Let’s dispel gun myths the NRA constantly parrots. tampabay.com/florida-politi…
“People are killed by other means much more often. Compared to other ways of dying, AR-15s don’t kill nearly as many people, so we shouldn’t concern ourselves with that.”
Laws don’t catch every single perpetrator, but they’re designed to prevent as many incidents as possible. Thank you laws!! 🙌



“Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.”
“The best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.”
“Shooters always target gun-free zones. We should eliminate them and allow guns in all spaces.”
“Guns give an advantage to anyone carrying. We should all be ‘force multipliers’ in every situation!”
“Safe storage laws would only hinder me from defending myself from an attack. I need to have quick and easy access to my firearm; that’s why I keep mine under my pillow/in my drawer/etc etc...”
“There are plenty of objects that can be used for violence (cars, hammers, knives), should we ban those?”
There’s an argument that we shouldn’t have restrictions on assault-style weapons because:
“People are killed by other means more often than assault style weapons. Compared to other ways of dying, AR-15s don’t kill nearly as many people.”
“If people don’t have access to guns, they will still find a way to kill others, ergo gun control is pointless. People will use bombs... get bomb control instead.”
“Criminals don’t obey laws. They will still acquire firearms.”
(Intertwined with the previous myth) “Only law abiding citizens will be affected by gun reform.”
“Well you can’t repeal 2A, or confiscate our guns! It’s unconstitutional.”
“Don’t infringe on my gun rights, 2A says you can’t!”
“We don’t need more gun laws, we have enough already; we should just try to enforce those.”
“I can either own guns, or be a victim.”
“Guns are used for so many things (competition, hunting, sport, target practice), we can’t ban them or restrict them.”
“But DGU’s (defensive gun use) are 2.5 million per year, so the good far outweighs the bad. Everyone should always be armed; gun reform would be harmful.”
“If someone is going to commit suicide, they will do it. We can’t prevent it with gun reform.”
“Waiting periods for guns are pointless, and infringes on my right to bear arms. It’s unconstitutional!”
“We don’t need #GunReform, we need to improve our mental healthcare system.”
“Jesus wanted us to have guns, I’m just doing what the Bible says.”
“So many shooters are liberals, we just need to ban liberals from owning guns!”
“30% of people in the U.S. own guns, #GunReform will never work...”
“We need to protect ourselves from tyranny, which will overtake this country if we have gun reform.”
“Look at Switzerland. They don’t have gun violence issues, and they’re all required to own firearms! The more firearms the better!”
“Gun laws don’t work, just look at Chicago.”
“Mexico has strict gun control laws, but take note of their record high gun violence!”
“You can’t implement gun reform. If someone wants to force me to obey these laws, you’ll have to try to take my guns from me. Come and get them!”
“We shouldn’t discuss gun reform right now. Don’t politicize this shooting.”
“The U.S. is saturated with hundreds of millions of guns. If guns were a factor in violence, our country would be riddled with an epidemic violent outbreaks. Firearms must not be an issue.”
“Why does the NRA get blamed for gun violence in the U.S.? Innocent NRA members have nothing to do with these shootings.”