I would like to know more about it, I’ll do some digging.
But first, let me tell you my feelings on this work... christies.com/features/A-col…

These are dark and brooding. Like holes into his soul.
But for all it’s indistinctness it has a faceness to it. You know it’s a portrait.
And this is where the artist comes in.
After curating thousands of images to put in your dataset I guarantee you see them in your sleep. Does the GAN? Well that’s a question for another day.
There is room for all of us.
They are rough. But I wanted to explore that roughness. Just as a marble sculptor sees the form inside the marble so to do I see the form inside my GANs output.
Most of creating art is in the intent. @obv_ious had a clear intent with these works and it shows. And that is why they are successful.