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Rich Weinstein @phillyrich1
7 years ago, 11 tweets, 3 min read Read on Twitter
1. Took the time to read over the Steele/Trump Dossier. In historical terms, its fantastic. Its like reading a Mark Greaney fictional Jack Ryan spy thriller, except Ryan always gets the foreign bad actor.…
2. First, does anyone know or has it ever been reported that there's actually a Russian/Clinton Dossier also? Media, hello? Its right there on page 1.
3. The Steele/Trump Dossier specifically names the following now well known Americans as co-conspirators in crimes against America.

-Carter Page
-Paul Manafort
-Michael Cohen
-Mike Flynn
4. Its obvious Special Council Mueller is simply investigating Steele/Trump Dossier & smashing the named Americans w/whatever he can.

Page: nothing
Manafort: convicted for issues predating Trump campaign
Cohen: guilty plea for issues unrelated to Russia
Flynn: guilty plea, lying
5. Apparently Michael Cohen, who just denied all Steele/Trump Dossier allegations, was accompanied by THREE unnamed Americans on a fictional spy meeting in Prague- a nation he can prove he's never visited.
6. There's one more American besides Trump and Clinton who's overtly identified by name: Corey Lewendowski.

Lewendowski is not alleged to have had any connection to Russia in the Steele/Trump Dossier, therefore not a squeeze target for Mueller.
7. From what I've seen, not a single allegation in the Steele/Trump Dossier has been proven true. In fact, most of it has been proven to by laughably spy-novel fictional.

Mueller has not been able to prosecute a single American listed wrt the Steele/Trump Dossier allegations.
8. Back to Mueller. Here's his directive:
9. Since we know:
-There's a Russian/Clinton Dossier as described by Steele/Trump Dossier
-Mueller is simply using Steele/Trump Dossier as an investigative blueprint
-The Steele/Trump Dossier is false & financed by the DNC
-The path Steele/Trump Dossier took to get to Comey/FBI
10. Its easy to conclude that its well within Mueller's responsibility to investigate everyone and anyone that's touched the Steele/Trump Dossier on its way to DC since that's clearly a matter that "arose or may arise from the investigation."
11. The existence, distribution & usage of the obviously false Steele/Trump Dossier may very well be the "Russian Collusion"/Interference international spy thriller crime he is looking for.

This is what Trump is pushing Sessions to address. But its clearly Mueller's job to do.
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