Ready for a #SundaySoapbox?
Let's talk about why more women don't run for office.
In my experience, it's about attention...positive and negative attention.
Let me share some.
Warning, there may be some words you don't like here. We censor the ugly too much.
Let's start with the bad attention.
It is almost every day I get some form of negative attention, often lots.
It was unsolicited, but appreciated. My campaign runs on fans.
Unsolicited but perhaps less appreciated, this was the first comment.
#SundaySoapbox #mepolitics…

I've already had the 1 photo I released photoshopped into a dildo emporium.
Does it matter? What on earth do my looks (or how my breasts look) have to do with this job?
The emails/DMs I get are a festive tribute to what is wrong with politics and society.
Cunt is a fan favorite. I'm sort of meh on cunt. It only bothers me when used in front of my children, which of course it has been.
Can someone please tell me the policy cricism basis for abuse?
It would be dozens of tweets for me to give you all of the names that are popular. I'll spare you.
If we say anything, we're whiney, can't cut it, should leave it to the men.
We are told to be patient, not be too pushy. Don't want a look like a bitch or undeserving after all.
Unfortunately, it's not just me. I've spoken to many women running in parties that have experienced similar.
Repeatedly you are told that if you get resources you will get coverage...and if you get coverage you'll get resources.
So what's a gal to do?
1. Help a charity, share a campaign, get a tax write off
2. Shop at a small business, share a campaign, get great stuff, help local economy
That should be national news, right?

What about skills?
What if there is person running who legit knows how to handle these behemoth bills and demonstrates it? That should at least be a blip - lady in Maine reads bills for fun!
It favors the wrong candidates.
So what's a *society* to do?
✔If you see abuse, say something
✔Change the interview
✔Demand coverage of all candidates, even the boring qualified ones
✔Support us - with your voice, and $
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Don't forget to leave a note to let the teacher know I want schools to be funded, not ads.
Buy anything, from any seller, anywhere in the green.
Don't forget to leave a note to let the seller know I want money to go into small businesses and our communities, not ads.

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