living in England, but feel the only way Scotland will fulfil her potential is by voting for independence.
We sent a majority of SNP MPs to Westminster, and they're being ignored.
I don't want a future for Scotland that involves the expectation we'll slink back into our box when Holyrood doesn't agree with Westminster.
That doesn't mean I hate people living in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
We want to be more.
We just want different things to what Westminster delivers.
It makes me sad that that's apparently such a terrible thing, which is not a slight on everyone in the UK, it's aimed squarely at UKgov.
We might thrive, we might face difficulties we never expected.
But I'd prefer that we give them the chance to do things differently.
Do I support a people's vote on Brexit? Yes, but I also understand it's not the only issue at hand here - it's just not that simple.